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Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff
100 409d 01h magnus /branches/bookworm/ Create bookworm branch  
99 411d 22h magnus /trunk/debian/ * Non-maintainer upload.
* no-libreplace.patch: disable libreplace which is not needed anymore and
causes build failures with glibc 2.34 (Closes: #1016821).
98 411d 22h magnus /trunk/debian/ * Non-maintainer upload.
* spf_compile.c: Correct size of ds_avail (CVE-2021-20314)
* Sanity check for sprintf
* Fixed 'reverse' macro modifier
95 3175d 01h magnus /trunk/debian/ Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7.  
94 3175d 01h magnus /trunk/debian/ error_results.patch: Return information to use in the mail header and
such when no or multiple SPF records exist (Closes: #806313). Thanks
to Sebastian Schweizer <>.
93 3448d 21h magnus /trunk/debian/ Spelling error  
92 3448d 21h magnus /trunk/debian/ no variable argument when compiling with GCC 5 (Close: #777974).
* Rearrange debian/copyright to comply with the machine-readable format
91 3448d 21h magnus /trunk/debian/ gcc5-variadicmacros.patch: Fix syntax error with variadic macro with
no variable argument when compiling with GCC 5 (Closes: #777974).
89 3704d 22h magnus /trunk/debian/ Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.  
88 3704d 22h magnus /trunk/debian/ abolish-spf-rrtype.patch: Stop trying to look up the dedicated SPF DNS
RR type, which was abolished by RFC 7208 (Closes: #764533).
86 3803d 21h magnus /trunk/debian/ debian/rules: Update URL in get-orig-source target (a year late).  
85 3803d 21h magnus /trunk/debian/ Golf it up.  
84 3803d 22h magnus /trunk/debian/ Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5.  
83 3803d 22h magnus /trunk/debian/ * Upgrade to Debhelper compat level 9, in order to:
* Handle variable vendorarch installation directory (Closes: #752712),
by making debian/libmail-spf-xs-perl.install executable.
81 3958d 04h magnus /trunk/debian/ Update changelog date.  
80 3964d 20h magnus /trunk/debian/ * Merge changes from Ubuntu (Closes: #734224).
* Use dh-autoreconf instead of autotools-dev to also fix FTBFS on ppc64el by
getting new libtool macros (still updates config.{sub,guess}).
75 4131d 07h magnus /trunk/debian/ * Convert debian/copyright to machine-readable format and update
copyright info including details on files in src/libreplace.
* debian/spfquery.libspf2.1: Change license to 2-clause BSD, as was
intended from the beginning.
74 4190d 19h magnus /trunk/debian/ Set priority of the XS/Perl package to extra.  
73 4190d 20h magnus /trunk/debian/ Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4.  
72 4190d 20h magnus /trunk/debian/ Change back the minimum version in the shlibs file to 1.2.8~ considering that the newer symbols were internal.  

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