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Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff
37 6025d 19h magnus /trunk/debian/ * No longer install welcome.html (see above) and motd.html (no real
content) in /etc/prayer. Install login_prefix.html, login_suffix.html,
and motd.html (the versions found in files/ in the
distribution tarball) in /usr/share/doc/prayer/examples instead.
* Do not install prayer-chroot (too experimental, hardcoded chroot path)
or prayer-sem-prune (does nothing that ipcrm cannot do).
36 6025d 19h magnus /trunk/debian/ welcome_is_template.patch (new): Although the welcome screen is now a
template among others, cmd_welcome.c still tried to read the file
specified by welcome_path (welcome.html by default) and wouldn't show
the welcome screen if the option was unset or the file couldn't be
read. This patch removes that check as well as the welcome_path and
help_path options from
35 6025d 19h magnus /trunk/debian/ * makefile_install_config.patch: Changes to the default config:
- Disable SSL session caching.
- Clean out "direct connection stuff". Remove lock_dir since we use
SysV semaphores.
* Point login_prefix_path, motd_path, and login_suffix_path towards
* Change postponed-mail and sent-mail to Drafts and Sent.
* Improve SSL/TLS configuration:
* makefile_install_config.patch: Point ssl_cert_file and
ssl_privatekey_file to /etc/ssl/*/ssl-cert-snakeoil.*.
+ Add dependency on ssl-cert (>= 1.0.11).
+ prayer.postinst: Add prayer to group ssl-cert on fresh install or
when upgrading from versions prior to this one.
34 6025d 19h magnus /trunk/debian/ * New upstream release featuring XHTML templates and fixes to various
bugs created by the reorganisation.
- Drop accountd_makefile_typo.patch; fixed upstream.
32 6048d 21h magnus /trunk/debian/ debian/patches/accountd_makefile_typo.patch: Fix typo that caused PAM
not to be used.
30 6048d 21h magnus /trunk/debian/ repair_ssl_session_db_on_version_mismatch.patch: Recreate session DB
environment when upgrading from a version of Prayer that used an older
BDB library.
23 6050d 20h magnus /trunk/debian/ - (makefile_install_config.patch and debian/Config):
var_prefix set to /var/run/prayer and referred to in other
settings. socket_split_dir disabled by default and default sockets
directory changed to /var/run/prayer/sockets.
* Package build details:
- Reduce makefile_install_config.patch by not changing BROOT into DESTDIR.
- Override CDBS overriding CFLAGS.
21 6050d 21h magnus /trunk/debian/ * New upstream release featuring a major code reorganisation and a new
template system.
- Drop obsolete folder_list_cosmetics.patch and includes.patch.
15 6064d 18h magnus /trunk/debian/ makefile_install_config.patch: Set authtype = pam in so
that accountd will start.
12 6064d 21h magnus /trunk/debian/ * Define LDAP_DEPRECATED so that the deprecated LDAP interfaces can be
* makefile_install_config.patch: Modify prayer/Makefile so that the
above definition isn't lost if CFLAGS is overridden.
9 6066d 18h magnus /trunk/debian/ folder_list_cosmetics.patch: Remove space between expand/collapse
arrow and folder icon in the folder list and change the alt texts so
that the tree looks nicer in text browsers.
5 6066d 20h magnus /trunk/debian/ * First upload to unstable.
* New upstream release.
- Drop pidfiles_extension.patch, session_unix_bugs.patch,
session_server_bugs.patch; all incorporated upstream.
- Drop ipv6.patch; incorporated upstream.
- Drop utf8.patch; incorporated and improved upstream.
- Drop hasnochildren_means_noinferiors.patch since upstream now
handles dual-use mailboxes.
* New maintainer email address.
3 6069d 23h magnus /trunk/debian/ [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk