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Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff
64 4926d 03h magnus /trunk/debian/ Updated Danish and Dutch Debconf template translations (Closes:
#608447, #634314).
62 5477d 23h magnus /trunk/debian/ Updated Spanish Debconf template translation (Closes: #543310).
Submitted by Francisco Javier Cuadrado.
60 5703d 05h magnus /trunk/debian/ New Russian and updated French Debconf translation.  
52 5822d 03h magnus /trunk/debian/ * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
english team as part of the Smith review project (Closes: #517169).
* Corresponding Debconf translation updates:
* Brazilian Portuguese from Adriano Rafael Gomes. (Closes: #519422).
* Czech from Miroslav Kure (Closes: #518989).
* Finnish from Esko Arajärvi (Closes: #518200).
* German from Matthias Julius (Closes: #518332).
* Galician from Marce Villarino. (Closes: #519487).
* Italian from Luca Monducci (Closes: #519177).
* Japanese from Hideki Yamane (Closes: #518502).
* Portuguese from Miguel Figueiredo. (Closes: #519002).
* Swedish from Martin Bagge (Closes: #518325).
* Vietnamese from Clytie Siddall (Closes: #517813).
The following translations have not been updated yet: da, es, fr, nl.
44 6106d 07h magnus /trunk/debian/ Add Brazilian Portuguese Debconf template translation (Closes:
#484986). Thanks to Adriano Rafael Gomes and Felipe Augusto van de
38 6126d 22h magnus /trunk/debian/ New maintainer email address.  
37 6126d 22h magnus /trunk/debian/ Add Finnish Debconf template translation (Closes: #472788). Thanks to
Esko Arajärvi.
13 6555d 06h magnus /trunk/ Changes for sa-exim 4.2.1-6  
11 6555d 06h magnus /trunk/debian/ Changes for sa-exim 4.2.1-5  
9 6555d 06h magnus /trunk/debian/ Changes for sa-exim 4.2.1-4 (added es.po)  
7 6555d 06h magnus /trunk/debian/po/ Added file de.po for sa-exim 4.2.1-3  
6 6555d 06h magnus /trunk/ Changes for sa-exim 4.2.1-3  
4 6555d 06h magnus /trunk/ [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk  
3 6555d 06h magnus /trunk/ [svn-inject] Forking sa-exim source to Trunk  
1 6555d 06h magnus / [svn-inject] Installing original source of sa-exim