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1,47 → 1,49
Source: pike7.6
Source: pike7.8
Section: interpreters
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Magnus Holmgren <>
Uploaders: Henrik Andreasson <>
Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), dpatch, bison, sharutils, bc,
Standards-Version: 3.8.0
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), dpatch, bison, sharutils, bc, pkg-config,
libgmp3-dev, libnettle-dev (>= 1.14),
zlib1g-dev | libz-dev, libbz2-dev, libreadline5-dev,
libgdbm-dev, libiodbc2-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev, libpq-dev,
libperl-dev, libpcre3-dev, libxml2-dev,
zlib1g-dev | libz-dev, libbz2-dev,
libgdbm-dev, libiodbc2-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev, libpq-dev, libsqlite3-dev,
libsdl-mixer1.2-dev, libsdl1.2-dev, libsane-dev,
x11proto-gl-dev, libxpm-dev, libglade2-dev, libfreetype6-dev,
freeglut3-dev, libjpeg-dev, libtiff4-dev, librsvg2-dev (>= 2.7), libpng12-dev
freeglut3-dev, libjpeg-dev, libtiff4-dev, librsvg2-dev (>= 2.7),
gnome-core-devel, libgtkhtml2-dev, libfuse-dev,
libfftw3-dev, libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
Build-Conflicts: libutahglx-dev
Vcs-Svn: svn://
Package: pike7.6-core
Package: pike7.8-core
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Suggests: pike7.6-doc
Recommends: pike7.6-image (= ${binary:Version})
Suggests: pike7.8-doc
Recommends: pike7.8-image (= ${source:Version})
Description: Powerful interpreted programming language
Pike is an interpreted, object-oriented, dynamic programming language
with a syntax similar to C. It includes many powerful data types and
a module system that, for instance, provides image manipulation together,
with support for graphics formats like SVG, JPG, PNG, GIF, XCF and many
others, database connectivity, advanced cryptography, XML/HTML parsers
others, database connectivity, advanced cryptography, XML/HTML parsers
and others. To learn more about pike, please visit
Note that some of the Pike features are found in other pike7.6-* packages
(image processing, MySQL, PostgreSQL, sane and more).
Note that some of the Pike features are found in other pike7.8-* packages
(image processing, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SANE and more).
Package: pike7.6
Package: pike7.8
Architecture: all
Depends: pike7.6-core (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-image (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-gdbm (>= ${source:Version})
Recommends: pike7.6-doc (>= ${source:Version})
Suggests: pike7.6-mysql (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-pg (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-dev (>= ${source:Version})
Description: Recommended metapackage for Pike 7.6
This is a metapackage which depends upon several other Pike
Depends: pike7.8-core (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-image (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-gdbm (>= ${source:Version})
Recommends: pike7.8-doc (= ${source:Version})
Suggests: pike7.8-mysql (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-pg (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-dev (>= ${source:Version})
Description: Recommended meta package for Pike 7.8
This is a meta package which depends upon several other Pike
packages that together make up the recommended Pike installation.
If you want to install every packaged component of the Pike
distribution, please install the pike7.6-meta package.
distribution, please install the pike7.8-meta package.
If you want to remove several components this package depends
upon, you can purge this package without worrying about the
49,189 → 51,203
don't need on your system.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-dev
Package: pike7.8-dev
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (>= ${source:Version})
Description: Development files for Pike 7.6
This package contains files you will need to develop C extension
modules for Pike. The package depends on the recommended set of
packages for the Pike environment.
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (>= ${source:Version})
Description: Development files for Pike 7.8
This package contains files you will need to develop C extension modules
for Pike. The package depends on the recommended set of packages for the
Pike environment.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-manual
Package: pike7.8-manual
Architecture: all
Section: doc
Description: Pike 7.6 manual
Description: Pike 7.8 manual
The Pike manual auto-generated from the sources.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-reference
Package: pike7.8-reference
Architecture: all
Section: doc
Description: Pike 7.6 reference
Description: Pike 7.8 reference
The Pike reference auto-generated from the sources.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-doc
Package: pike7.8-doc
Architecture: all
Section: doc
Depends: pike7.6-manual (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-reference (>= ${source:Version})
Description: Pike 7.6 documentation metapackage
This package depends upon all the Pike 7.6 documentation
packages. Note that the download and installation sizes might be very
Depends: pike7.8-manual (= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-reference (= ${source:Version})
Description: Pike 7.8 documentation meta package
This package depends upon all the Pike 7.8 documentation packages. Note
that the download and installation sizes might be very large.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-meta
Package: pike7.8-meta
Architecture: all
Depends: pike7.6 (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-mysql (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-pg (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-odbc (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-image (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-sdl (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-gdbm (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-gl (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-sane (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-doc (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-dev (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-perl (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-svg (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-pcre (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.6-bzip2 (>= ${source:Version})
Description: Metapackage for Pike 7.6
Depends: pike7.8 (= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-mysql (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-pg (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-odbc (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-image (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-sdl (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-gdbm (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-gtk (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-gl (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-sane (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-doc (= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-dev (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-svg (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-pcre (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-bzip2 (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-fuse (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-sqlite (>= ${source:Version}), pike7.8-dnssd (>= ${source:Version})
Description: Meta package for Pike 7.8
This package depends on all the components that make up the Pike
language distribution. It will pull in a LOT of packages the
Pike components depend upon (including XFree libraries, GTK+, GNOME)!
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-mysql
Package: pike7.8-mysql
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: MySQL module for Pike
This Pike module provides access to MySQL databases.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-pg
Package: pike7.8-pg
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: PostgreSQL module for Pike
This Pike module provides access to PostgreSQL databases.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-odbc
Package: pike7.8-odbc
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Odbc module for Pike
This Pike module provides glue to the iOdbc interface.
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: ODBC module for Pike
This Pike module provides glue to the iODBC interface.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-svg
Package: pike7.8-svg
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Suggests: pike7.6-image (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Suggests: pike7.8-image (= ${source:Version})
Description: SVG format support for Pike
This module provides an SVG graphics format module. It has
been separated from the pike7.6-image module because of its
been separated from the pike7.8-image module because of its
quite extensive dependencies.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-image
Package: pike7.8-image
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Suggests: pike7.6-svg (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Suggests: pike7.8-svg (= ${source:Version})
Description: Image module for Pike
This module provides many powerful image processing functions to
Pike programs.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-sdl
Package: pike7.8-sdl
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: SDL module for Pike
This module provides the Pike interface to the SDL library.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-gdbm
Package: pike7.8-gdbm
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Gdbm module for Pike
This Pike module provides access to gdbm databases.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-gl
Package: pike7.8-gtk
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: GTK module for Pike
This Pike module provides access to the GTK+ library.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.8-gl
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Mesa module for Pike
This Pike module provides access to the Mesa 3D graphics library.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-sane
Package: pike7.8-sane
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: SANE module for Pike
This Pike module provides access to SANE.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-perl
Package: pike7.8-pcre
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Perl module for Pike
This Pike module enables one to embed perl in pike programs.
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: PCRE module for Pike
This Pike module enables one to use the PCRE (Perl regular
expressions) from within the Pike programs.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-pcre
Package: pike7.8-bzip2
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: PCRE module for Pike
This Pike module enables one to use the PCRE (Perl-compatible regular
expressions) from within Pike programs.
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Bzip2 module for Pike
This Pike module enables one to use the Bzip2 compression
algorithm from within the Pike programs.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.6-bzip2
Package: pike7.8-fuse
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.6-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Bzip2 module for Pike
This Pike module enables one to use the Bzip2 compression
algorithm from within Pike programs.
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Filesystem in USErspace support for Pike
This Pike module enables one to export filesystems to the Linux
kernel using the FUSE library.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.6-core package or visit the URL
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.8-sqlite
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: SQLite module for Pike
This Pike module enables one to use the SQLite embedded database
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.
Package: pike7.8-dnssd
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, pike7.8-core (= ${binary:Version})
Description: DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD) for Pike
This Pike module enables one to take advantage of DNS service discovery.
DNS Service Discovery is a way of using standard DNS programming interfaces,
servers, and packet formats to browse the network for services.
Pike is an interpreted programming language, for more information
see the description of the pike7.8-core package.