Rev |
Age |
Author |
Path |
Log message |
Diff |
95 |
1860d 02h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
no_eval.patch: [CVE-2019-19920] Manually parse option string in
Greylisting plugin, avoiding use of eval() (Closes: #946829, #947198). |
94 |
1937d 01h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
sprintf_no_format_string.patch: With exim 4.93, string_sprintf()
requires at least two arguments (Closes: #943571). Thanks to Andreas
Metzler. |
93 |
1937d 03h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Build with -DLOCAL_SCAN. |
92 |
2136d 03h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Update changelog date. |
91 |
2136d 03h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Don't update body_linecount when zero, indicating body_wireformat.
Don't close #926952, which is already closed. |
90 |
2139d 02h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
api-limitation.patch: Do expansion of $primary_hostname on every call;
for some reason, it were getting overwritten between calls despite
using the permanent memory pool in accordance with Exim documentation
(Closes: #926952). Also start using body_linecount again since it's
now part of the API. |
89 |
2139d 02h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
remove-header-crs.patch (new): Strip out carriage returns from header
lines returned by spamd when the spool file is in wire format
(Probably closes: #879687; it's a bit unclear what the bug is about). |
87 |
3145d 03h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
reproducible-build.patch: Make ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS always UTF-8 encoded
rather than depending on the environment. |
85 |
3156d 15h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Override Lintian warning about virtual exim4-localscanapi dependency
regardless of API version. |
84 |
3156d 15h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8. |
82 |
3156d 15h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Use dpkg-buildflags. |
81 |
3156d 15h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
greylist-lint.patch: disable greylisting plugin during spamassassin
--lint to avoid warnings about missing headers (Closes: #760860).
Thanks to Chaskiel Grundman. |
80 |
3156d 15h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
postrm: On purge, always delete the greylisting tuplets directory
first. Normally, /var/spool/sa-exim is then empty and can be removed
without asking the user, avoiding leaving unowned files (Closes:
#657140). |
79 |
3156d 16h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
postinst, postrm: Remove hard-coded path to invoke-rc.d. |
78 |
3156d 16h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
delete-ext-html-references.patch (new): sa.html, which is shipped in
the doc directory, is a copy of the author's webpage on sa-exim from
his website, but without the images or linked pages, which means that
most of the images and links don't work, except the SourceForge logo,
which was fetched from, causing a privacy concern. We
drop the images and make the non-absolute links relative to |
77 |
3156d 16h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Fix changelog message. |
76 |
3156d 16h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
greylisting-ipv6.patch: Finally add IPv6 support to the greylisting
plugin (Closes: #508161). Replaces grey-only-ipv4.patch. Based on
Robert Tasarz's patch, though I decided to do things a little
differently by keeping the greylistfourthbyte option for backwards
compatibility and not adding separate options for IPv4 and IPv6 at
this time. Also, with that option enabled, there will only be one
directory level for all the last 64 bits of an IPv6 address. |
75 |
3157d 08h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
reproducible-build.patch (new): Make build reproducible by replacing
the build date with the source date via ${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} when
available (Closes: #831649). Thanks to Chris Lamb. |
72 |
4827d 13h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Update changelog date. |
71 |
4919d 03h |
magnus |
/trunk/debian/ |
Update Standards-Version to 3.9.2. |