Rev |
Age |
Author |
Path |
Log message |
Diff |
Changes |
81 |
4975d 03h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
nettle-2.1.patch (new): Build with Nettle 2.1. |
80 |
4975d 03h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
blacklist.patch: Don't reject when blacklisted_key() returns -1,
indicating no blacklist file for the key type and/or size in question
exists. |
79 |
4975d 03h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
* Change source format to 3.0 (quilt), renaming all patches
from *.dpatch to *.patch and dropping the numbers.
* While 30_nonettle.dpatch was a script that used sed to modify
instances of, nonettle.patch patches files as
well as dh-autoremake is used to call autoremake before
configure and to restore the effects in the clean target. The
src/nettle subdirectory still needs to be renamed to avoid its header
files from being found; that is now done in debian/rules.
* Switch from CDBS to a more old-style debian/rules to get better
control over the build process.
* Increase Debhelper compat level to 7. |
73 |
5210d 22h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
ipv6_v6only.dpatch (new): Set the IPV6_V6ONLY socket option on
AF_INET6 sockets; since lshd by default enumerates available address
families and calls bind() once for each, conflicts will occur
otherwise. |
72 |
5210d 23h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/patches/ |
Correct name of terminate_on_connection_failure.dpatch. |
71 |
5408d 10h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
terminate_on_connection_failure.dpatch (new): Make sure that lsh exits
if it fails to connect to the remote host (Closes: #485812). |
64 |
5471d 04h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/patches/ |
Corrent copyright info. |
63 |
5471d 04h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Improve blacklist.dpatch and add note to debian/copyright. |
60 |
5472d 01h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
* blacklist.dpatch: Check keys against openssh-blacklist before
accepting for pubkey authentication as well as on conversion by
lsh-writekey and lsh-decode-key.
* lsh-server: Depend on openssh-blacklist, recommend -blacklist-extra.
lsh-utils: Recommend openssh-blacklist and -blacklist-extra. |
34 |
5539d 02h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/patches/ |
Fix patch descriptions and author info. |
33 |
5539d 02h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
* Build with Nettle 2.0 (nettle-dev).
* nettle_2.0.dpatch created to adapt to API changes.
* 30_nonettle.dpatch modified to add -lhogweed to LDADD where
appropriate. |
21 |
5972d 10h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
40_better_errmsg_when_dotlsh_missing.dpatch (new): In unix_random.c,
check whether the seed file exists before trying to lock it, and give
the hint about running lsh-make-seed if it doesn't (Closes: #485856). |
8 |
6238d 03h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Many changes:
* Wrap dependency fields
* Put names of files to install in *.install, *.manpages etc., with
a few exceptions
* Add 30_nonettle.dpatch, which moves src/nettle out of the way
and changes references to nettle in the various
* Drop the deprecated lshc wrapper.
* Delete debian/*.dirs (dh_installdirs is almost never needed).
* Change lshc to lsh in debian/mans/lcp.1
* No longer ship sexp-conv, which comes from nettle, but let lsh-utils
depend on nettle-bin instead. lsh-utils.postinst and lsh-utils.prerm
thus can be dropped.
* Put sftp-server in /usr/lib/lsh-server and let the manpage be
sftp-server(8lsh), so that it doesn't have to be called
* Depend on dpatch again.
* Ship lsh documentation in HTML format and add
debian/lsh-doc.doc-base listing it and the Info file. |