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# Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Sampo Kellomaki ( All Rights Reserved.
# This is free software. You may distribute under GPL. NO WARRANTY.
# PlainDoc to LaTeX, DocBook, and HTML converter
# $Id: pd2tex,v 1.55 2009-11-10 23:28:31 sampo Exp $
# xx.xx.1999, created, Sampo Kellomaki <>
# 3.2.2002, complete rewrite --Sampo
# (snip -- see ChangeLog)
# 10.11.2009, patch from Octavio Alvarez <>
# 12.1.2010, Improvements to the blogging system and multipage HTML --Sampo
# 29.1.2011, Tweaks and minor bug fixes --Sampo
# 29.3.2011, Added a <<csv: >> feature --Sampo
# 2.2.2012, Render Latin1 special chars using math mode --Sampo
# 30.1.2013, Moved .tex and spell.words temp files to tex/ subdirectory --Sampo
# 8.2.2013, Fixed RTF support --Sampo
# 27.4.2013, .nonl support and added <<multicol*: >> construct --Sampo
# 21.2.2014, Added pdseal support --Sampo
# Usage: ./pd2tex foo.pd
# Document contains (document can be considered as a special top level section)
# - <<special: constructs>>
# - anything that a section can contain
# Sections and subsections can contain
# - lower level subsections (identified by underlining)
# - anything that body can contain
# - direct descendants must be top level lists
# List items are identified by level of indent and can contain
# - anything that body can contain
# - list can contain only lower level lists (more indent)
# - list can never contain sections or subsections. Appearence of a section terminates list
# - decrease in level of indent terminates list
# - list items can be single line or multiline, with same indent
# Body text can contain
# - lists (no list can not span (sub)sections)
# - * bulleted lists
# - 1. number lists
# - a. alpha lists
# - definition:: lists (subsequent lines must be indented by 4 chars)
# - <<table: Caption text ...>>
# - <<img: file.eps: Caption text>>
# N.B. The best way to produce diagram drawings is to use dia for drawing
# and export as .eps. Then run `epstopdf file.eps'. Only problem with this
# method is that there is no control of image size. Thus the eps must already
# be the correct size. Apparently the best way to accomplish this is to
# use the dia File->Page Setup->Scale option to reduce the image (e.g. 70%).
# - code, identified by indent
# - para, if nothing special indicates otherwise
# - body terminates if
# - indent level decreases
# - something looking like section is found
# Table contains cells defined by special syntax. Each cell content is treated as a para
# Para can contain
# - *bold*, +italic+, ~code~
# - inline <<image.gif>>
# - and links (autodetected)
# - [references]
# - paragraphs are separated by empty lines (and special constructs?)
# Code section starts at given level of indent and continues until less indented
# line. Lines in between may be more indented if needed.
# Lists and indent (| = current indent, : = parent's indent; lesser indent terminates construct)
# 1.: parent list
# :a.|same level
# :b.|same level
# : |* sublist
# : |* sub
# :c.|same level (terminates sub)
# : |* sub
# 2.: next parent item
# Book printing
# pd2tex r-slim.pd
# pdftops
# psbook # omit -s for best result
# mpage -o -2 -j1%2 -P # odd sheets
# # HP4100: rotate output by 180 degrees and put in input tray with image up (p. 1)
# mpage -o -2 -j2%2 -P # even sheets
# # invert order of output, fold, and staple in middle
# Latex tips
# ==========
# Too deeply nested Apparently this really means what it says. Maybe something not closing?
# Float too large Picture or table is too large to fit in available space on page. Ignore.
# Overfull \vbox Means that something didn't really fit. May cause misformatting. Ignore.
# Missing $ inserted Automatic switch to math mode: char (e.g. under score) only allowed
# in math mode was seen and LaTeX "helpfully" switches to math mode.
# \usepackage{lineno} \linenumbers: Use 'lineno' as moreopt parameter of <<class: >>
# \hspace{\fill} Right align rest of line
$usage = <<USAGE;
Usage: pd2tex mydoc.pd # Generate mydoc.tex, mydoc.pdf, mydoc.dbx, and mydoc.html
pd2tex -acroread mydoc.pd # Regenerate document and preview it
pd2tex <mydox.pd >mydoc.tex # filter mode
pd2tex -dbx <mydoc.pd >mydoc.dbx # filter mode for DocBook
pd2tex -verify <plaintext # Verify PDSEAL
-dbx Invokes DocBook filter mode
-html Invokes HTML filter mode (must make subdirectory html)
-gensafe Convert images from ps, eps, dot, or dia to pdf only if no pdf (default)
-gendep Convert from ps, eps, dot, or dia to pdf based on time stamps
-genforce Force conversion of images from ps, eps, dot, or dia to pdf
-nogen Prevent conversion of images from ps, eps, dot, or dia to pdf
-notex Prevent .tex output in normal mode. Also prevents .pdf output.
-nopdf Prevent .pdf output in normal mode (.tex is still generated).
-nodbx Prevent .dbx output in normal mode
-nohtml Prevent .html output in normal mode
-nohtml2 Prevent multipage .html output in normal mode
-nortf Prevent .rtf output in normal mode (.rtf is only poorly supported)
-noref Skip expensive reference resolution pass.
-nohtmlpreamb Prevent HTML preamble from being added
-nosecnum Prevent automatic section numbering
-p Same as -pdfonly
-pdfonly Only generate .tex and .pdf output (no .dbx, .html, or .rtf)
-htmlonly Only generate .html output (no .tex, .dbx, or .rtf)
-html2only Only generate multipage html (no .tex, .dbx, or .rtf)
-fn Omit footnotes.
-FN Force footnotes even on dbx (some dbx tools are broken wrt footnotes in lists)
-n Dry run. Do not alter files on disk.
-acroread Automatically launch acroread after processing the document
-d DIR Change current working directory to DIR
-o path Specify output path different from input
-DMACRO=VAL Define a macro to have a value
-verify Verify a PDSEAL (e.g. paste text from PDF to stdin)
-init Create typical directory hierarchy used by pd2tex (tex, html, tmp, review)
### Configure
$trace = 0;
$number = 0; # Should sections and lists be explicitly numbered in dbx
$tex_col_wid_factor = 1.8; # TeX: tweak the table/column width (mm per equals sign in underline)
$dbx_col_wid_factor = 0.08; # DocBook: tweak the table/column width (inches per equals sign)
$hbadness = 2000; # Do not warn for hbadness below this. See also tables which set this to 10000.
$imggen = 'safe';
$pipemode = 0;
$html2_split_threshold = 99; # 99 = Always split
$fn_style = 1; # 0 = omit (-fn), 1 = tex ok, dbx inline, 3 = both tex and dbx footnotes (-FN)
$maxlogline = 77;
$htmldir = 'html/';
$texdir = 'tex/';
$dbxdir = 'tex/';
$rtfdir = 'tex/';
$pdflag{'autoformat'} = 1; # <<pdflags: autoformat=0>>
$pdflag{'showsgasxsd'} = 0; # <<pdflags: showsgasxsd=1>>
$pdflag{'stripsecnum'} = 1; # <<pdflags: stripsecnum=0>>
$pdflag{'secnum'} = 1; # <<pdflags: secnum=0>>
### Process command line options
while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
$f = $ARGV[0];
if ($f eq '-acroread') { shift; $acroread = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-dbx') { shift; $dbx_filter = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-html') { shift; $html_filter = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-gensafe') { shift; $imggen = 'safe'; next; }
if ($f eq '-gendep') { shift; $imggen = 'dep'; next; }
if ($f eq '-genforce') { shift; $imggen = 'force'; next; }
if ($f eq '-pdfonly' || $f eq '-p') { shift; $nodbx=$nortf=$nohtml=$nohtml2=1; next; }
if ($f eq '-htmlonly') { shift; $nodbx=$nortf=$notex=$nohtml2=1; next; }
if ($f eq '-html2only'){ shift; $nodbx=$nortf=$nohtml=$notex=1; next; }
if ($f eq '-nogen') { shift; $imggen = ''; next; }
if ($f eq '-notex') { shift; $notex = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-nopdf') { shift; $nopdf = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-nodbx') { shift; $nodbx = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-nohtml') { shift; $nohtml = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-nohtml2') { shift; $nohtml2 = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-nortf') { shift; $nortf = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-noref') { shift; $noref = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-nopipe') { shift; $pipemode = 0; next; }
if ($f eq '-pipe') { shift; $pipemode = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-nosecnum') { shift; $pdflag{'secnum'} = 0; next; }
if ($f eq '-nohtmlpreamb') { shift; $nohtmlpreamb = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-htmldir') { shift; $htmldir = shift; next; }
if ($f eq '-epstopng') { shift; epstopng($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); exit; }
if ($f eq '-n') { shift; $dryrun = 1; next; }
if ($f eq '-fn') { shift; $fn_style = 0; next; } # omit footnotes
if ($f eq '-FN') { shift; $fn_style = 3; next; } # force dbx footnotes
if ($f eq '-t') { shift; ++$trace; next; }
if ($f eq '-d') { shift; chdir shift; next; }
if ($f eq '-o') { shift; $base = shift; next; }
if ($f =~ /^-D(\w+)(?:=(.*))?$/) { $mac{$1} = $cmdline_mac{$1} = $2; shift; next; }
if ($f eq '-init') {
#mkdir "corners";
mkdir '.pd'; # Private temp files (like tmp, but newer)
mkdir 'tex';
mkdir $htmldir;
mkdir 'review';
mkdir 'tmp'; # See also .pd
if ($f eq '-verify') {
undef $/;
$x = <STDIN>;
($pdseal,$sha1) = $x =~ /(PDSEAL1([A-Za-z0-9_.-]+))/;
$x =~ s/PDSEAL1[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+//;
die "pdseal($pdseal) is wrong length" if length $pdseal != 7+28;
$x = pdseal1($x);
die "pdseal($pdseal) mismatch($x) normalized_form($pdseal_norm)" if $pdseal ne $x;
warn "OK: pdseal($pdseal) matches.\n";
die "Unknown argument `$f'\n$usage";
if (@ARGV) { # Not filter mode: input file name is an argument
$file = shift;
$base ||= $file;
$base =~ s/\.pdf?$//i;
$base =~ s/tex\///i;
open STDIN,"<$file" or die "Cannot read input file $file: $!";
open NONL,">$texdir$base.nonl"; # output where newlines are stripped to ease importing to Word
open PDSEAL,">$texdir$base.seal"; # output in pdseal hashable format
if ($notex || $dryrun) {
open TEX,">/dev/null";
open BIB,">/dev/null";
$nopdf = 1;
} else {
unlink "$texdir$base.tex"; # in case stray pipe was left over from previous iteration
if ($pipemode) {
# Since LaTeX apparently does not support reading input from stdin, we fool
# it by creating a named pipe. This allows us to interperse the pd2tex error
# output with the messages from LaTeX.
if ($enabib) {
open BIB,">$texdir$base.bib" or die "Cannot write $texdir$base.bib: $!";
open TEX,">$texdir$base.tex" or die "Cannot write $texdir$base.tex: $!";
warn "Writing $texdir$base.tex";
if (-d 'tex') {
select TEX; $| = 1; select STDOUT;
if (!($texpid = fork)) {
die "fork (for pdflatex) failed: $!" if !defined($texpid);
chdir $texdir;
warn "pdflatex -file-line-error-style -interaction=errorstopmode $base.tex";
exec "pdflatex -file-line-error-style -interaction=errorstopmode $base.tex";
die "exec pdflatex failed: $!";
} else {
warn "WARNING: For pdflatex post processing tex subdirectory is needed. Create using pd2tex -init (or mkdir tex)\n";
#open TEX,"|pdflatex -file-line-error-style -interaction=errorstopmode - >$base.pdf"
# or die "Cannot open pipe to pdflatex: $!";
} else {
### This is the normal case when you invoke: pd2text foo.pd
if ($enabib) {
open BIB,">$texdir$base.bib" or die "Cannot write $texdir$base.bib: $!";
open TEX,">$texdir$base.tex" or die "Cannot write $texdir$base.tex: $!";
warn "Writing $texdir$base.tex";
if ($nohtml || $dryrun) {
open HTML,">/dev/null";
} else {
if (!length($htmldir) || -d $htmldir) {
$html1 = "$base.html";
open HTML,">$htmldir$html1" or die "Cannot write $htmldir$html1: $!";
warn "Writing $htmldir$html1";
} else {
warn "WARNING: For HTML conversion to work, you must create subdirectory called html. E.g. pd2tex -init (or mkdir html)";
open HTML,">/dev/null";
$html1 = undef;
if ($nohtml2 || $dryrun) {
open HTML2,">/dev/null";
$html2 = undef;
} else {
if (!length($htmldir) || -d $htmldir) {
$html2 = "$base-front-matter.html";
open HTML2,">$htmldir$html2" or die "Cannot write $htmldir$html2: $!";
warn "Writing $htmldir$html2";
} else {
warn "WARNING: For HTML conversion to work, you must create subdirectory called html. E.g. mkdir html";
open HTML2,">/dev/null";
$html2 = undef;
if ($nodbx || $dryrun) {
open DBX,">/dev/null";
} else {
open DBX,">$dbxdir$base.dbx" or die "Cannot write $dbxdir$base.dbx: $!";
warn "Writing $dbxdir$base.dbx";
if ($nortf || $dryrun) {
open RTF,">/dev/null";
} else {
open RTF,">$rtfdir$base.rtf" or die "Cannot write $rtfdir$base.rtf: $!";
warn "Writing $rtfdir$base.rtf";
} else {
if ($dbx_filter) {
open BIB,">/dev/null";
open TEX,">/dev/null";
open DBX,">&STDOUT";
open RTF,">/dev/null";
open NONL,">/dev/null";
open PDSEAL,">/dev/null";
open HTML,">/dev/null";
open HTML2,">/dev/null";
$html2 = undef;
} elsif ($html_filter) {
open BIB,">/dev/null";
open TEX,">/dev/null";
open DBX,">/dev/null";
open RTF,">/dev/null";
open NONL,">/dev/null";
open PDSEAL,">/dev/null";
open HTML,">&STDOUT";
open HTML2,">/dev/null";
$html2 = undef;
} else {
open BIB,">/dev/null";
open TEX,">&STDOUT";
open DBX,">/dev/null";
open RTF,">/dev/null";
open NONL,">/dev/null";
open PDSEAL,">/dev/null";
open HTML,">/dev/null";
open HTML2,">/dev/null";
$html2 = undef;
$nopdf = 1;
# Exceptions to the two letter country code recognition
%not_a_country = ( pl=>'perl', cc=>'c++', hh=>'c++ hdr', sh=>'Shell',
ds=>'DirectoryScript', pd=>'PlainDoc', so=>'Shared Object' );
# Exceptions to dot designates path rule
%not_a_path = ( 'i.e'=>1, 'e.g'=>1, 'p.ex'=>1, 'E.U'=>1, 'U.E'=>1, 'U.S'=>1,
'and/or'=>1, 'AND/OR'=>1, 'e/ou'=>1, 'ja/tai'=>1,
'c.d'=>1, 'n.b' => 1, 'N.B'=>1, 'S.A'=>1, 'n/a'=>1);
$encoding = 'UTF-8'; # only for dbx
#$encoding = 'Latin1';
#$code_tag = 'literallayout';
$code_open_tag = '<programlisting format="non-normative-code"><computeroutput>'; # used for indented code blocks
$code_close_tag = '</computeroutput></programlisting>'; # used for indented code blocks
$tag_tag = 'command';
%dbx_list_open = (
'1' => qq(<orderedlist>\n),
'a' => qq(<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">\n),
'A' => qq(<orderedlist numeration="upperalpha">\n),
'i' => qq(<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">\n),
'I' => qq(<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">\n),
'*' => qq(<itemizedlist mark="bullet">\n),
'-' => qq(<itemizedlist mark="hyphen">\n),
'+' => qq(<itemizedlist mark="plus">\n),
'o' => qq(<itemizedlist mark="opencircle">\n),
':' => qq(<variablelist>\n), # termlength="20"
%dbx_list_close = (
'1' => qq(</orderedlist>\n\n),
'a' => qq(</orderedlist>\n\n), 'A' => qq(</orderedlist>\n\n),
'i' => qq(</orderedlist>\n\n), 'I' => qq(</orderedlist>\n\n),
'*' => qq(</itemizedlist>\n\n), '-' => qq(</itemizedlist>\n\n),
'+' => qq(</itemizedlist>\n\n), 'o' => qq(</itemizedlist>\n\n),
':' => qq(</variablelist>\n\n),
# html
%html_list_open = (
'1' => qq(<ol>\n),
'a' => qq(<ol>\n), 'A' => qq(<ol>\n),
'i' => qq(<ol>\n), 'I' => qq(<ol>\n),
'*' => qq(<ul>\n), '-' => qq(<ul>\n),
'+' => qq(<ul>\n), 'o' => qq(<ul>\n),
':' => qq(<dl>\n),
%html_list_close = (
'1' => qq(</ol>\n\n),
'a' => qq(</ol>\n\n), 'A' => qq(</ol>\n\n),
'i' => qq(</ol>\n\n), 'I' => qq(</ol>\n\n),
'*' => qq(</ul>\n\n), '-' => qq(</ul>\n\n),
'+' => qq(</ul>\n\n), 'o' => qq(</ul>\n\n),
':' => qq(</dl>\n\n),
# rtf
%ord_mark = (
'1' => [ qw(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30) ],
'a' => [ qw(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) ],
'A' => [ qw(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) ],
'i' => [ qw(i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx) ],
$rtf_tabs = '\tx720 \tx1440 \tx2160 \tx2880';
%rtf_styles = (
'ds1' => 'SEC1;',
'ds2' => 'SEC2;',
'ds3' => 'SEC3;',
'ds4' => 'SEC4;',
'ds5' => 'SEC5;',
'ds6' => 'SEC6;',
's1' => '\sa360 \keepn \fs48 \b H1;',
's2' => '\sa320 \keepn \fs36 \b H2;',
's3' => '\sa280 \keepn \fs30 \b H3;',
's4' => '\sa220 \keepn \fs24 \b H4;',
's5' => '\sa220 \keepn \fs24 \b H5;',
's6' => '\sa220 \keepn \fs24 \b H6;',
's10' => '\sa360 para;',
's14' => '\qc \sa360 \fs56 \b Title;',
's15' => '\qc \sa360 \i Author;',
's16' => '\qj \sa360 \li720 \ri720 \i Abstract;',
's21' => '\sa180 \qj \li360 \ri360 blockquote1;',
's22' => '\sa180 \qj \li720 \ri720 blockquote2;',
's23' => '\sa180 \qj \li1080 \ri1080 blockquote3;',
's24' => '\sa180 \qj \li1440 \ri1440 blockquote4;',
's31' => $rtf_tabs . ' \sa180 \li720 \ri180 \fi-720 list1;',
's32' => $rtf_tabs . ' \sa180 \li1440 \ri180 \fi-720 list2;',
's33' => $rtf_tabs . ' \sa180 \li2160 \ri180 \fi-720 list3;',
's34' => $rtf_tabs . ' \sa180 \li2880 \ri180 \fi-720 list4;',
%rtf_list_item = (
'1' => qq({\\pn \\pnlvl!!N !!M. ),
'a' => qq({\\pn \\pnlvl!!N !!M. ), 'A' => qq({\\pn \\pnlvl!!N !!M. ),
'i' => qq({\\pn \\pnlvl!!N !!M. ), 'I' => qq({\\pn \\pnlvl!!N !!M. ),
#'*' => qq({\\par \\pard \\bullet ), '-' => qq(\\par \\pard - ),
'*' => qq({\\pn \\pnlvl!!N \\pnlvlblt {\\pntxtb \\bullet} ), '-' => qq({\\pn \\pnlvl!!N \\pnlvlblt {\\pntxtb -} ),
'+' => qq({\\pn \\pnlvl!!N \\pnlvlblt {\\pntxtb +} ), 'o' => qq({\\pn \\pnlvl!!N \\pnlvlblt {\\pntxtb o} ),
) if 0;
%rtf_list_item = (
'1'=>"{\\pard !!S \\s3!!N\n!!M.\\tab ",
'a'=>"{\\pard !!S \\s3!!N\n!!M.\\tab ", 'A'=>"{\\pard !!S \\s3!!N\n!!M.\\tab ",
'i'=>"{\\pard !!S \\s3!!N\n!!M.\\tab ", 'I'=>"{\\pard !!S \\s3!!N\n!!M.\\tab ",
'*'=>"{\\pard !!S \\s3!!N\n\\'b7\\tab ", '-'=>"{\\pard !!S \\s3!!N\n-\\tab ",
'+'=>"{\\pard !!S \\s3!!N\n+\\tab ", 'o'=>"{\\pard !!S \\s3!!N\no\\tab ",
) if 1;
$enum = 'enumerate';
#$enum = 'denseenum';
$itemize = 'itemize';
#$itemize = 'denseitemize';
%tex_list_open = (
'1' => qq(\\begin{$enum}[1.]\n),
'a' => qq(\\begin{$enum}[a.]\n), 'A' => qq(\\begin{$enum}[A.]\n),
'i' => qq(\\begin{$enum}[i.]\n), 'I' => qq(\\begin{$enum}[I.]\n),
'*' => qq(\\begin{$itemize}\n), '-' => qq(\\begin{$itemize}\n),
'+' => qq(\\begin{$itemize}\n), 'o' => qq(\\begin{$itemize}\n),
':' => qq(\\begin{description}\n),
%tex_list_item = (
'1' => qq(\\item ),
'a' => qq(\\item ), 'A' => qq(\\item ),
'i' => qq(\\item ), 'I' => qq(\\item ),
'*' => qq(\\item ), '-' => qq(\\item[-] ),
'+' => qq(\\item[+] ), 'o' => qq(\\item[o] ),
':' => qq(\\item[notused]\n),
%tex_list_close = (
'1' => qq(\\end{$enum}\n\n),
'a' => qq(\\end{$enum}\n\n), 'A' => qq(\\end{$enum}\n\n),
'i' => qq(\\end{$enum}\n\n), 'I' => qq(\\end{$enum}\n\n),
'*' => qq(\\end{$itemize}\n\n), '-' => qq(\\end{$itemize}\n\n),
'+' => qq(\\end{$itemize}\n\n), 'o' => qq(\\end{$itemize}\n\n),
':' => qq(\\end{description}\n\n),
%tex_align = ( l => '', r => '\\hfill ', c => '\\centering' ); # , '' => ' \\raggedright'
%th_align = ( l => ' align=left', r => ' align=right', c => '' );
%td_align = ( l => '', r => ' align=right', c => ' align=center' );
$class = 'article';
$tex_doc_class = "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}\n";
# See also <<texsections: ignore section* subsection* subsubsection* subsubsubsection* paragraph*>>
# N.B. subsubsubsection does not exist in all LaTeX document styles
# ==== ---- ~~~~ ^^^^
@tex_sec_article = qw( ignore section subsection subsubsection textbf paragraph );
@tex_sec_slide = qw( ignore section* subsection* subsubsection* subsubsubsection* paragraph* );
@tex_sec_book = qw( ignore chapter section subsection subsubsection subsubsubsection paragraph );
@tex_sec = @tex_sec_article;
#$tex_flt_place = '!hbp';
$tex_flt_place = '!hbt'; #Removed p because you usually do not want all the images in one page at the end of the chapter
$includegraphics = '\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio]';
$maketitle = '\\maketitle';
$moretexpreamble = <<LATEX;
\\rfoot{!?!HEADER_TITLE, p. \\thepage !?!AFTER_PAGE}
$moretexpreamble_empty = <<LATEX;
# ;
$moretexpreamble_clean = <<LATEX;
$moretexpreamble_confidential = <<LATEX;
\\lfoot{\\today\\\\Proprietary and Confidential. May contain privileged information.}
\\cfoot{\\copyright !?!COPYRIGHT}
\\rfoot{!?!HEADER_TITLE, p. \\thepage !?!AFTER_PAGE}
$tex_boxed_tab = 1;
if ($tex_boxed_tab) {
$tex_tab_hdr_sep = "\\\\\n\\hline\n\\hline\n";
$tex_tab_line_sep = "\\\\\n\\hline\n";
$tex_left_bar = '|';
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$tex_bot_line = "\\\\\n\\hline\n";
} else {
$tex_tab_hdr_sep = "\\\\\n\\hline\n";
$tex_tab_line_sep = "\\\\\n";
$tex_left_bar = '';
$tex_top_line = '';
$tex_bot_line = '';
$toc_enable = '';
$dbxpreamble = <<DBX; # <!ENTITY legalnotice SYSTEM "../legal/legalnotice-sg-1.0.dbx">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="$encoding"?>
<!DOCTYPE article SYSTEM "../../src/dtd/libdocbook.dtd" [
<!ENTITY % xinclude SYSTEM "../../src/dtd/xinclude.mod">
<!ENTITY legalnotice SYSTEM "../legal/legalnotice-wsf-2.0.dbx">
# N.B. in the following !?! indicates a variable that will be substituted near end of processing
$htmlpreamble2 = <<HTML2;
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="!?!BASE.css">
<body bgcolor=white>
[<a href="!?!PREV">Prev</a>]<hr>
$htmlpostamble2 = qq(<hr>[<a href="!?!PREV" class=prevBut>Prev</a> | <a href="!?!NEXT" class=nextBut>Next</a>]<hr>\n);
### End configure
use Data::Dumper;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$curdate = strftime "%e %b %Y", gmtime;
$yyyy = 1900 + (gmtime)[5];
### Expand all %include_pd() and %include_code() sections
sub readall {
my ($f, $dont_die_on_unfound) = @_;
unless (open X, "<$f") {
if ($dont_die_on_unfound) {
warn "$i: Missing include file <<$f>>: $!";
warn `pwd`;
return "***missing file $f***";
} else {
die "Cant read($f): $!";
undef $/; # warning: global effect
my $x = <X>;
close X;
return $x;
sub writeall {
my ($f,$x) = @_;
open X, ">$f" or die "Cant write $f: $!";
warn "Writing $f";
print X $x;
close X;
sub include {
my ($prefix,$path,$ext) = @_;
return "$prefix<<$path$ext>>" if $path =~ /^\w+:/; # Specials
if ($ext =~ /^\.(svg)|(e?ps)|(png)|(gif)|(jpe?g)$/i) { # Images
warn(('-'x$inc_iter)." image: $path$ext\n");
return "$prefix<<$path$ext>>";
#my $x = readall(($path=~m%^/%s) ? "$path$ext":"../$path$ext", 1);
my $x = readall("$path$ext", 1);
warn(('-'x$inc_iter)." <<include: $path$ext>> got ".length($x)." chars\n");
$x =~ s/\r?\n<<EOF: .*?>>.*$//s;
if ($prefix =~ /^\s+$/) { # Verbatim block?
$x =~ s/\n/\n$prefix/g;
return $prefix . $x;
} else {
return $x;
sub incl_range {
my ($prefix,$path,$ext,$start,$end) = @_;
my $x = readall($path.$ext, 1);
my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $x;
warn(('-'x$inc_iter)." <<includerange:$path$ext: $start-$end>> got ".length($x)." chars, $#lines lines\n");
@lines = splice @lines, $start, $end-$start;
$x = join "\n", @lines;
if ($prefix =~ /^\s+$/) { # Verbatim block?
$x =~ s/\n/\n$prefix/g;
return $prefix . $x;
} else {
return $x;
sub hexit {
my ($x,$tag) = @_;
$x =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%02x",ord($1))/ges;
return "^^^^^^^^$tag: $x~~~~~~~~" if $tag;
return $x;
sub unhexit {
my ($x) = @_;
$x =~ s/(..)/chr(hex($1))/gsex;
return $x;
sub def_macro {
my ($name, $value) = @_;
#die "def_macro($name,$value)";
$mac{$name} = $value unless defined $cmdline_mac{$name};
return '';
sub def_specific_macro {
my ($name, $tex, $dbx, $htm, $rtfl) = @_;
#warn "SPECIFIC MACRO tex($tex) dbx($dbx) html($html)";
$mac{$name} = '';
$mac{$name} .= hexit($tex, 'RAWTEX') if $tex;
$mac{$name} .= hexit($dbx, 'RAWDBX') if $dbx;
$mac{$name} .= hexit($rtf, 'RAWRTF') if $rtf;
$mac{$name} .= hexit($html,'RAWHTML') if $html;
#$tex_mac{$name} = $tex;
#$dbx_mac{$name} = $dbx;
#$html_mac{$name} = $html;
return '';
sub extract_macros {
# <<define: MACRO!value>> <<define: MACRO=value>>
# 1 1 2 2
$pd =~ s|\n<<define:\s+(\w+)[=!]([^>]+)>>|def_macro($1, $2)|gex;
#$pd =~ s|\n<<define:\s+\w+.*?>>\s*\n|HErE|sg;
# 1 1 2 tex 2 3 dbx 3 4 html 4
#$pd =~ s/\n<<definespecific: (\w+)(?:!([^!>]+)(?:!([^!>]+)(?:!([^!>]+))?)?)?>>/def_specific_macro($1, $2, $3, $4)/gex;
# 1 1 2 tex 2 3 dbx 3 4 html 4
$pd =~ s/\n<<definespecific:\s+(\w+)[!=]([^!]+)!([^!]+)!([^!]+?)>>/def_specific_macro($1, $2, $3, $4)/gex;
$pd =~ s|\n<<default:\s+(\w+)!([^>]+)>>|def_macro($1, $2) if !defined $mac{$1}|gex;
### Read in file, expand includes, process conditionals
undef $/;
$pd = <STDIN>;
warn "original input: ".length($pd)." chars\n";
$pd =~ s|\n<<define1st:\s+(\w+)[=!]([^>]+)>>|def_macro($1, $2)|gex;
#extract_macros(); # First iteration, only -D macros are valid
for ($inc_iter = 1; $inc_iter <= 5; ++$inc_iter) { # 5 levels of include nesting
#Remove lines beginning with % (by Fredrik Jonsson 070708)
# Unfortunately this seems to interfere with verbatim includes, esp. sg --Sampo
#$/ = "\n"; # Disable Slurp mode to find beginning of lines
#$pd =~ s/^%.*//gm; # % means TeX comment
#undef $/; # Enable Slurp mode again
# 1 1 2 path 23 ext 3 4 4 5 5
$pd =~ s{^(.*?)<<includerange: ([^\n>:]+?)(\.\w+)?:\s+(\d+)-(\d+)>>}
$pd =~ s/^(.*?)<<([^\n>]+?)(\.\w+)?>>/include($1,$2,$3)/gem;
$pd =~ s/<<ignore:\s+.*?>>[ \t]*//sg; # Ignore blocks are omitted (eat trailing spaces, too)
# Conditional processing (n.b. only macros from -D flags or <<define1st: >> can be tested)
# 1 1 2 2 3 3
$pd =~ s/<<if:\s+(\w+)>>(.*?)<<else:\s+>>(.*?)<<fi:\s+>>/$mac{$1}?$2:$3/gsex;
warn "input after includes and conditionals: ".length($pd)." chars\n";
### Figure out document class
$pagestyle = "\\usepackage{fancyhdr}\n\\pagestyle{fancy}\n";
($class, $optarg, $lang, $header_title, $after_page, $moreopt) =
$pd =~ m/<<class:\s+(\w+)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*))?)?)?)?)?>>/s;
if ($class) {
#warn "class($class) optarg($optarg) lang($lang) hdrtit($header_title) after_page($after_page) [$&]";
$pd =~ s/<<class:\s+.*?>>//s;
if ($class eq 'book') {
warn "BOOK";
@tex_sec = @tex_sec_book;
} elsif ($class eq 'empty') {
warn "EMPTY";
$class = 'article';
$moretexpreamble = $moretexpreamble_empty;
} elsif ($class eq 'clean') {
warn "CLEAN";
$class = 'article';
$moretexpreamble = $moretexpreamble_clean;
} elsif ($class eq 'confidential') {
$class = 'article';
$moretexpreamble = $moretexpreamble_confidential;
} elsif ($class eq 'slide') {
warn "SLIDE";
@tex_sec = @tex_sec_slide;
$class = 'article';
$optarg ||= '12pt';
$paper = 'custom';
$wid = '400pt';
$ht = '300pt';
$new_slide = "\n\\newpage\n\n"; # force page break before each section
$lm = '5mm';
$tm = '3mm';
$rm = '5mm';
$bm = '7mm'; # tall enough for 8mm logo art in footer
$hh = '12pt';
$hs = '5pt';
$fh = '12pt';
$fs = '14pt';
$tex_doc_class = "\\documentclass[$optarg]{$class}\n";
$tex_doc_class .= "\\usepackage[$lang]{babel}\n\\selectlanguage{$lang}\n" if $lang;
if ($moreopt eq 'lineno') {
$lineno = "\\usepackage{lineno}\n\\linenumbers";
### Custom paper size and margins (See LaTeX companion pp.89-90 (vmargin replaces vpage))
# <<papersize: empty!a4!landsacpe>>
# <<papersize: fancy!a4>>
# <<papersize: fancy!custom!dummy!210mm!297mm!25mm!10mm!25mm!10mm!7mm!5mm!7mm!5mm>>
($headfootstyle, $paper2, $orient, $wid2, $ht2, $lm2, $tm2, $rm2, $bm2, $hh2, $hs2, $fh2, $fs2) =
$pd =~ m/<<papersize:\s+(\w+)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*))?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?)?>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<papersize:\s+.*?>>//s;
$paper = $paper2 if $paper2;
$wid = $wid2 if $wid2;
$ht = $ht2 if $ht2;
$lm = $lm2 if $lm2; # left margin
$tm = $tm2 if $tm2; # top margin
$rm = $rm2 if $rm2; # right margin
$bm = $bm2 if $bm2; # bottom margin
$hh = $hh2 if $hh2; # head height
$hs = $hs2 if $hs2; # head sep
$fh = $fh2 if $fh2; # foot height
$fs = $fs2 if $fs2; # foot skip
if ($paper || $orient) {
$vmargin ||= "\\usepackage{vmargin}\n";
$paper ||= "Afour";
if ($paper eq 'custom') {
$vmargin .= "\\setpapersize{custom}{$wid}{$ht}\n";
} else {
$orient = "[$orient]" if $orient;
$vmargin .= "\\setpapersize${orient}{$paper}\n";
if ($lm || $tm || $rm || $bm) {
$lm ||= '0mm'; # left margin
$tm ||= '0mm'; # top margin
$rm ||= '0mm'; # right margin
$bm ||= '0mm'; # bottom margin
$hh ||= '0mm'; # head height
$hs ||= '0mm'; # head sep
$fh ||= '0mm'; # foot height
$fs ||= '0mm'; # foot skip
$vmargin ||= "\\usepackage{vmargin}\n";
$vmargin .= "\\setmarginsrb{$lm}{$tm}{$rm}{$bm}{$hh}{$hs}{$fh}{$fs}\n";
warn "vmargin($vmargin)";
if ($headfootstyle && $headfootstyle ne 'fancy') {
$pagestyle = "\\pagestyle{$headfootstyle}\n"; # e.g. empty or plain
### Tweak paragraph and line spacing: <<linespace: LINESPACING!PARINDENT!PARSKIP>>
($linespacing, $parindent, $parskip) =
$pd =~ m/<<linespace:\s+([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*)(?:!([^!>]*))?)?>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<linespace:\s+.*?>>//s;
$linespace .= "\\renewcommand{\\baselinestretch}{$linespacing}\n" if $linespacing;
$linespace .= "\\setlength\\parindent{$parindent}\n" if $parindent;
$linespace .= "\\setlength\\parskip{$parskip}\n" if $parskip;
#die "pd($pd)";
$pd =~ s/<<cvsid:\s+(.*?)>>/$cvsid.="$1\n",''/ge;
($cvsfile, $cvsrevision, $cvsdate, $cvstime, $cvsuser) =
$cvsid =~ /^\$Id:\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/;
def_macro('CVSID', $cvsid);
def_macro('CVSFILE', $cvsfile);
def_macro('CVSREVISION', $cvsrevision);
def_macro('CVSDATE', $cvsdate);
def_macro('CVSTIME', $cvstime);
def_macro('CVSUSER', $cvsuser);
($author) = $pd =~ m/<<author:\s+(.*?)>>/;
$pd =~ s/<<author:\s+.*?>>//;
$author ||= 'N.N.';
#warn "author($author)";
def_macro('AUTHOR', $author);
($copyright) = $pd =~ m/<<copyright:\s+(.*?)>>/;
$pd =~ s/<<copyright:\s+.*?>>//;
$copyright ||= $author;
def_macro('COPYRIGHT', $copyright);
($top_id , $version) = $pd =~ m/<<version:(?:([\w-]+):)?\s+(.*?)>>/;
$pd =~ s/<<version:.*?>>//;
def_macro('VERSION', $version);
### Substitute macros
$pd =~ s/!!(\w+)(?:\?([^!]*)\?)?/$mac{$1}||$2/ge;
### Extract some special <<components>>
($x) = $pd =~ s%<<notapath:\s+(.*?)>>%for $x (split /[,\s]+/,$1) { $not_a_path{$x}=1; }%gse;
($x) = $pd =~ s%<<notaurl:\s+(.*?)>>%for $x (split /[,\s]+/,$1) { $not_a_url{$x}=1; }%gse;
($x) = $pd =~ s%<<notacountry:\s+(.*?)>>%for $x (split /[,\s]+/,$1) { $not_a_country{$x}=1; }%gse;
($abstract) = $pd =~ m/<<abstract:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
#warn "abstract $abstract" if $trace;;
#$tex_abstract = "\\begin{quote} Abstract: ".tex_para($abstract)."\\end{quote}\n\n" if $abstract;
$tex_abstract = "\\begin{abstract}\n".tex_para($abstract)."\\end{abstract}\n\n" if $abstract;
$rtf_abstract = rtf_format($abstract) if $abstract;
$rtf_abstract =~ s/\n/\n /sg;
$nonl_abstract = $abstract;
$pdseal_abstract = $abstract;
$abstract =~ s%\r?\n\r?\n%^^^^/para~~~~\n^^^^para~~~~%sg;
$dbx_abstract = dbx_para($abstract);
$abstract =~ s%^^^^/para~~~~\n^^^^para~~~~%\n^^^^p~~~~%sg;
$html_abstract = html_para($abstract);
$pd =~ s/<<abstract:\s+.*?>>/<<tex:\n$tex_abstract>>/s;
($first_page) = $pd =~ m/<<1stpage:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<1stpage:\s+.*?>>//s;
($keywords) = $pd =~ m/<<keywords:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<keywords:\s+.*?>>//s;
$keywords =~ s{,\s*}{</keyword>\n<keyword>}gs;
($x) = $pd =~ m/<<texpreamble:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<texpreamble:\s+.*?>>//s;
$texpreamble = $x if $x;
$texpreamble =~ s/!\?!AUTHOR/$author/;
$texpreamble =~ s/!\?!HEADER_TITLE/$header_title/;
$texpreamble =~ s/!\?!AFTER_PAGE/$after_page/;
$texpreamble =~ s/!\?!COPYRIGHT/$copyright/;
$texpreamble =~ s/!\?!VERSION/$version/;
$texpreamble =~ s/!\?!TITLE/$doctitle/; # *** $doctitle not defined yet
if ($pd =~ m/<<moretexpreamble:\s+.*?>>/s) {
$moretexpreamble = '';
$pd =~ s/<<moretexpreamble:\s+(.*?)>>/$moretexpreamble.=$1,''/gse;
$moretexpreamble =~ s/!\?!AUTHOR/$author/;
$moretexpreamble =~ s/!\?!HEADER_TITLE/$header_title/;
$moretexpreamble =~ s/!\?!AFTER_PAGE/$after_page/;
$moretexpreamble =~ s/!\?!COPYRIGHT/$copyright/;
$moretexpreamble =~ s/!\?!VERSION/$version/;
$moretexpreamble =~ s/!\?!TITLE/$doctitle/; # *** $doctitle not defined yet
if ($pd =~ m/<<moremoretexpreamble:\s+.*?>>/s) {
$pd =~ s/<<moremoretexpreamble:\s+(.*?)>>/$moremoretexpreamble.=$1,''/gse;
($x) = $pd =~ m/<<dbxpreamble:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<dbxpreamble:\s+.*?>>//s;
$dbxpreamble = $x if $x;
($x) = $pd =~ m/<<htmlpreamble:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<htmlpreamble:\s+.*?>>//s;
$htmlpreamble = $x if $x;
$htmlpreamble =~ s/!\?!AUTHOR/$author/;
$htmlpreamble =~ s/!\?!HEADER_TITLE/$header_title/;
$htmlpreamble =~ s/!\?!AFTER_PAGE/$after_page/;
$htmlpreamble =~ s/!\?!COPYRIGHT/$copyright/;
$htmlpreamble =~ s/!\?!VERSION/$version/;
$htmlpreamble =~ s/!\?!TITLE/$doctitle/; # *** $doctitle not defined yet
($x) = $pd =~ m/<<htmlpostamble:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<htmlpostamble:\s+.*?>>//s;
$htmlpostamble = $x if $x;
$htmlpostamble =~ s/!\?!AUTHOR/$author/;
$htmlpostamble =~ s/!\?!HEADER_TITLE/$header_title/;
$htmlpostamble =~ s/!\?!AFTER_PAGE/$after_page/;
$htmlpostamble =~ s/!\?!COPYRIGHT/$copyright/;
$htmlpostamble =~ s/!\?!VERSION/$version/;
$htmlpostamble =~ s/!\?!TITLE/$doctitle/; # *** $doctitle not defined yet
($x) = $pd =~ m/<<htmlpreamble2:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<htmlpreamble2:\s+.*?>>//s;
$htmlpreamble2 = $x if $x;
$htmlpreamble2 =~ s/!\?!AUTHOR/$author/;
$htmlpreamble2 =~ s/!\?!HEADER_TITLE/$header_title/;
$htmlpreamble2 =~ s/!\?!AFTER_PAGE/$after_page/;
$htmlpreamble2 =~ s/!\?!COPYRIGHT/$copyright/;
$htmlpreamble2 =~ s/!\?!VERSION/$version/;
$htmlpreamble2 =~ s/!\?!TITLE/$doctitle/; # *** $doctitle not defined yet
($x) = $pd =~ m/<<htmlpostamble2:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<htmlpostamble2:\s+.*?>>//s;
$htmlpostamble2 = $x if $x;
$htmlpostamble2 =~ s/!\?!AUTHOR/$author/;
$htmlpostamble2 =~ s/!\?!HEADER_TITLE/$header_title/;
$htmlpostamble2 =~ s/!\?!AFTER_PAGE/$after_page/;
$htmlpostamble2 =~ s/!\?!COPYRIGHT/$copyright/;
$htmlpostamble2 =~ s/!\?!VERSION/$version/;
$htmlpostamble2 =~ s/!\?!TITLE/$doctitle/; # *** $doctitle not defined yet
($additionalarticleinfodbx) = $pd =~ m/<<additionalarticleinfodbx:\s+(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<additionalarticleinfodbx:\s+.*?>>//s;
($odt_name, $x) = $pd =~ m/<<odtpreamble:\s+(\w+)\n(.*?)>>/s;
if ($x) {
$pd =~ s/<<odtpreamble:\s+.*?>>//s;
open ODT, ">$odt_name/content.xml" or die "Can not write ODT file '$odt_name/content.xml': $!";
warn "Writing $odt_name/content.xml";
print ODT $x;
} else {
open ODT,">/dev/null";
($history_ena, $history_title, $x) = $pd =~ m/<<history:(\d:)?\s*(\S[^\n]*)?(.*?)>>/s;
$history = $x if $x; # 2 dd mm yy 3 auth 12.10.2005
@history = split qr{^([\d.-]+):: (\d+[./-]\d+[./-]\d+),\s+(.*?)\s*$}m, $history;
shift @history;
if (!@history) {
# 2 dd mm yy 12. October, 2005
@history = split /^([\d.-]+):: (\d+\.\s+\w+,?\s+\d+),\s+(.*?)\s*$/m, $history;
shift @history;
if ($history) {
if ($history_title =~ /^\d/) {
# *** Process "2.4.2005, description, --Author" style history
$tex_history = $history_title ? "\\subsubsection*{$history_title}" : '';
$tex_history .= qq({\\small\n\\begin{description});
for ($j=0; $j<$#history; $j+=4) {
$tex_revdesc = $history[$j+3];
$tex_revdesc =~ s%^\s+\*%\\item%gm;
$tex_history .= qq(\\item[$history[$j]] $history[$j+1] $history[$j+2]\n);
$tex_history .= qq(\\begin{itemize}\n$tex_revdesc\n\\end{itemize}\n)
unless $tex_revdesc =~ /^\s*$/s;
$tex_history .= qq(\\end{description}});
if ($history_ena eq '1:') {
$pd =~ s/<<history:(\d:)?\s+.*?>>/<<tex:\n$tex_history\n>>/sg;
} else {
$pd =~ s/<<history:(\d:)?\s+.*?>>//sg;
($credit_title, $x) = $pd =~ m/<<credit:([^\n]*)(.*?)>>/s;
$credit = $x if $x;
if ($credit) {
@credits = split /\n/, $credit;
$credit_title =~ s/^\s+//;
$tex_credit = "\\textbf{$credit_title}\\\\";
for $x (@credits) {
$tex_credit .= tex_para($x);
$pd =~ s/<<credit:\s+.*?>>/<<tex:\n$tex_credit>>/sg;
### Generate index entries
@ix = (); # Words to index
sub add_to_index {
my ($x) = @_;
my ($w,$ws,@ws,$ww);
for $ws (split /\n/, $x) {
next if $ws =~ /^\s*$/s;
$ws =~ s/^\s+//;
$ws =~ s/\s+$//;
@ws = split /\s*!\s*/, $ws;
for $w (@ws) {
($ww,undef) = split /\@/, $w;
next if $ww =~ /^\s*$/s;
$ix{$ww} = $ws[0];
$pd =~ s/<<wordix:(.*?)>>/add_to_index($1)/seg;
$pd =~ s/<<conceptix:(.*?)>>/add_to_index($1)/seg;
$pd =~ s/<<peopleix:(.*?)>>/add_to_index($1)/seg;
@ix = keys %ix;
($makeindex) = $pd =~ m/<<makeindex:\s+(\d*)(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<makeindex:\s+.*?>>/$makeindex?'<<tex: \\printindex>>':''/se;
($maketoc) = $pd =~ m/<<maketoc:\s+(\d*)(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<maketoc:\s+.*?>>/$maketoc?'<<tex: \\tableofcontents>>':''/se;
($makelof) = $pd =~ m/<<makelof:\s+(\d*)(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<makelof:\s+.*?>>/$makelof?'<<tex: \\listoffigures>>':''/se;
($makelot) = $pd =~ m/<<makelot:\s+(\d*)(.*?)>>/s;
$pd =~ s/<<makelot:\s+.*?>>/$makelot?'<<tex: \\listoftables>>':''/se;
#warn "makeindex($makeindex) maketoc($maketoc) makelof($makelof) makelot($makelot)";
($mktit) = $pd =~ m/<<maketitle:\s+(\d*)(.*?)>>/s;
if (defined($mktit)) {
$maketitle = $mktit ? "\\maketitle\n" : '';
$pd =~ s/<<maketitle:\s+.*?>>//s;
$pd =~ s/^\#.*?-\*-pd-\*-.*?\n//s;
($doctitle,$ul) = $pd =~ m/^(\w..+?)\r?\n(\#\#\#+)\r?\n\r?\n/s;
#($doctitle,$version,$ul) = $pd =~ m/^(\w..+?)\nVersion: ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+-[0-9][0-9])\n(\#\#\#+)\n\n/s;
$pd =~ s/^\w..+?\r?\n\#\#\#+\r?\n\r?\n//s;
warn "Wrong length underline" if length($doctitle) != length($ul);
$pd =~ s%<<rawtex:\s*(.*?)>>%hexit($1, 'RAWTEX')%gse;
$pd =~ s%<<rawdbx:\s*(.*?)>>%hexit($1, 'RAWDBX')%gse;
$pd =~ s%<<rawrtf:\s*(.*?)>>%hexit($1, 'RAWRTF')%gse;
$pd =~ s%<<rawhtml:\s*(.*?)>>%hexit($1, 'RAWHTML')%gse;
writeall("pd.dump.$$", $pd) if $trace; # Dump file after special tags have been extracted
if (1) {
$x = $pd;
$x =~ s/\\\w+(\[.*?\])*(\{.*?\})*/ /gs;
$x =~ s/\$.{1,100}?\$/ /gs;
$x =~ s/<<\w+:\s+.*?>>/ /sg; # All special blocks are omitted
$x =~ s/\[.+?\]/ /gs;
$x =~ s/\d+/ /gs;
$x =~ s|[.,;:!?+*&/%\"\'°º()<>{}^~=-]| |g; # *** primero, segunda
my @spell = split /\s+/s, $x;
my %spell;
for $x (@spell) { ++$spell{$x}; }
open SPELL, ">${texdir}spell.words" or die "Can't write dump file ${texdir}spell.words: $!";
warn "Writing ${texdir}spell.words";
@spell = sort keys %spell;
for $x (@spell) {
print SPELL "$x\n" unless $x =~ /^[A-Z]+$/;
close SPELL;
# aspell --encoding=iso8859-1 --lang=pt list <spell.words >miten.meni *** ei toimi hyvin
# aspell --encoding=iso8859-1 --lang=en_GB-ize --personal=./spell.right list <spell.words
# aspell --encoding=iso8859-1 --lang=en_US --personal=./spell.right list <tex/spell.words
# First line of spell.right: personal_ws-1.1 en 350 iso8859-1
# ispell -d portugues -p oikein.dict -l <spell.words >miten.meni # Toimii
# cd /var/lib/ispell; unzip /t/; buildhash [-s] dict affix hash # syntax err :-(
### Split into lines and do line processing
@pd = split /\r?\n/, $pd;
$i = 0;
#die Dumper \@pd;
$sec_id[0] = $top_id || $doctitle;
$sec_id[0] =~ tr[A-Za-z0-9][_]c;
$sec_level = 0; # The section nesting level (0 = doc, 1=sec, 2=subsec, 3=subsubsec, ...)
sub sec {
my ($la, $j, $nndbx, $given_id, $short_title, $new_sec_level, @n_sec);
while ($i <= $#pd) {
warn "$i: sec $sec_level" if $trace;
if ($i > $#pd) { # end
# Ok, now body has detected a section
$short_title = $given_id = undef;
$_ = $pd[$i]; # section title
# 12 2 1 3 3 4 4 5 5
if (/^<<((sub)*)sec:(?:(\w+):(?:([^:>]+):)?)? (.*?)>>/) { # <<sec:ID:short tit: Title>>
warn "$i: section detected list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
$new_sec_level = (length($1) / 3) + 1;
$given_id = $3;
$short_title = "[$4]";
$_ = $5;
} else {
$la = $pd[$i+1]; # underline lookahead
warn "underline length does not match" if length $_ != length $la; # Sec candidate
if ($la =~ /^====+$/) { $new_sec_level = 1; # Section (Chapter)
} elsif ($la =~ /^----+$/) { $new_sec_level = 2; # Subsection (Section)
} elsif ($la =~ /^~~~~+$/) { $new_sec_level = 3; # Subsubsection (Subsection)
} elsif ($la =~ /^\^\^\^+$/) { $new_sec_level = 4; # Subsubsubsection
} else { warn "false alarm, wrong underline type"; }
s/^[\d.]* //s if $pdflag{'stripsecnum'};
if ($new_sec_level == $sec_level) {
print DBX ( (' 'x$sec_level) . "</section><!--$sec_id[$sec_level]-->\n\n\n");
#print RTF "\\sect}\n\n\n";
if ($sec_level < 1) {
warn "Figures in the previous section: $cap_n_images. Total figures thus far: $n_images.\n";
$cap_n_images = 0;
} elsif ($new_sec_level > $sec_level) {
warn "Section level can only ever increase by one ($i:$pd[$i]) ($sec_level $new_sec_level)" if $sec_level != ($new_sec_level-1);
$sec_level = $new_sec_level;
$n_sec[$sec_level] = 0;
} else { # section level decreases (by arbitrary amount)
if ($sec_level < 1) {
warn "Figures in the previous section: $cap_n_images. Total figures thus far: $n_images.\n";
$cap_n_images = 0;
for ($j = $sec_level; $j >= $new_sec_level; --$j) {
print DBX ((' 'x$j) . "</section><!--$sec_id[$sec_level]-->\n\n\n");
#print RTF "\\sect}\n\n\n";
$sec_level = $new_sec_level;
$sec_id[$sec_level] = $given_id || $_;
$sec_id[$sec_level] =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//gs;
$sec_id = join '-', @sec_id[0..$sec_level];
$nn = '';
for ($j = 1; $j <= $sec_level; ++$j) {
$nn .= $n_sec[$j] . '.';
chop $nn;
$link = $sec_id;
##$link = $nn;
##$link =~ s/[^\w.-]//gs;
##$link =~ s/[.]/-/gs;
#$link = fold_label($_); # fjon
$sec_no = $pdflag{'secnum'} ? $nn.' ' : '';
$sec_no_dbx = $sec_no if $number;
#while ($sec_id_used{$sec_id}) { $sec_id++; } $sec_id_used{$sec_id} = 1;
$x = dbx_format($_);
print DBX ( (' 'x$sec_level) . qq(<section id="$sec_id">\n<title>$sec_no_dbx$x</title>\n));
print NONL "$_\n\n";
print PDSEAL "$sec_no$_\n\n";
$x = rtf_format($_);
#print RTF "{\\sectd \\tc\\tcf67\\tcl$sec_level \\ds$sec_level {\\s$sec_level $sec_no$x}\n";
my $rtf_style = $rtf_styles{'s'.$sec_level};
warn "----> sec_level=$sec_level style($rtf_style)" if $trace;
print RTF "{\\pard $rtf_style \\s$sec_level $sec_no$x\\par}\n";
$x = html_format($_);
print HTML ((' 'x$sec_level) . qq(<a id="$link"></a><h$sec_level>$sec_no$x</h$sec_level>\n));
push @html_toc_title, $sec_level < 2 ? "<b>$sec_no$x</b>" : "$sec_no$x";
push @html_toc_link, $link;
if ($sec_level < $html2_split_threshold && $html2) {
$prevprev = $prev2;
$prev2 = $html2;
($nn_dash = $nn) =~ s/[.]/-/gs;
$html2 = "$base-$nn_dash$sec_id.html";
#$html2 = $nn.$x;
#$html2 =~ s/[^\w.-]//gs;
#$html2 =~ s/[.]/-/gs;
#$html2 = "$base-$html2.html";
if (!$nohtmlpreamb) {
my $amb = $htmlpostamble2;
$amb =~ s/!\?!TITLE/$doctitle: $sec_no$x/gs;
$amb =~ s/!\?!BASE/$base/gs;
$amb =~ s/!\?!PREV/$prevprev/gs;
$amb =~ s/!\?!NEXT/$html2/gs;
print HTML2 $amb;
close HTML2;
open HTML2, ">$htmldir$html2" or die "Can't open $htmldir$html2 for writing new HTML segment: $!";
warn "Writing $htmldir$html2";
if (!$nohtmlpreamb) {
my $amb = $htmlpreamble2;
$amb =~ s/!\?!TITLE/$doctitle: $sec_no$x/gs;
$amb =~ s/!\?!BASE/$base/gs;
$amb =~ s/!\?!PREV/$prev/gs;
$amb =~ s/!\?!NEXT/top-next-not-impl/gs;
print HTML2 $amb;
#warn "amb($amb) base($base)\n\n";
$reflist{$link} = $nn; # Remember caption for later use
$refhtmlpage{$link} = $html2;
print HTML2 ( (' 'x$sec_level) . qq(<a id="$link"></a><h$sec_level>$sec_no$x</h$sec_level>\n) );
push @html2_toc_link, qq($html2\#$link); # if $sec_level < $html2_split_threshold; # fjon
warn "--- SEC $nn $x\n";
$x = tex_format($_);
#s/_/\\_/g; # Avoid TeX math mode: Missing $ inserted
print TEX $new_slide . '\\' . $tex_sec[$sec_level] . $short_title . "{$x}\\label{$sec_id}\n";
print TEX "\\message{=== SEC $nn}\n"; # Progress reports in LaTeX source
$i += 2;
$indent = 0; # current indent level
$list_level = 0; # Hierarchical level of current list
@list_indent = (0); # Indendation level of different lists
@list_type = (0); # 1 = numeric, a = alpha, * = bullet, : = definition, etc.
sub body {
my ($ind, $first) = @_;
my ($itemstart, $bullet, $item, $la, @para);
my $ind_len = length($ind);
push @para, $first if $first;
while ($i <= $#pd) {
warn "BODY $i($pd[$i])" if $trace>1;
if ($pd[$i] =~ /^\s*$/) { # empty line --> close current paragraph
@para = para(@para);
warn "para done" if $trace>1;
if (substr($pd[$i],0,$ind_len) ne $ind) { # lesser indent terminates current constuct
warn "$i: lesser indent >$ind< ind_len=$indlen list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
if ($pd[$i]=~/^<<(sub)*sec:.*?>>/) { # section
warn "$i: section detected list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
$la = $pd[$i+1];
if ((length($pd[$i]) >= 4) && $la =~ /^[=~^-]{4,}$/) { # section
warn "Section underline wrong length\n$pd[$i]\n$la" if length($pd[$i]) != length($la);
warn "$i: section detected list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
$_ = $z = substr($pd[$i], $ind_len); # remove indent for rest of processing
($itemstart, $item) = ($z =~ /^(\d+\.\s+)(.*)$/sx); # *** Debug
warn "list_level=$list_level pd-1($pd[$i-1]),len=".length($pd[$i-1])." z($z) itst($itemstart) item($item) ord1=".ord(substr($z,1,1))." ord2=".ord(substr($z,2,1)) if $trace>1;
if ((($itemstart, $bullet, $item) = /^(([*+-])\s+)(.*)$/)
&& ($list_level || $pd[$i - 1] =~ /^\s*$/)) { # Start bulleted list
@para = para(@para);
$list_type[++$list_level] = $bullet;
$list_indent[$list_level] = $ind_len + length($itemstart);
warn "$i: bullet setting list_indent[$list_level] ind($ind) m1($itemstart) pd[i-1]($pd[$i-1])" if $trace;
list($ind_len + length($itemstart), $itemstart, $item);
warn "$i: bulleted list done" if $trace;
} elsif ((($itemstart, $item) = /^(\d+\.\s+)(.*)$/s)
&& ($list_level || $pd[$i - 1] =~ /^\s*$/)) { # Start ordered list
@para = para(@para);
$list_type[++$list_level] = '1';
$n_list[$list_level] = 1;
warn "$i: ord setting list_indent[$list_level] ind($ind) m1=>$itemstart< pd[i-1]($pd[$i-1])" if $trace;
$list_indent[$list_level] = $ind_len + length($itemstart);
list($ind_len + length($itemstart), $itemstart, $item);
warn "$i: ord list done list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
} elsif ((($itemstart, $item) = /^([a-hj-z][.\)]\s+)(.*)$/)
&& ($list_level || $pd[$i - 1] =~ /^\s*$/)) { # Start lower alpha list
@para = para(@para);
$list_type[++$list_level] = 'a';
$n_list[$list_level] = 'a';
warn "$i: lower alpha setting list_indent[$list_level] ind=$ind m1=>$itemstart<" if $trace;
$list_indent[$list_level] = $ind_len + length($itemstart);
list($ind_len + length($itemstart), $itemstart, $item);
warn "$i: lower alpha list done list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
} elsif ((($itemstart, $item) = /^([A-HJ-Z]\.\s+)(.*)$/)
&& ($list_level || $pd[$i - 1] =~ /^\s*$/)) { # Start upper alpha list
@para = para(@para);
$list_type[++$list_level] = 'A';
$n_list[$list_level] = 'A';
$list_indent[$list_level] = $ind_len + length($itemstart);
list($ind_len + length($itemstart), $itemstart, $item);
warn "$i: upper alpha list done list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
} elsif ((($itemstart, $item) = /^(i[.\)]\s+)(.*)$/)
&& ($list_level || $pd[$i - 1] =~ /^\s*$/)) { # Start lower roman list
@para = para(@para);
$list_type[++$list_level] = 'i';
$n_list[$list_level] = 'i';
warn "$i: lower roman setting list_indent[$list_level] ind=$ind m1=>$itemstart<" if $trace;
$list_indent[$list_level] = $ind_len + length($itemstart);
list($ind_len + length($itemstart), $itemstart, $item);
warn "$i: lower roman list done list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
} elsif ((($itemstart, $item) = /^(I\.\s+)(.*)$/)
&& ($list_level || $pd[$i - 1] =~ /^\s*$/)) { # Start upper alpha list
@para = para(@para);
$list_type[++$list_level] = 'I';
$n_list[$list_level] = 'I';
$list_indent[$list_level] = $ind_len + length($itemstart);
list($ind_len + length($itemstart), $itemstart, $item);
warn "$i: upper Roman list done list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
} elsif ((($itemstart, $bullet, $item) = /^(([^\n]+?)::\s+)(.*)$/)
&& ($list_level || $pd[$i - 1] =~ /^\s*$/)) { # Start definition list
@para = para(@para);
$list_type[++$list_level] = ':';
#$list_indent[$list_level] = $ind_len + length($itemstart);
$list_indent[$list_level] = $ind_len + 4;
varlist($ind_len + 4, $bullet, $item);
warn "$i: definition list done list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
if (/^> (.*?)$/) { # usenet quoted stuff is block quote
@para = para(@para);
if (/^\s+(.*?)$/) { # indented stuff is verbatim
@para = para(@para);
if (/^<<texsections:\s+(.*?)>>$/) {
@para = para(@para);
@tex_sec = split /[,\s]+/, $1;
if (/^<<pdflags:\s+(.*?)>>$/) {
@para = para(@para);
for $flag (split /[,\s]+/, $1) {
($flagname, $flagvalue) = split /=/, $flag, 2;
$pdflag{$flagname} = $flagvalue;
# 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 legend
if (/^<<gnuplot:\s*(\S.*?)(?:\,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?))?)?)?:\s*(.*)$/) {
@para = para(@para);
print NONL $_;
print PDSEAL $_;
warn "-----creating temporary gnuplot file $\n";
open GNUPLOT, ">$" or die "Can't create temprary file $ $!";
warn "Writing $";
print GNUPLOT "# Generated by pd2tex. DO NOT EDIT. CHANGES WILL BE LOST.\n";
print GNUPLOT qq(set output "$1.eps"\n);
if ($pd[$i] !~ /^>>/) {
print GNUPLOT qq(set terminal postscript\n) unless $pd[$i] =~ /set\s+terminal/;
print GNUPLOT qq(set encoding iso_8859_1\n) unless $pd[$i] =~ /set\s+encoding/;
print GNUPLOT $pd[$i]."\n";
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
print GNUPLOT $pd[$i]."\n";
close GNUPLOT;
image($1, $5, $2, $3, $4);
if (($name, $pos, $siz, $trim, $caption) =
# 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
/^<<dot:\s*(\S.*?)(?:\,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?))?)?)?:\s*(.*)$/) {
@para = para(@para);
warn "-----creating temporary dot file $\n";
open DOT, ">$" or die "Can't create temprary file $ $!";
warn "Writing $";
warn `pwd`;
print DOT "// Generated by pd2tex. DO NOT EDIT. CHANGES WILL BE LOST.\n";
for (++$i; $pd[$i] =~ /^\s*\/\//; ++$i) { # comments
print DOT $pd[$i]."\n";
#warn "DOT name($name) $i: $pd[$i]";
if ($pd[$i] !~ /graph\s+\w+\s*\{/) { # not explicitly specified
($name2 = $name) =~ s/[^a-z0-9]/_/gi;
print DOT "digraph $name2 {\n";
$need_close_curly = 1;
} else {
$need_close_curly = 0;
for (; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
print DOT $pd[$i]."\n";
print DOT "}\n" if $need_close_curly;
close DOT;
image($name, $caption, $pos, $siz, $trim);
if (/<<epspdf:\s*(\S+)>>/) { # trigger image generation without rendering image in output
@para = para(@para);
gen_img($1, "$i epspdf: $pd[$i]");
# path pos siz trim caption?
# 1 1 ,2 2 ,3 3 ,4 4 5: 6 65
if (/^<<img:\s*(\S.*?)(?:\,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?))?)?)?(:\s*(.*?))?>>/i) {
@para = para(@para);
#warn "IMG IMG IMG [$1/$2/$3/$4/$6]";
print NONL $_;
print PDSEAL $_;
image($1, $6, $2, $3, $4);
# path pos siz trim layers caption
# 1 1 ,2 2 ,3 3 ,4 4 :5 56: 7 7
if (/^<<dia:\s*(\S.*?)(?:\,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?))?)?)?:([a-z0-9_,-]+)(:\s*(.*?))?>>/i) {
@para = para(@para);
print NONL $_;
print PDSEAL $_;
#warn "DIA DIA DIA [$1/$2/$3/$4/$5/$7]";
image($1, $7, $2, $3, $4, $5);
# 1 1 2 2 3 3
if (($ref, $posspec, $legend) = /^<<doubleimg:\s*(\S.*?)(?:\,(\S*?))?:\s*(.*)$/) {
my ($path1, $legend1, $path2, $legend2);
@para = para(@para);
print NONL $_;
print PDSEAL $_;
if (($path1, $legend1) = ($pd[$i] =~ /^([^:>]+):\s*(.*)$/)) {
if (($path2, $legend2) = ($pd[$i] =~ /^([^:>]+):\s*(.*)$/)) {
for (; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
warn "doubleimg: skipping excess input($pd[$i])";
#warn "doubleimage($path1,$legend1,$path2,$legend2)";
doubleimage($ref, $legend, $posspec, $path1, undef, $legend1, $path2, undef, $legend2);
# 1 1 2 2 3 3
if (($ref, $posspec, $legend) = /^<<doubledia:\s*(\S.*?)(?:\,(\S*?))?:\s*(.*)$/) {
my ($path1, $legend1, $path2, $legend2);
@para = para(@para);
print NONL $_;
print PDSEAL $_;
if (($path1, $layers1, $legend1) = ($pd[$i] =~ /^([^:>]+):([a-z0-9_,-]+):\s*(.*)$/i)) {
if (($path2, $layers2, $legend2) = ($pd[$i] =~ /^([^:>]+):([a-z0-9_,-]+):\s*(.*)$/i)) {
for (; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
warn "doubledia: skipping excess input($pd[$i])";
#warn "doubleimage($path1,$legend1,$path2,$legend2)";
doubleimage($ref, $legend, $posspec, $path1, $layers1, $legend1, $path2, $layers2, $legend2);
# <<table: Legenda\n ...>>
# 123 4 5 2 1 6 7 76
if (/^<<(((long)|(mini)|(raw))?table):(\s*([A-Za-z0-9\xa0-\xff].*))?$/) {
@para = para(@para);
#<<csv: file1,topleft2,botright3,options4: Legenda6>>
# 1 1 ,2 2 ,3 3 ,4 4 5: 6 65
if (/^<<csv:\s*(\S.*?)(?:\,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?)(?:,(\S*?))?)?)?(:\s*(.*?))?>>/i) {
@para = para(@para);
#warn "CSV [$1/$2/$3/$4/$6]";
csv($1, $6, $2, $3, $4);
if (/^<<references(:\d)?:( (\w.*?))?\s*$/) {
@para = para(@para);
warn "Found references";
references($3, $1);
# 1 1 2 3 32
if (/^<<xmlfmt:([^:]*):(\s*([A-Za-z0-9\xa0-\xff].*))?$/) {
@para = para(@para);
# 1file_1 2sec__2 3xsd__3 4Cap4
if (/^<<sgfrag:([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):\s*(.+?)\s*>>/) {
@para = para(@para);
sgfrag($1, $2, $3, $4);
# 12 2 1 3 4 43
if (/^<<schema:((\S*):)?( (\w.*))?$/) { # XML schema verbatim listing
@para = para(@para);
print DBX qq(<programlisting format="schema"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[);
print RTF qq({\\f2);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
print TEX qq(\\begin{verbatim});
unindented_code($2, $4); # filespec, first
print TEX qq(\\end{verbatim}\n);
print DBX qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
print RTF qq(});
print HTML "</pre>";
print HTML2 "</pre>";
# 12 2 1 3 4 43
if (/^<<code:((\S*):)?( (\w.*))?$/) { # code verbatim listing
@para = para(@para);
print DBX qq(<programlisting format="code"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[);
print RTF qq({\\f2);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
#print TEX qq(\\begin{Verbatim}[fontsize=\\small]);
#print TEX qq(\\end{Verbatim}\n);
print TEX qq(\\begin{lstlisting});
unindented_code($2, $4);
print TEX qq(\\end{lstlisting}\n);
print DBX qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
print RTF qq(});
print HTML "</pre>";
print HTML2 "</pre>";
# 12 2 1 3 4 43
if (/^<<ccode:((\S*):)?( (\w.*))?$/) { # C-style code verbatim listing
@para = para(@para);
print DBX qq(<programlisting format="code"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[);
print RTF qq({\\f2);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
print TEX qq(\\begin{lstlisting});
unindented_code($2, $4);
print TEX qq(\\end{lstlisting}\n);
print DBX qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
print RTF qq(});
print HTML "</pre>";
print HTML2 "</pre>";
# 12 2 1 3 4 43
if (/^<<console:((\S*):)?( (\w.*))?$/) { # console output verbatim listing
@para = para(@para);
print DBX qq(<programlisting format="code"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[);
print RTF qq({\\f2);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
print TEX qq(\\begin{lstlisting});
unindented_code($2, $4);
print TEX qq(\\end{lstlisting}\n);
print DBX qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
print RTF qq(});
print HTML "</pre>";
print HTML2 "</pre>";
# 12 2 1 3 4 43
if (/^<<diffout:((\S*):)?( (\w.*))?$/) { # diff outoput verbatim listing
@para = para(@para);
print DBX qq(<programlisting format="code"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[);
print RTF qq({\\f2);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
print TEX qq(\\begin{lstlisting});
unindented_code($2, $4);
print TEX qq(\\end{lstlisting}\n);
print DBX qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
print RTF qq(});
print HTML "</pre>";
print HTML2 "</pre>";
# 12 2 1 3 4 43
if (/^<<email:((\S*):)?( (\w.*))?$/) { # email, bug tracker, or wiki post verbatim
@para = para(@para);
print DBX qq(<programlisting format="code"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[);
print RTF qq({\\f2);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
print TEX qq(\\begin{verbatim});
unindented_code($2, $4);
print TEX qq(\\end{verbatim}\n);
print DBX qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
print RTF qq(});
print HTML "</pre>";
print HTML2 "</pre>";
# 12 2 1 3 4 43
if (/^<<logoutput:((\S*):)?( (\w.*))?$/) { # logoutput verbatim listing
@para = para(@para);
print DBX qq(<programlisting format="logoutput"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[);
print RTF qq({\\f2);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
print TEX qq(\\begin{verbatim});
unindented_code($2, $4);
print TEX qq(\\end{verbatim}\n);
print DBX qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
print RTF qq(});
print HTML "</pre>";
print HTML2 "</pre>";
if (/^<<newpage:.*?>>\s*$/) {
@para = para(@para);
if ($class eq 'slide') {
print DBX "\n<!--newpage-->\n";
print NONL "\n\n";
print PDSEAL "\n\n";
print RTF "\n\\page\n";
#print HTML "\n<hr><!--newpage-->\n";
#print HTML2 "\n<hr><!--newpage-->\n";
print HTML "\n<!--newpage-->\n";
print HTML2 "\n<!--newpage-->\n";
print TEX "\n\\end{slide}\n\n\\begin{slide}\n";
} else {
print DBX "\n<!--newpage-->\n";
print NONL "\n\n";
print PDSEAL "\n\n";
print RTF "\n\\page\n";
#print HTML "\n<hr><!--newpage-->\n";
#print HTML2 "\n<hr><!--newpage-->\n";
print HTML "\n<!--newpage-->\n";
print HTML2 "\n<!--newpage-->\n";
print TEX "\n\\clearpage\n";
warn "newpage done" if $trace;
if (/^<<closesec:.*?>>\s*$/) {
@para = para(@para);
warn "closesec done" if $trace;
if (/<<eqn:(.*?):(.*?)>>/) { # direct TeX code for an equation (fjon)
@para = para(@para);
plot_eqn($1, $2, ++$eq_nr);
warn "eqn done" if $trace;
if (/<<eqn:(.*?)>>/) { # direct TeX code for an equation
@para = para(@para);
plot_eqn($1, $eq_nr, $eq_nr);
#print TEX "\\begin{equation}$1\\end{equation}" if $1;
warn "eqn done" if $trace;
if (/^<<eqn:( (.*?))?$/) { # direct TeX code for an equation
@para = para(@para);
print TEX "\\begin{equation}";
print TEX $2 if $2;
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
print TEX $pd[$i]."\n";
print TEX "\\end{equation}";
warn "eqn done" if $trace;
if (/<<comment:(.*?)>>/) { # Backend comment pass-thru
@para = para(@para);
#warn "=========== comment one($1)";
print TEX "% $1\n";
print NONL "# $1\n";
#print PDSEAL "";
print RTF "<!-- $1 -->\n";
print DBX "<!-- $1 -->\n";
print HTML "<!-- $1 -->\n";
print HTML2 "<!-- $1 -->\n";
warn "comment done" if $trace;
if (/^<<comment:(.*?)$/) { # Backend comment pass-thru
warn "comment start i=$i ($pd[$i])" if $trace;
@para = para(@para);
#warn "=========== comment two($2)";
print TEX "% $1\n";
print NONL "# $1\n";
#print PDSEAL "";
print RTF "<!-- $1\n";
print DBX "<!-- $1\n";
print HTML "<!-- $1\n";
print HTML2 "<!-- $1\n";
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
#warn "=========== comment two bis($pd[$i])";
print TEX "% $pd[$i]\n";
print NONL "# $pd[$i]\n";
#print PDSEAL "";
print RTF $pd[$i]."\n";
print DBX $pd[$i]."\n";
print HTML $pd[$i]."\n";
print HTML2 $pd[$i]."\n";
if ($pd[$i] =~ /^>>/) {
print RTF "-->\n";
print DBX "-->\n";
print HTML "-->\n";
print HTML2 "-->\n";
warn "comment done i=$i ($pd[$i])" if $trace;
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# <<feedback:0!7!20081107-2259!idtype!identifier!remote addr!user agent! Title>> body... <<endfeedback: >>
# 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8
if (/<<feedback:(\w+)!(\w+)!([^!]+)!([^!]*)!([^!]*)!([^!]*)!([^!]*)!\s*(.*?)\s*>>/) { # Blog feedback
@para = para(@para);
warn "=========== feedback($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8)";
if ($1 eq '1') {
print TEX "% feedback: $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8\n";
print NONL "# feedback: $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8\n";
#print PDSEAL "";
print RTF "<!-- feedback: $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 -->\n";
print DBX "<!-- feedback: $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 -->\n";
my $fb_class = ($2 && ($2 & 0x01)) ? 'pdblogfbo' : 'pdblogfb';
my $num = $2 ? "#$2" : '';
my $fb_html = <<HTML;
<table class=$fb_class>
<tr><th class=$fb_class>
<b class=${fb_class}t>$8</b><br class=${fb_class}t><i class=${fb_class}ts>$3, by $5</i>
</th><th class=${fb_class}num>$num</th></tr><tr><td class=$fb_class colspan=2>
<p class=$fb_class>
print HTML $fb_html;
print HTML2 $fb_html;
#print HTML qq(<hr class=pdblogfb><b class=pdblogfbt>$8</b><br class=pdblogfbt><i class=pdblogfbts>$3, by $5</i><p class=pdblogfb>);
#print HTML2 qq(<hr class=pdblogfb><b class=pdblogfbt>$8</b><br class=pdblogfbt><i class=pdblogfbts>$3, by $5</i><p class=pdblogfb>);
warn "tex done" if $trace;
} else {
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /<<endfeedback:/; ++$i) {
#warn "hidden feedback($pd[$i])";
if (/<<endfeedback:.*?>>/) { # Close feedback block
@para = para(@para);
warn "=========== endfeedback";
print HTML "</td></tr></table>\n\n";
print HTML2 "</td></tr></table>\n\n";
if (/<<multicolstart:\s*(.*?)>>/) { # Open Multicolumn block
@para = para(@para);
my $wid = $1 || '70mm';
print TEX "\\parbox[t]{$wid}{";
print NONL "<!-- multicolstart($wid) -->\n";
#print PDSEAL "";
print RTF "<!-- multicolstart($wid) -->\n";
print DBX "<!-- multicolstart($wid) -->\n";
print HTML "<table><tr><td>\n";
print HTML2 "<table><tr><td>\n";
warn "mc1 done" if $trace;
if (/<<multicolnext:\s*(.*?)(,(.*?))?>>/) { # close prev, start next col
@para = para(@para);
my $wid = $1 || '70mm';
my $sepwid = $3 || '5mm';
print TEX "}\\rule{$sepwid}{0mm}\\parbox[t]{$wid}{";
print NONL "<!-- multicolnext($wid) -->\n";
#print PDSEAL "";
print RTF "<!-- multicolnext($wid) -->\n";
print DBX "<!-- multicolnext($wid) -->\n";
print HTML "</td><td>\n";
print HTML2 "</td><td>\n";
warn "mc1 done" if $trace;
if (/<<multicolend:\s*>>/) { # Close Multicolumn block
@para = para(@para);
print TEX "}\n";
print NONL "<!-- multicolend() -->\n";
#print PDSEAL "";
print RTF "<!-- multicolend() -->\n";
print DBX "<!-- multicolend() -->\n";
print HTML "</td></tr></table>\n\n";
print HTML2 "</td></tr></table>\n\n";
warn "mc1 done" if $trace;
if (/<<tex:(.*?)>>/) { # direct TeX code
@para = para(@para);
#warn "=========== tex one($1)";
print TEX $1 if $1;
warn "tex done" if $trace;
if (/^<<tex:(.*?)$/) { # direct TeX code
warn "tex start i=$i ($pd[$i])" if $trace;
@para = para(@para);
#warn "=========== tex two($2)";
print TEX $1 if $1;
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
#warn "=========== tex two bis($pd[$i])";
print TEX $pd[$i]."\n";
warn "tex done i=$i ($pd[$i])" if $trace;
if (/^<<dbx:\s*(.*)$/) { # direct DocBook code
@para = para(@para);
#warn "Entering dbx($1)";
print DBX $1 if $1;
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
#warn "dbx i=$i ($pd[$i])";
print DBX $pd[$i]."\n";
warn "dbx done" if $trace;
if (/^<<rtf:\s*(.*)$/) { # direct RTF code
@para = para(@para);
#warn "Entering dbx($1)";
print RTF $1 if $1;
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
#warn "rtf i=$i ($pd[$i])";
print RTF $pd[$i]."\n";
warn "rtf done" if $trace;
if (/^<<odt:\s*(.*)$/) { # direct ODT code
@para = para(@para);
#warn "Entering dbx($1)";
print ODT $1 if $1;
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
#warn "rtf i=$i ($pd[$i])";
print ODT $pd[$i]."\n";
warn "odt done" if $trace;
if (/^<<html:\s*(.*)$/) { # direct HTML code
@para = para(@para);
print HTML $2 if $1;
print HTML2 $2 if $1;
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
print HTML $pd[$i]."\n";
print HTML2 $pd[$i]."\n";
warn "html done" if $trace;
if (/<<cvssig:(.*?)>>/) {
@para = para(@para);
open BZ, "|bzip2 -9>cvssig" or die "cvssig tag failed to invoke bzip2: $!";
#print BZ $1;
print BZ $cvsid;
close BZ;
$cvssig = '';
$cvssigraw = readall('cvssig');
$cvssigraw =~ s/(.)(.)(.)/$cvssig.=b64enc($1,$2,$3),''/ges;
$cvssigraw =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%02x",ord($1))/ges; # last 0, 1, or 2 bytes
$cvssig =~ s/(.{64})/$1\n/g; # line wrap to 64 cols
print DBX "$cvssig=$cvssigraw";
print NONL "$cvssig=$cvssigraw";
print PDSEAL "$cvssig=$cvssigraw";
print RTF "$cvssig=$cvssigraw";
print HTML "$cvssig=$cvssigraw";
print HTML2 "$cvssig=$cvssigraw";
print TEX "$cvssig=$cvssigraw";
warn "cvssig done" if $trace;
if (/<<pdseal:\s*(.*?)>>/) {
@para = para(@para);
close PDSEAL;
$pdseal = readall("$texdir$base.seal");
$pdseal = pdseal1($pdseal);
writeall("$texdir$base.norm", $pdseal_norm);
print DBX $pdseal;
print NONL $pdseal;
print RTF $pdseal;
print HTML $pdseal;
print HTML2 $pdseal;
print TEX $pdseal;
warn "pdseal done" if $trace;
### Special segments for EDDA. Added by Fredrik Jonsson
# 1 1 2 3 32
if (/^<<desvar:\s*([\w.\/]*)\s*(:(.*))?>>/) {
if (/^<<plot:/) {
if (/^<<data:/) {
if (/^<<sch:/) {
if (/^<<logfile:\s*([\w.\/]*)\s*(:(.*))?>>/) {
print DBX qq(<programlisting format="schema"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
print TEX qq(\\begin{Verbatim}[fontsize=\\small]\n);
#print TEX qq(\\begin{verbatim}\n);
if(-r $1){
$/ = "\n"; # Disable "slurp" mode
print DBX dbx_entity_escape_lite($_);
my $x = $_;
while(length($x) > $maxlogline){
my $xx = substr($x,0,$maxlogline);
print TEX tex_esc_verbatim($xx)."\n";
print HTML $xx."\n";
print HTML2 $xx."\n";
$x = substr($x, $maxlogline, length($x));
print TEX tex_esc_verbatim($x);
print HTML $x;
print HTML2 $x;
undef $/; # Enable "slurp" mode again
} else {
warn("Unable to open $1");
print HTML "Missing file $1\n";
print HTML2 "Missing file $1\n";
print TEX "Missing file $1\n";
print DBX qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
print HTML "</pre>";
print HTML2 "</pre>";
print TEX qq(\n\\end{Verbatim}\n);
#print TEX qq(\\end{verbatim}\n);
if (($name) = /^<<ect:\s*(.*)?/) {
@para = para(@para);
$name = $base if !$name;
open ECT, ">.pd/pd.lim" or die "Can't create temprary file .pd/pd.lim: $!";
warn "Writing .pd/pd.lim";
for (; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
print ECT $pd[$i]."\n";
close ECT;
system_cmd('pd_data'); # What command? Where? --Sampo
my $ref = fold_label($name);
if(-e ".pd/ectable.html"){
my $x = readall('.pd/ectable.html');
print HTML "<p><a id=\"$ref\"></a>Table $table_no:$name</p><br>";
print HTML2 "<p><a id=\"$ref\"></a>Table $table_no:$name</p><br>";
$reflist{$ref} = $table_no;
$refhtmlpage{$ref} = $html2;
if(-e ".pd/ectable.tex"){
my $x = readall('.pd/ectable.tex');
#print TEX "\\begin{landscape}\n";
#print TEX "\\ref{$ref}\n";
$x =~ s/!!REFERENCE/$ref/gse;
print TEX $x;
#print TEX "\\end{landscape}\n";
# end EDDA
if (/^<<EOF: .*?>>/) {
$i = $#pd + 1;
warn "push to para" if $trace>1;
push @para, "$_\n";
warn "$i: end of body list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
### Base64 encoder so we avoid dependency on MIME::Base64 module.
sub b64enc {
my ($b1, $b2, $b3) = @_;
#warn "b1($b1) b2($b2) b3($b3)";
my $x1 = (ord($b1) >> 2) & 0x3f;
my $x2 = (ord($b1) & 3) | ((ord($b2) >> 2) & 0x3c);
my $x3 = (ord($b2) & 0xf) | ((ord($b3) >> 2) & 0x30);
my $x4 = ord($b3) & 0x3f;
#warn "x1($x1) x2($x2) x3($x3) x4($x4)";
my $b64str = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-.'; # safish b64
return substr($b64str,$x1,1).substr($b64str,$x2,1).substr($b64str,$x3,1).substr($b64str,$x4,1);
sub pdseal_normalize {
my ($x) = @_;
#warn "INPUT for pdseal_normalize($x)";
$x =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g;
$x =~ s/\r\n/\n/g;
$x =~ s/\r/\n/g;
$x =~ s/\n +/\n/g;
$x =~ s/ +\n/\n/g;
$x =~ s/\n{2,}/\n\n/g;
$x =~ s/([^\n])\n([^\n])/$1 $2/sg; # Single newlines are insignificant
$x =~ s/ +/ /g;
$x =~ s/^[ \n]+//s; # zap initial whitespace
$x =~ s/[ \n]+$/\n/s; # normalize to end in single newline
#warn "OUTPUT for pdseal_normalize($x)";
return $x;
sub pdseal1 {
my ($x) = @_;
$pdseal_norm = $x = pdseal_normalize($x);
require Digest::SHA1;
$x = Digest::SHA1::sha1($x);
$x .= '1'; # Make it 21 bytes so it will give 28 base64 chars with no padding
$x =~ s/(.)(.)(.)/b64enc($1,$2,$3)/ges;
return "PDSEAL1$x";
### Process a definition list. The list has just been detected in body. Now we
### need to proceed to next level of indent.
sub varlist {
my ($ind_len, $prefix, $first) = @_;
print DBX ((' 'x$list_level) . $dbx_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
#print RTF ((' 'x$list_level) . $rtf_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
print HTML ((' 'x$list_level) . $html_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
print HTML2 ((' 'x$list_level) . $html_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
print TEX ((' 'x$list_level) . $tex_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
while (1) {
warn "$i: start varlist $ind_len ($prefix) --[$first]-- list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
my $dbx_prefix = dbx_format($prefix);
print DBX ((' 'x$list_level) . qq(<varlistentry><term>$dbx_prefix</term><listitem>\n));
print NONL "$prefix: ";
print PDSEAL "$prefix ";
my $rtf_prefix = rtf_format($prefix);
my $rtf_style = $rtf_styles{'s3'.$list_level};
print RTF "{$rtf_style \\s3$list_level \\b\n$rtf_prefix\\par}\\fi0\n";
my $html_prefix = html_format($prefix); # allow formatting in list item title
print HTML "<dt>$html_prefix<dd>";
print HTML2 "<dt>$html_prefix<dd>";
my $tex_prefix = tex_format($prefix); # allow formatting in list item title
#$prefix = tex_esc($prefix);
print TEX "\\item[$tex_prefix] ";
body(' 'x$ind_len, $first); # Process paragraphs for this list item (the definition)
warn "$i: back from body --[$first]-- list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
print DBX ((' 'x$list_level) . "</listitem></varlistentry>\n");
$la = $pd[$i+1];
if ((length($pd[$i]) == length($la)) && $la =~ /^[=~^-]{3,}$/) { # section
warn "$i: section detected list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
### Can either be list item at same level or list item continuation at any
### previous level (i.e. new paragraph) or new item at any previous level
$_ = $pd[$i];
($indent) = /^(\s*)/;
$indent = length($indent);
warn "***** indent=$indent prev_indent=".$list_indent[$list_level-1]." level=$list_level" if $trace;
if ($indent == $list_indent[$list_level-1]) {
my $typ = $list_type[$list_level];
warn "checking for another item at same level typ($typ) --[$_]--" if $trace;
if (($typ eq ':') && /^(\s*(([^\n]+?)::\s+))(.*)$/) {
$prefix = $3;
$first = $4;
warn "$i: another item list_level=$list_level --[$first]--" if $trace;
warn "$i: same level didn't match --[$pd[$i]]--" if $trace;
last; # Was not an item of the same list
print DBX ((' 'x$list_level) . $dbx_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
#print RTF ((' 'x$list_level) . $rtf_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
print HTML ((' 'x$list_level) . $html_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
print HTML2 ((' 'x$list_level) . $html_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
print TEX ((' 'x$list_level) . $tex_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
warn "$i: list closed list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
### Process a list. The list has just been detected in body. Now we need to proceed
### to next level of indent.
sub list {
my ($ind_len, $prefix, $first) = @_;
print DBX ((' 'x$list_level) . $dbx_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
#print RTF ((' 'x$list_level) . $rtf_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
print HTML ((' 'x$list_level) . $html_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
print HTML2 ((' 'x$list_level) . $html_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
print TEX ((' 'x$list_level) . $tex_list_open{$list_type[$list_level]});
while (1) {
warn "$i: start list body $ind_len ($prefix) --[$first]-- list_lvl=$list_level type($list_type[$list_level]) n($n_list[$list_level])" if $trace;
#$first = "$n_list[$list_level]. $first" if $number && $list_type[$list_level]=~/^[Aa1]$/;
print DBX ((' 'x$list_level) . qq(<listitem>\n));
my $rtf_item = $rtf_list_item{$list_type[$list_level]};
$rtf_item =~ s/!!N/$list_level/;
$rtf_item =~ s/!!S/$rtf_styles{"s3$list_level"}/;
$rtf_item =~ s/!!M/$ord_mark{$list_type[$list_level]}[$n_list[$list_level]]/;
#print RTF (("\\tab"x$list_level) . $rtf_item);
print RTF $rtf_item;
print HTML ((' 'x$list_level) . qq(<li>\n));
print HTML2 ((' 'x$list_level) . qq(<li>\n));
print TEX ((' 'x$list_level) . $tex_list_item{$list_type[$list_level]});
if ($list_type[$list_level] =~ /^[*+-]$/) {
print PDSEAL "$list_type[$list_level] ";
} else {
print PDSEAL $ord_mark{$list_type[$list_level]}[$n_list[$list_level]].". ";
body(' 'x$ind_len, $first); # Process paragraphs for this list item
warn "$i: back from body --[$first]-- list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
print DBX ((' 'x$list_level) . "</listitem>\n");
print RTF "}\n\n";
$la = $pd[$i+1];
if ((length($pd[$i]) == length($la)) && $la =~ /^[=~^-]{3,}$/) { # section
warn "$i: section detected list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
### Can either be list item at same level or list item continuation at any
### previous level (i.e. new paragraph) or new item at any previous level
$_ = $pd[$i];
($indent) = /^(\s*)/;
$indent = length($indent);
warn "***** indent=$indent prev_indent=".$list_indent[$list_level-1]." level=$list_level" if $trace;
if ($indent == $list_indent[$list_level-1]) {
my $typ = $list_type[$list_level];
my $cur_ind = $list_indent[$list_level];
warn "checking for another item at same level typ=$typ cur_ind=$cur_ind --[$_]--" if $trace;
if (($typ eq '1') && /^(\s*\d+\.\s+)(.*)/) {
if (length($1) == $cur_ind) {
$first = $2;
warn "$i: another item list_level=$list_level --[$first]--" if $trace;
} else {
warn "$i: Indent does not match ($_)";
} elsif (($typ eq 'a') && /^(\s*[a-z]+[.\)]\s+)(.*)/) {
if (length($1) == $cur_ind) {
$first = $2;
warn "$i: another item list_level=$list_level --[$first]--" if $trace;
} else {
warn "$i: Indent does not match ($_)";
} elsif (($typ eq 'A') && /^(\s*[A-Z]+\.\s+)(.*)/) {
if (length($1) == $cur_ind) {
$first = $2;
warn "$i: another item list_level=$list_level --[$first]--" if $trace;
} else {
warn "$i: Indent does not match ($_)";
} elsif (($typ eq 'i') && /^(\s*[ivxlcdm]+[.\)]\s+)(.*)/) {
if (length($1) == $cur_ind) {
$first = $2;
warn "$i: another item list_level=$list_level --[$first]--" if $trace;
} else {
warn "$i: Indent does not match ($_)";
} elsif (($typ eq 'I') && /^(\s*[IVXLCDM]+\.\s+)(.*)/) {
if (length($1) == $cur_ind) {
$first = $2;
warn "$i: another item list_level=$list_level --[$first]--" if $trace;
} else {
warn "$i: Indent does not match ($_)";
} elsif (/^(\s*([*+-])\s+)(.*)/) {
if ((length($1) == $cur_ind) && ($typ eq $2)) {
$first = $3;
warn "$i: another item list_level=$list_level --[$first]--" if $trace;
} else {
warn "$i: Indent does not match ($_)";
warn "$i: same level didn't match --[$pd[$i]]--" if $trace;
last; # Was not an item of the same list
print DBX ((' 'x$list_level) . $dbx_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
#print RTF ((' 'x$list_level) . $rtf_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
print HTML ((' 'x$list_level) . $html_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
print HTML2 ((' 'x$list_level) . $html_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
print TEX ((' 'x$list_level) . $tex_list_close{$list_type[$list_level]});
warn "$i: list closed list_level=$list_level" if $trace;
sub sgfrag {
my ($in, $sec, $out, $caption) = @_;
my ($sg,$dbx);
if ($pdflag{'showsgasxsd'} eq '1') {
$sg = readall($out, 1);
$dbx = qq(<programlisting format="schema"><xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="./$out" parse="text"/></programlisting>);
} elsif ($pdflag{'showsgasxsd'} eq '2') {
$sg = readall($out, 1);
$dbx = '<programlisting format="schema"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[' .
dbx_entity_escape_lite($sg) . ']]></computeroutput></programlisting>';
} else {
$sg = readall($in, 1);
$sg ||= readall("$", 1);
#my $xs = readall("$in.xsd");
if ($sec) {
($sg) = $sg =~ /\#sec\($sec\)\s*(.*?)\s*\#endsec\($sec\)/s;
#($xs) = $xs =~ /sec\($sec\)\s*(.*?)\s*endsec\($sec\)/s;
$dbx = qq(<programlisting format="schemagrammar"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[)
. dbx_entity_escape_lite($sg) . qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
my $dbx_caption = dbx_format($caption);
my $rtf_caption = rtf_format($caption);
my $html_caption = html_format($caption);
my $tex_caption = tex_caption($caption);
my $label = "$in-$sec";
print DBX qq(<figure id="$label" label="$img_no"><title>$dbx_caption</title>);
print RTF qq(figstart $rtf_caption);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
print TEX qq(\\begin{figure}\\begin{verbatim});
print DBX $dbx;
print NONL $sg;
print PDSEAL $sg;
print RTF $sg;
print HTML $sg;
print HTML2 $sg;
print TEX $sg;
print DBX qq(</figure>);
print RTF qq(figend);
print HTML "</pre>Fig-$img_no: $html_caption<p>";
print HTML2 "</pre>Fig-$img_no: $html_caption<p>";
print TEX qq(\\end{verbatim}$tex_caption\\label{$label}\\end{figure});
sub xmlfmt_html {
my ($x) = @_;
sub xmlfmt {
my ($frag_name, $opts) = @_;
my $x = '';
my @opts = split /\s*,\s*/, $opts;
for ($row = 0; $i<=$#pd && $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
$x .= $pd[$i] . "\n";
print DBX qq(<programlisting format="$opts[0]"><computeroutput><!\[CDATA\[);
print RTF qq({\\f2);
print HTML qq(<pre>);
print HTML2 qq(<pre>);
print TEX qq(\\begin{verbatim});
print DBX dbx_entity_escape_lite($x);
print RTF $x;
print RTF xmlfmt_html($x);
print HTML xmlfmt_html($x);
print HTML2 xmlfmt_html($x);
print TEX texfmt_html($x);
print DBX qq(\]\]></computeroutput></programlisting>);
print RTF "}";
print HTML "</pre>";
print HTML2 "</pre>";
print TEX qq(\\end{verbatim});
### Tables
sub table {
my ($table_name,$tablekind) = @_;
# globals: @pd, $i
my (@table, @col_beg, @col_wid, @col_hdr, @row1, @vis_wid);
my ($j, $row, $cols, $line, $wid);
my @align = ();
my $cur_col = 0;
if ($table_name) {
my $table_n = $table_no+1;
print NONL "Table $table_n: $table_name\n";
print PDSEAL "Table $table_n: $table_name\n";
print NONL $pd[$i-1]."\n";
print NONL $pd[$i]."\n";
print PDSEAL $pd[$i-1]."\n";
#print PDSEAL $pd[$i]."\n"; # No equals signs in pdseal
@row1 = split / /, $pd[$i]; # Line of equals signs to set width of columns
$cols = $#row1+1;
$line = $pd[$i-1]; # Line of column titles
for ($j = 0; $j < $cols; ++$j) {
$wid = length($row1[$j]);
$col_hdr[$j] = substr($line, $cur_col, $wid);
$vis_wid[$j] = $col_wid[$j] = $wid;
$col_beg[$j] = $cur_col;
warn "col $j: >$row1[$j]< wid=$wid cur_col=$cur_col hdr: >>$col_hdr[$j]<<"; # if $trace>1;
$cur_col += $wid + 1;
for (++$i; ; ++$i) {
if ($pd[$i]=~/^WIDTHS:\s*(.*?)\s*$/) {
$j = 0;
for $wid (split /,/, $1) {
my ($plusminus, $viswid,$ali) = $wid =~ /^([+-])?(\d*)([lrc])?$/;
$align[$j] = $ali;
warn "TAB COL $j: ($plusminus)($viswid)($ali)";
if (length $viswid) {
if (length $plusminus) {
$vis_wid[$j-1] += $plusminus.$viswid;
} else {
$vis_wid[$j-1] = $viswid;
if ($pd[$i]=~/^OPTIONS:\s*(.*?)\s*/) {
for ($row = 0; $i<=$#pd && $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/;) {
warn "$i: $pd[$i]" if $trace>1;
print NONL $pd[$i]."\n";
print PDSEAL $pd[$i]."\n";
if ($pd[$i] =~ /^:$/) { # end of col by line mode
warn "$i: end of col by line marker" if $trace>1;
if ($pd[$i] =~ /^\s*$/) { # col by line mode
warn "$i: col by line mode cols=$cols" if $trace>1;
for ($j = 0; $j < $cols; ++$j, ++$i) {
if ($pd[$i] =~ /^>>/) {
warn "Wrong number of lines in end of table in col-by-line mode: [$pd[$i-1]]";
$table[$row][$j] = $pd[$i];
# row by line mode
$line = $pd[$i];
for ($j = 0; $j < $cols-1; ++$j) {
$table[$row][$j] = substr($line, $col_beg[$j], $col_wid[$j]);
warn "$i: col $j: ($table[$row][$j]) --[$line]--" if $trace>1;
$table[$row][$cols-1] = substr($line, $col_beg[$cols-1]); # last col takes the rest
# Ok, now we got table in @table and @col_hdr. Format it into Lib docbook table. The
# Liberty DocBook tools require two special columns to be added to sides and require namest.
#warn "table1 ".Dumper \@col_hdr;
#warn "table2 ".Dumper \@vis_wid;
table_output(\@table, \@col_hdr, \@vis_wid, $row, $cols, $table_name, $tablekind);
sub table_output {
my ($tabr, $col_hdrr, $vis_widr, $rows, $cols, $table_name, $tablekind) = @_;
my ($j, $rr, $dbx, $html, $tex, $colspecs, $tex_colspec, $wid);
$colspecs = '';
$tex_colspec = $tex_left_bar;
$dbx = qq(<thead>\n<row>\n);
$html = "<tr>\n";
$colspecs = qq(<colspec colname="c0" colwidth="0pt"/>\n); # left extra col
for ($j = 1; $j <= $cols; ++$j) {
#warn "table_output2($$col_hdrr[$j-1])";
$dbx .= qq( <entry namest="c$j">) . dbx_para_raw($$col_hdrr[$j-1]) . "</entry>\n";
$html .= qq( <th$th_align{$align[$j]}>) . html_format($$col_hdrr[$j-1]) . "</th>\n";
$wid = sprintf('%.1f', $$vis_widr[$j-1] * $dbx_col_wid_factor);
$colspecs .= qq(<colspec colname="c$j" colwidth="${wid}in"/>\n);
$tp = tex_format($$col_hdrr[$j-1]);
$tex .= "$tp &";
$wid = sprintf('%.1f', $$vis_widr[$j-1] * $tex_col_wid_factor);
$tex_colspec .= $tex_boxed_tab ? "p{${wid}mm}|" : "p{${wid}mm}";
$colspecs .= qq(<colspec colname="c$j" colwidth="0pt"/>\n); # right extra col
$dbx .= "</row>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
chop $tex;
$tex .= $tex_tab_hdr_sep;
# Generate Table Body
print TEX "\\message{===TAB}";
for ($rr = 0; $rr < $rows; ++$rr) {
if ($$tabr[$rr][0] eq '-----') {
$tex .= "\\hline\n";
$dbx .= qq(<row>\n);
$html .= "<tr>\n";
for ($j = 1; $j <= $cols; ++$j) {
$dbx .= qq( <entry namest="c$j">) . dbx_para_raw($$tabr[$rr][$j-1]) . "</entry>\n";
$html .= qq( <td$td_align{$align[$j]}>) . html_format($$tabr[$rr][$j-1]) . "</td>\n";
$tp = tex_format($$tabr[$rr][$j-1]);
#$tex .= "$tp &";
$tex .= $tex_align{$align[$j]}."$tp &";
chop $tex;
$tex .= $tex_tab_line_sep;
$dbx .= "</row>\n";
$html .= "</tr>\n";
substr($tex, -length($tex_tab_line_sep)) = '' if $tex_tab_line_sep;
$dbx .= "</tbody>\n";
$cols += 2; # account for extra cols
$html =~ s|<th>\s*</th>|<th> </th>|gs; # Make empty cells appear correctly on firefox
$html =~ s|<td>\s*</td>|<td> </td>|gs; # Make empty cells appear correctly on firefox
# Wrap the table into necessary top level tags
print TEX "\\hbadness=10000\n"; # Disable warnings
if ($table_name) {
my $label = fold_label($table_name);
$reflist{$label} = $table_no;
$refhtmlpage{$label} = $html2;
my $dbx_caption = dbx_format($table_name);
my $tex_caption = tex_caption($table_name);
my $html_caption = html_format($table_name);
print DBX qq(<table id="$label" tocentry="1" frame="all"><title>$dbx_caption</title><tgroup cols="$cols" align="left">\n$colspecs$dbx</tgroup></table>\n);
#print HTML qq(<p><i>$html_caption</i><br><table border=1>\n$html</table>\n);
#print HTML2 qq(<p><i>$html_caption</i><br><table border=1>\n$html</table>\n);
print HTML qq(<p>Table $table_no:<i>$html_caption</i><br><table border=0>\n$html</table>\n);
print HTML2 qq(<p>Table $table_no:<i>$html_caption</i><br><table border=0>\n$html</table>\n);
if ($tablekind eq 'longtable') {
print TEX qq(\\begin{longtable}[$tex_flt_place]{$tex_colspec}\n$tex_caption\\label{tab:$label} \\\\ \n$tex_top_line\\endfirsthead\n\\caption[]{\\small (continuation)} \\\\ \n$tex_top_line\\endhead\n$tex\n$tex_bot_line\\end{longtable}\n);
} elsif ($tablekind eq 'minitable') {
print TEX qq(\\begin{floatingtable}{\\begin{tabular}{$tex_colspec}\n$tex_top_line$tex\n$tex_bot_line\\end{tabular}}\n$tex_caption\\label{tab:$label}\n\\end{floatingtable}\n);
} elsif ($tablekind eq 'rawtable') {
print TEX qq($tex_caption\\label{tab:$label}\\\\\n\\begin{tabular}{$tex_colspec}\n$tex_top_line$tex\n$tex_bot_line\\end{tabular}\n);
} else {
print TEX qq(\\begin{table}[$tex_flt_place]\n\\centering$tex_caption\\label{tab:$label}\n\\vspace{3mm}\\begin{tabular}{$tex_colspec}\n$tex_top_line$tex\n$tex_bot_line\\end{tabular}\\end{table}\n);
} else {
print DBX qq(<informaltable><tgroup cols="$cols" align="left">\n$colspecs$dbx</tgroup></informaltable>\n);
print HTML qq(<table border=1>\n$html</table>\n);
print HTML2 qq(<table border=1>\n$html</table>\n);
if ($tablekind eq 'longtable') {
print TEX qq(\\begin{longtable}[$tex_flt_place]{$tex_colspec}\n$tex_top_line$tex\n$tex_bot_line\\end{longtable}\n);
} elsif ($tablekind eq 'minitable') {
print TEX qq(\\begin{floatingtable}{\\begin{tabular}{$tex_colspec}\n$tex_top_line$tex\n$tex_bot_line\\end{tabular}}\\end{floatingtable}\n);
} elsif ($tablekind eq 'rawtable') {
print TEX qq(\\begin{tabular}{$tex_colspec}\n$tex_top_line$tex\n$tex_bot_line\\end{tabular}\n);
} else {
print TEX qq(\\begin{table}[$tex_flt_place]\\centering\\begin{tabular}{$tex_colspec}\n$tex_top_line$tex\n$tex_bot_line\\end{tabular}\\end{table}\n);
print TEX "\\hbadness=$hbadness\n"; # Restore normal warning level
### Comma separated values tables
sub read_csv {
my ($path, $topleft, $botright, $opts) = @_;
my ($i,$j);
my $csv = readall("$path.csv", 1);
$csv =~ s/\"//g; # Zap double quotes
my @x = split /\r?\n/, $csv;
#warn "CSV0 ".Dumper \@x;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#x; ++$i) {
if ($opts eq 'pipeysep') {
$x[$i] = [ split '\|', $x[$i] ];
} else {
$x[$i] = [ split ',', $x[$i] ];
my ($left, $top) = $topleft =~ /^([a-z]+)(\d+)$/i;
my ($right, $bot) = $botright =~ /^([a-z]+)(\d+)$/i;
$left = ord(lc($left)) - ord('a');
$right = ord(lc($right)) - ord('a');
warn "csv ($left,$top), ($right,$bot)";
#warn "CSV1 ".Dumper \@x;
@x = splice @x, $top, $bot+1-$top;
#warn "CSV2 ".Dumper \@x;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#x; ++$i) {
$x[$i] = [ splice(@{$x[$i]}, $left, $right+1-$left) ];
#warn "CSV3 ".Dumper \@x;
return \@x;
sub csv {
my ($path, $caption, $topleft, $botright, $opts) = @_;
my $xr = read_csv($path, $topleft, $botright, $opts);
my $col_hdrr = shift @{$xr};
my $vis_widr = shift @{$xr};
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$vis_widr}; ++$i) {
$$vis_widr[$i] = length($$vis_widr[$i]);
#warn "CSV4 ".Dumper $xr;
table_output($xr, $col_hdrr, $vis_widr, $#{$xr}+1, $#{$col_hdrr}+1, $table_name, '');
### Refs
sub close_dbx_sections {
while ($sec_level) {
print DBX ( (' 'x$sec_level) . "</section><!--$sec_id[$sec_level]-->\n\n\n");
sub references {
my ($ref_name, $ena) = @_;
my ($ii, $labwid);
# globals: @pd, $i
$ref_id = $dbx_ref_name = $ref_name || 'References';
$ref_id =~ tr[A-Za-z0-9][_]c;
print DBX <<DBX if $ena ne ':0'; # <section id="$ref_id"><bibliography id="references-$ref_id">
<bibliodiv id="references-$ref_id">
if ($ena ne ':0') {
if ($ref_name) {
print TEX "\\renewcommand\\refname{$ref_name}\n"; # article
#print TEX "\\renewcommand\\bibname{$ref_name}\n"; # book
print HTML "<H2>$ref_name</H2>\n<dl>\n";
print HTML2 "<H2>$ref_name</H2>\n<dl>\n";
print NONL "$ref_name\n\n";
print PDSEAL "$ref_name\n\n";
} else {
print HTML "<H2>References</H2>\n<dl>\n";
print HTML2 "<H2>References</H2>\n<dl>\n";
print NONL "$ref_name\n\n";
print PDSEAL "$ref_name\n\n";
$labwid = 4;
for ($ii = $i+1; $ii<=$#pd && $pd[$ii] !~ /^>>/; ++$ii) {
warn "$ii: $pd[$i]" if $trace>1;
if (($lab,$rest) = $pd[$i] =~ /^\s*\[(.*?)\]\s+(.*?)\s*$/) {
$labwid = length($lab) if length($lab) > $labwid;
print TEX "\\begin{thebibliography}{XXXX".('X'x$labwid)."}\n" if $ena ne ':0';
for (++$i; $i<=$#pd && $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
warn "$i: $pd[$i]" if $trace>1;
next if $ena eq ':0';
print NONL $pd[$i];
print PDSEAL $pd[$i];
if (($lab,$rest) = $pd[$i] =~ /^\s*\[(.*?)\]\s+(.*?)\s*$/) {
$lab = tex_esc($lab);
$rest = tex_esc($rest);
print DBX qq( <bibliomixed id="$lab"/>\n);
print TEX "\\bibitem[$lab]{$lab} $rest\n";
print HTML qq(<dt>[<a id="$lab" class=ref>$lab</a>] <dd>$rest\n);
print HTML2 qq(<dt>[<a id="$lab" class=ref>$lab</a>] <dd>$rest\n);
} else {
$rest = tex_esc($pd[$i]);
print TEX "$rest\n";
print HTML "$pd[$i]\n";
print HTML2 "$pd[$i]\n";
if ($ena ne ':0') {
#print DBX qq(</bibliography>\n </section>\n);
print DBX qq(</bibliodiv>\n);
print TEX "\\end{thebibliography}\n";
print HTML "</dl>\n";
print HTML2 "</dl>\n";
# Output verbatim material to all output streams, even to an external file
sub unindented_code {
my ($filespec, $first) = @_;
if ($filespec) {
open OUT, ">$filespec" or die "Can't write file($filespec): $!";
print DBX dbx_entity_escape_lite($first) if $first;
print NONL $first if $first;
print PDSEAL $first if $first;
print RTF $first if $first;
print HTML $first if $first;
print HTML2 $first if $first;
print OUT $first if $first && $filespec;
print TEX tex_esc_verbatim($first."\n") if $first;
for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
print DBX dbx_entity_escape_lite($pd[$i])."\n";
print NONL $pd[$i]."\n";
print PDSEAL $pd[$i]."\n";
print RTF $pd[$i]."\n";
print HTML $pd[$i]."\n";
print HTML2 $pd[$i]."\n";
print OUT $pd[$i]."\n" if $filespec;
#print TEX (tex_esc_verbatim($pd[$i])."\n");
my $x = $pd[$i]; # Line wrap code from fjon
while(length($x) > $maxlogline){
print TEX (tex_esc_verbatim(substr($x,0,$maxlogline-1))."\\\n");
$x = substr($x, ($maxlogline-1), length($x));
print TEX (tex_esc_verbatim($x)."\n");
close OUT;
sub code {
my ($first_line) = @_;
my ($ind) = $pd[$i] =~ /^(\s+)/;
my $code = $pd[$i] . "\n";
#warn "CODE0($code)";
for (++$i;
($i<=$#pd) && ((substr($pd[$i],0,length($ind)) eq $ind) || $pd[$i]=~/^\s*$/);
++$i) {
warn "$i code $#pd: line($pd[$i])" if $trace>2;
$code .= $pd[$i] . "\n";
if ($first_line =~ /^NOTE: (.*)$/) {
$first_line = $1;
$code =~ s/^\s*NOTE: .*?\n//s;
my $dbx_code = dbx_para($code);
my $tex_code = tex_para($code);
print DBX qq(<note><title>$first_line</title>$dbx_code</note>\n);
print TEX qq(\\quote{\\emph{$first_line}\n$tex_code}\n);
print NONL $code;
print PDSEAL $code;
print DBX "$code_open_tag<![CDATA[".dbx_entity_escape_lite($code)."]]>$code_close_tag\n";
#warn "CODE($code)";
$code = tex_esc_verbatim($code);
#warn "CODE1($code)";
$code =~ s/(\r?\n)+$//gs;
#warn "CODE2($code)";
print TEX "\\begin{verbatim}$code\\end{verbatim}\n\n";
$code =~ s/</</g;
print HTML "<pre>$code</pre>\n";
print HTML2 "<pre>$code</pre>\n";
sub blockquote {
my ($first_line) = @_;
my ($ind) = $pd[$i] =~ /^(\s*> )/;
my $len_ind = length($ind);
my $code = $first_line;
my ($dbx_quote, $tex_quote, $html_quote, $rtf_quote);
for (++$i; ($i<=$#pd) && (substr($pd[$i],0,$len_ind) eq $ind); ++$i) {
warn "$i: $pd[$i]" if $trace;
$line = substr($pd[$i], $len_ind-1); # include space between lines
if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { # empty line signifies paragraph break
$dbx_quote .= dbx_para($code) . "\n\n";
$tex_quote .= tex_para($code) . "\n\n";
$code = '';
} else {
$code .= $line;
print NONL $code;
print PDSEAL $code;
$dbx_quote .= dbx_para($code);
print DBX "<blockquote>$dbx_quote</blockquote>\n";
$rtf_quote .= rtf_format($code);
print RTF "{\\pard $rtf_styles{'s21'} \\s21\n$rtf_quote\\par}\n";
$html_quote .= html_format($code);
print HTML "<blockquote>$html_quote</blockquote>\n";
print HTML2 "<blockquote>$html_quote</blockquote>\n";
$tex_quote .= tex_format($code);
print TEX "\\begin{quote}$tex_quote\n\\end{quote}\n";
### Material from fjon, some very specific to ocean wave simulation
sub desvar {
# Extract design variables from ocean script
# Put variables in table
my($filename,$comment) = @_;
open(INFILE, $filename) or warn "Can't open desvar file '$filename':$!";
my $x_html = "<p><i>" . html_format($comment) . "</i><br><table>\n" .
print HTML $x_html;
print HTML2 $x_html;
my $x_comm = tex_format($comment);
my $x_tex = <<TEX;
\\caption{\\small $x_comm}\\\\
\\caption[]{\\small (continuation)} \\\\
Variable & Value & comment \\\\\\hline\\hline
print TEX $x_tex;
$/ = "\n"; # Disable "slurp" mode
while(<INFILE>) {
# 1 1 2 2 3 3
if( /^;?desVar\(\s*\"(\w*)\"\s*(.*)\s*\)\s*;?\s*(\w.*)?/ ) {
$x_html = "<tr><td>" . html_format($1) . "</td><td>" .
$2 . "</td><td>" . html_format($3) .
" </td></tr>\n";
print HTML $x_html;
print HTML2 $x_html;
print TEX tex_format($1)." & ".tex_format($2)." & ".tex_format($3).
print HTML "</table>\n";
print HTML2 "</table>\n";
print TEX "\\end{longtable}\n";
undef $/; # Enable "slurp" mode again
sub plot_waves {
my $corners = '*';
my $subdir = '*';
# for (++$i; $pd[$i] !~ /^>>/; ++$i) {
my $continue = 1;
my $found = 0;
my $gnuplotcmd = "";
while($continue == 1){
if($pd[$i] =~ /^(un)?set (.*)/) {
$gnuplotcmd .= "$1set $2\n";
} elsif($pd[$i] =~ /^(\S*)=(.*)/) {
if($1 eq "corners") {
$corners = $2;
} elsif($1 eq "dir") {
$subdir = $2;
} else {
my ($in_line) = ($pd[$i] =~ /(?:<<plot:)?([^>]*)/);
my ($plot,$comment) = split(/:/, $in_line);
if(!$plot) { next; }
my ($wavedef, $title, $xlabel, $ylabel, $plot_opt) = split(/,/,$plot);
@wavelist = split(/&/, $wavedef);
@plotcmd = ();
$n_plots = 0;
$newest_file = 0;
@waves = ();
# ($wave, $wave_corners) = /([\w-]*)(?:\((.*)\))?/;
my ($wave, $wave_corners, $caption) = /([\w-]*)(?:\((.*)\))?(?:\"(.*)\")?/;
$caption = $wave;
@waves = (@waves, $wave);
$found = 0;
@cornerlist = split(/\s/,$wave_corners);
} else {
@cornerlist = split(/\s/,$corners);
# Count number of files
my $file_count = 0;
$corner = $_;
@files = <$subdir/$corner/$wave>;
$file = $_;
if(-e $file){
# Create plots commands
$corner = $_;
@files = <$subdir/$corner/$wave>;
# Removed search of data in non-testbench directory
# if($subdir eq '*'){
# @files = (@files, <$corner/$wave>);
# }
$file = $_;
if(-e $file){
print "Exist:$file\n";
$timestamp = (stat($file))[9];
if($timestamp > $newest_file){
$newest_file = $timestamp;
print "Number of files @files\n";
if($file_count == 1){
# Only one corner, don't include corner in caption
@plotcmd = (@plotcmd,
"\"$file\" title \"$caption\" $plot_opt");
} else {
($corn) = ($file =~ /\w*\/(.*)\/\w*/);
@plotcmd = (@plotcmd,
"\"$file\" title \"$caption:$corn\" $plot_opt");
$found = 1;
if($found == 0) {
print HTML "<error:Missing waveform $wave>";
$filename = join('', @waves);
if($subdir ne '*'){
$filename = $filename."-".$subdir;
if($cornerlist[0] ne '*'){
$filename = $filename."-".join('',@cornerlist);
if($n_plots == 0){
@plotcmd = ("0");
open GNUPLOT,">.pd/cmdfile.gnuplot";
warn "Writing .pd/cmdfile.gnuplot";
print GNUPLOT "reset\n".
"set terminal postscript eps color dashed\n".
"set data style lines\n".
"set grid\n".
"set autoscale xy\n".
# "set title \"$title\"\n".
"set xlabel \"$xlabel\"\n".
"set ylabel \"$ylabel\"\n".
"set output 'tex/$filename.eps'\n".
"plot ".join(",", @plotcmd)."\n";
close GNUPLOT;
$gnuplotcmd = "";
$newplot = 0;
$cmdfile = ".pd/$filename.gnuplot";
if((-e $cmdfile) &&
($newest_file < (stat($cmdfile))[9]) &&
(system("diff $cmdfile .pd/cmdfile.gnuplot") eq "0")) {
warn("Nothing changed in [".join(' ',@waves)."]\n");
$newplot = 0;
} else {
warn("Creating plot [".join(' ',@waves)."]\n");
system("mv .pd/cmdfile.gnuplot $cmdfile");
$newplot = 1;
if((!-e "$htmldir$filename.png") || $newplot){
if((!-e "$htmldir$filename"."-zoom.png") || $newplot){
if((!-e "tex/$filename.pdf") || $newplot){
# system('ps2pdf',"tex/$filename.eps","tex/$filename.pdf");
$refname = fold_label($filename);
$reflist{$refname} = $img_no;
$refhtmlpage{$refname} = $html2;
my $html_caption = "<p><a href=\"$filename"."-zoom.png\" ".
"id=\"$refname\"><img src=\"$filename.png\"></a><br>".
"Fig-$img_no: <i>".html_format($title)."</i></p>\n";
print HTML $html_caption;
print HTML2 $html_caption;
my $tex_caption = tex_caption($title);
print TEX "\\begin{figure}[ht]\n\\center\\includegraphics[totalheight=3.5in]".
} continue {
if($pd[$i] =~ />>$/) {
$continue = 0;
# print TEX "\\pagestyle{fancy}\n";
sub print_data {
my $corners = '*';
my $subdir = '*';
my $continue = 1;
my $firstdata = 1;
my ($cmd,$table_caption,$label) = split(/:/, $pd[$i++]);
if(!$label) {
$label = "table_$table_no";
my $ref = fold_label($label);
$reflist{$ref} = $table_no;
$refhtmlpage{$ref} = $html2;
# print table head
$html = "<p><a id=\"$ref\"></a><br>".
"<table border=0>\n" .
"<tr><th rowspan=\"2\">Parameter</th><th colspan=\"3\">Spec</th>".
"<th colspan=\"3\">Result</th><th rowspan=\"2\">Unit</th><th rowspan=\"2\">Pass</th></tr>\n".
print HTML $html;
print HTML2 $html;
$tex = "\\begin{center}\n".
" & & Spec& & &Result& & & \\\\\n".
"Parameter & Min & Typ & Max & Min & Typ & Max & Unit & Pass\\\\\n".
# "\\title{\\textbf{Table $table_no:$label}}\n".
print TEX $tex;
while($continue == 1){
if($pd[$i] =~ /^(\S*)=(.*)/) {
if($1 eq 'corners') {
$corners = $2;
} elsif ($1 eq 'dir') {
$subdir = $2;
} else {
warn("Illegal command '$1'\n");
my ($varname,$caption,$eq,$min_spec,$typ_spec,$max_spec,$unit,$n_dec) =
split(/,/, $pd[$i]);
# Unit not specified = Wrong number of parameters. Use line as title
$html = "<tr><th colspan=\"9\">$pd[$i]</th></tr>\n";
print HTML $html;
print HTML2 $html;
if($firstdata eq 0){
print TEX "\\hline\n";
print TEX "\\multicolumn{9}{l}{\\textbf{$pd[$i]}}\\\\\n\\hline\n";
if($n_dec eq ''){
$n_dec = 2;
my ($typ, $min, $max, $min_corner, $max_corner, $typ_corner);
$min_corner = '';
$max_corner = '';
my $count = 0;
# Walk through corners and subdir to find variables
my @cornerlist = split(/\s/,$corners);
$/ = "\n"; # Disable "slurp" mode
$corner = $_;
@files = <$subdir/$corner/$varname>;
$file = $_;
# Read data
open DATAFILE, $file;
chomp($data = <DATAFILE>);
# Find min and max value
($corn) = ($file =~ /\w*\/(.*)\/\w*/);
if($count eq 0){
$typ = $data;
$min = $data;
$max = $data;
$typ_corner = $corn;
$min_corner = $corn;
$max_corner = $corn;
} else {
if($corn eq 'typ'){
$typ = $data;
$typ_corner = $corn;
if($min > $data){
$min = $data;
$min_corner = $corn;
if($max < $data){
$max = $data;
$max_corner = $corn;
# Scale result according to unit
my($prefix) = $unit =~ /(.?)/;
if ($prefix eq 'T') { $scale = 1e-12; }
elsif ($prefix eq 'G') { $scale = 1e-9; }
elsif ($prefix eq 'M') { $scale = 1e-6; }
elsif ($prefix eq 'k') { $scale = 1e-3; }
elsif ($prefix eq 'm') { $scale = 1e3; }
elsif ($prefix eq 'u') { $scale = 1e6; }
elsif ($prefix eq 'n') { $scale = 1e9; }
elsif ($prefix eq 'p') { $scale = 1e12; }
elsif ($prefix eq 'f') { $scale = 1e15; }
else { $scale = 1; }
$min *= $scale;
$max *= $scale;
$typ *= $scale;
# Check results
if((($min_spec eq '') || ($min >= $min_spec)) &&
(($max_spec eq '') || ($max <= $max_spec))){
$result_html = ' ';
$result_tex = '';
} else {
$result_html = 'FAIL';
$result_tex = 'FAIL';
$typ_cap_tex = sprintf("%.$n_dec"."f",$typ);
$typ_cap_html = $typ_cap_tex;
if($count eq 1){
# Dont print min and max data if only one data point found
$max_cap_html = ' ';
$min_cap_html = ' ';
$min_cap_tex = '';
$max_cap_tex = '';
} elsif($count eq 0){
# Dont print results if no data found
$max_cap_html = ' ';
$min_cap_html = ' ';
$typ_cap_html = ' ';
$min_cap_tex = '';
$max_cap_tex = '';
$typ_cap_tex = '';
$result_html = ' ';
$result_tex = '';
print HTML "<error:Data $varname not found>\n";
} else {
$min_cap_html = sprintf("%.$n_dec"."f (%s)",$min,$min_corner);
$max_cap_html = sprintf("%.$n_dec"."f (%s)",$max,$max_corner);
$min_cap_tex = sprintf("%.$n_dec"."f\\ensuremath{^{%s}}",$min,$min_corner);
$max_cap_tex = sprintf("%.$n_dec"."f\\ensuremath{^{%s}}",$max,$max_corner);
# Print result if data found
$html = "<tr><td>$caption</td>".
"<td>$min_spec </td>".
"<td>$typ_spec </td>".
"<td>$max_spec </td>".
"<td>$min_cap_html</td>" .
print HTML $html;
print HTML2 $html;
$tex = "$caption & $min_spec & $typ_spec & $max_spec &".
"$min_cap_tex & $ typ_cap_tex & $max_cap_tex & ".
"$unit & $result_tex \\\\\n";
print TEX $tex;
$firstdata = 0;
} continue {
if($pd[$i] =~ />>$/){
$continue = 0;
# Close table
$html = "</p></table>Table $table_no:<i>$table_caption</i>\n";
print HTML $html;
print HTML2 $html;
print TEX "\\end{mpsupertabular}\n\\normalsize\n\\end{center}\n";
undef $/; # Enable "slurp" mode again
sub plot_schematics {
my $cont = 1;
print HTML '<p><i>Schematics:</i><br>';
print HTML2 '<p><i>Schematics:</i><br>';
# Deuglify filenames of newly printed schematics
my $schdir = 'sch';
my @sch_list = glob "$schdir/*,*"; # schematic printed using hieracical plots contains a ,
my $index;
foreach my $sch (@sch_list) { # rename Cadence file format, easier for LaTex and for sort
print "Schematic $index of " . @sch_list . "\n";
if ($sch =~ /[@](.*),(.*),(.*)/) { #strip @ prefix and extract ckt and libname
my $libname = $1;
my $cktname = $2;
my $viewname = $3;
my $viewext;
if($viewname eq 'schematic') {
$viewext = '';
} else {
$viewext = "-$viewname";
rename "$sch", "$schdir/$cktname.$libname.$" or warn "couldn't rename $sch\n";
system "ps2ps $schdir/$cktname.$libname.$ $schdir/$cktname$viewext-$libname";
unlink "$schdir/$cktname.$libname.$"; # delete eps files
# my ($pre, $sch, $lib) = ($pd[$i] =~ /(?:<<sch:)?([\s\^]*)([\w]*)\s*\((\w*)/);
my ($pre, $sch, $lib) = ($pd[$i] =~ /(?:<<sch:)?(\W*)([\w-]*)\s*\((\w*)/);
$filename = "$sch-$lib";
print "$filename\n";
if(-r "sch/$filename"){
if((stat("sch/$filename"))[9] > (stat("tex/$filename.pdf"))[9]){
print "Converting $filename to pdf\n";
system('epstopdf',"sch/$filename", "-outfile","tex/$filename.pdf");
if((stat("sch/$filename"))[9] > (stat("$htmldir$filename.png"))[9]){
print "Converting $filename to png\n";
system("convert -density 150x150 sch/$filename $htmldir$filename.png");
$refname = fold_label($filename);
$reflist{$refname} = $img_no;
$refhtmlpage{$refname} = $html2;
my $html_caption = "$pre<a href=\"$filename.png\"".
"id=\"$refname\">$sch ($lib)</a><br>\n";
print HTML $html_caption;
print HTML2 $html_caption;
$tex_caption = "";
print TEX <<TEX;
# print TEX "\\begin{figure}[ht]\n\\center".
# "\\includegraphics[totalheight=9in]".
# "\\includegraphics[width=1.0\\textwidth,".
# "height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio]".
# "\\includegraphics[width=0.95\\paperwidth,".
# "height=0.95\\paperheight,keepaspectratio]".
# "{$filename.pdf}\n$tex_caption".
# "\\label{$refname}\n\\end{figure}\n\\clearpage\n\n";
if($pd[$i] =~ />>$/) {
$cont = 0;
print HTML '</p>';
print HTML2 '</p>';
# Generate TeX for equation AND render it for HTML representation
sub plot_eqn {
my($equation,$tag,$eqnr) = @_;
my $ref = fold_label($tag);
print TEX "\\begin{equation}\\label{$ref}$equation\\end{equation}";
# Convert latex equation to png to include in HTML document
my $f = "eqn_$tag";
my $dpi = 150;
my $res = 0.5;
my $imageCmd = 'pnmtopng';
#my $imageCmdD = 'pngtopnm';
my $imageExt = 'png';
my $background = "";
my $transparent = "ff/ff/ff";
$reflist{$ref} = $eqnr;
$refhtmlpage{$ref} = $html2;
open TEXEQN,">$f.tex";
warn "Writing $f.tex";
print TEXEQN "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}\n" .
# "\\bf\n".
close TEXEQN;
# Only recreate png file if tex file changed
if((-e ".pd/$f.tex") && (-e "$htmldir$f.$imageExt") &&
(system("diff .pd/$f.tex $f.tex") eq "0")){
unlink "$f.tex";
warn("Nothing changed in equation $tag\n");
} else {
# *** the following, from fjon, has too many tool dependencies for my taste --Sampo
unlink ".pd/$f.tex";
rename "$f.tex", ".pd/$f.tex";
system("latex .pd/$f.tex\n");
system("dvips -f $f.dvi > $\n");
$cmd = "echo quit | gs -q -dNOPAUSE -r" . int($dpi / $res). "x". int($dpi / $res) .
" -sOutputFile=- -sDEVICE=pbmraw $ | " .
"pnmcrop -white | pnmdepth 255 | $background pnmscale " .
$res . " | " .
"$imageCmd -interlace -transparent rgb:$transparent >$htmldir$f.$imageExt";
system("rm $f.dvi $f.aux $f.log $");
# Place equation in table to align equation number
$html = "<table><tr>".
"<td class=\"eqn\"><a id=\"$ref\"><img src=\"$f.$imageExt\"></a>".
"<td class=\"eqn\">($eqnr)\n".
# "<a id=\"$ref\"><img src=\"$f.$imageExt\"></a>".
# " ($eqnr)<br>\n";
print HTML $html;
print HTML2 $html;
### End fjon contribution
# N.B. In order to be able to escape < and > properly we use here a trick:
# ^^^^ represents < and ~~~~ represents >. Once escaping is done, they
# are substituted back.
$inline_open = '^^^^inlinemediaobject~~~~^^^^imageobject~~~~';
$inline_close = '^^^^/imageobject~~~~^^^^/inlinemediaobject~~~~';
sub fold_label {
my ($label) = @_;
$label =~ s|[^\w_:-]|-|g; # fjon added _
return $label;
sub dbx_entity_escape_lite { # Used by verbatim modes that use CDATA
my ($x) = @_;
return $x unless $encoding eq 'UTF-8';
return $x;
sub dbx_entity_escape {
my ($x) = @_;
return $x unless $encoding eq 'UTF-8';
$x =~ s/\@/@/g;
$x =~ s/á/á/g; $x =~ s/à/à/g; $x =~ s/â/â/g;
$x =~ s/ä/ä/g; $x =~ s/ã/ã/g; $x =~ s/å/å/g;
$x =~ s/Á/Á/g; $x =~ s/À/À/g; $x =~ s/Â/Â/g;
$x =~ s/Ä/Ä/g; $x =~ s/Ã/Ã/g; $x =~ s/Å/Å/g;
$x =~ s/ó/ó/g; $x =~ s/ò/ò/g; $x =~ s/ô/ô/g;
$x =~ s/ö/ö/g; $x =~ s/õ/õ/g;
$x =~ s/Ó/Ó/g; $x =~ s/Ò/Ò/g; $x =~ s/Ô/Ô/g;
$x =~ s/Ö/Ö/g; $x =~ s/Õ/Õ/g;
$x =~ s/í/í/g; $x =~ s/ì/ì/g; $x =~ s/î/î/g; $x =~ s/ï/ï/g;
$x =~ s/Í/Í/g; $x =~ s/Ì/Ì/g; $x =~ s/Î/Î/g; $x =~ s/Ï/Ï/g;
$x =~ s/é/é/g; $x =~ s/è/è/g; $x =~ s/ê/ê/g; $x =~ s/ë/ë/g;
$x =~ s/É/É/g; $x =~ s/È/È/g; $x =~ s/Ê/Ê/g; $x =~ s/Ë/Ë/g;
$x =~ s/ú/ú/g; $x =~ s/ù/ù/g; $x =~ s/û/û/g; $x =~ s/ü/ü/g;
$x =~ s/Ú/Ú/g; $x =~ s/Ù/Ù/g; $x =~ s/Û/Û/g; $x =~ s/Ü/Ü/g;
$x =~ s/ç/çla;/g; $x =~ s/Ç/Çla;/g;
$x =~ s/ñ/ñ/g; $x =~ s/Ñ/Ñ/g;
return $x;
sub dbx_format_infobox {
my ($id,$link,$tableargs,$content) = @_;
$content =~ s/</^^^^/gs;
$content =~ s/>/~~~~/gs;
return tag(qq(a href="#" onClick="vis('$id',1);")).$link.tag('/a')
.tag(qq(table id=$id $tableargs)).tag('tr').tag('td').$content
sub dbx_para_raw {
my $x = join ' ', @_;
return "\n" unless length $x;
local ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9);
if ($fn_style == 3) {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%$fn_num++,qq(^^^^footnote id="fn$fn_num" label="$fn_num"~~~~^^^^para~~~~$1^^^^/para~~~~^^^^/footnote~~~~)%gse;
} elsif ($fn_style == 1) {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%$fn_num++,qq([*** fn$fn_num: $1 ***])%gse;
} else {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<feedbackopts:.*?>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbacktop:.*?>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbackbot:.*?>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<infobox:(\w+):([^:]*):([^:]*):\s*(.*?)\s*>>%dbx_format_infobox($1,$2,$3,$4)%gse;
$x =~ s/\(\*\*\*(.*?)\)//gs;
# 1 2 34 5 6 7 8
$x =~ s%<<(\S*?(\.((gif)|(jpe?g)|(svg)|(png)|(e?ps))))>>%
$inline_open^^^^imagedata fileref="$1"/~~~~$inline_close%gsx;
$x =~ s%<<tt:\s*(.*?)>>%^^^^computeroutput~~~~$1^^^^/computeroutput~~~~%gs;
$x =~ s%<<bold:\s*(.*?)>>%^^^^emphasis role="bold"~~~~$1^^^^/emphasis~~~~%gs;
$x =~ s%<<italic:\s*(.*?)>>%^^^^emphasis~~~~$1^^^^/emphasis~~~~%gs;
$x =~ s%<<see:\s*(\S[^>]*?)(?::\s+(\S[^>]*))?>>%qq(^^^^xref linkend=") . fold_label($1) . qq("/~~~~)%gse;
$x =~ s%<<ix:\s*([^>]+)>>%$1%gs; # index entry
$x =~ s%<<ref:\s*([^:]+): (.*?)>>%<xref linkend="$2"/>%gs; # *** should do proper ref
$x =~ s|<(/?\w.*?/?)>|^^^^$tag_tag~~~~<$1>^^^^/$tag_tag~~~~|gs;
$x =~ s%((?<!\S)\@[a-z0-9-]+)%^^^^computeroutput~~~~$1^^^^/computeroutput~~~~%gsxi; # XML or HTML @attribute
# *** add URL, email, and file path detection
$x =~ s|&|&|g;
$x =~ s|<|<|g;
$x =~ s|>|>|g;
$x =~ s|\\\\|<literallayout>\n</literallayout>|g;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWTEX: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWDBX: (.*?)~~~~~~~~|unhexit($1)|gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWRTF: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWHTML: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^|<|g;
$x =~ s|~~~~|>|g;
$x =~ s|\*(\S.*?\S)\*|<emphasis role="bold">$1</emphasis>|gs;
$x =~ s|([\s\(])\+([a-z].*?\w)\+|$1<emphasis>$2</emphasis>|gsi;
$x =~ s|~(\S.*?\S)~|<computeroutput>$1</computeroutput>|gs;
$x =~ s|~([/\#\$\w-].*?[\w\)])~|<computeroutput>$1</computeroutput>|gs;
#$x =~ s|~(\S.*?\S)~|<literal>$1</literal>|gs;
#$x =~ s|\+(\S.*?\S)\+|<command>$1</command>|gs;
#$x =~ s|!(\S.*?\S)!|<replaceable>$1</replaceable>|gs;
#$x =~ s|\[(\S.*?\S)\]|[<link linkend="$1">$1</link>]|gs; # biblio refs
$x =~ s|\[(\w.*?[\w.])\]|<xref linkend="$1"/>|gs; # biblio refs
# convert LaTeX leftovers to something reasonable
$x =~ s|\\mu|µ|gs;
$x =~ s|\\acute\{a\}|á|gs;
$x =~ s|\\times| x |gs;
$x =~ s|\\:| |gs;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)\^\{([^\{\}]+)\}|<sup>$1</sup>|gs if $x =~ /\$/; # *** different for dbx?
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)\^(\w)|<sup>$1</sup>|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)_\{([^\{\}]+)\}|<sub>$1</sub>|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)_(\w)|<sub>$1</sub>|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s/!\\/\\/g; # Backslash escape
$x =~ s|\$||gs;
$x =~ s|<dollari>|\$|gs;
$x =~ s|<ampersandi>|&|gs;
$x =~ s|\\pm |±|gs;
$x =~ s|\\isotope\{(\d+)\}\{(\w+)\}|<sup>$1</sup>$2|gs;
$x =~ s/\\[a-z]+(\[[^]]+\])*(\{[^}]+\})*//gsi; # most LaTeX macros
$x =~ s/\\{/{/gs;
$x =~ s/\\}/}/gs;
$x =~ s%====%_%g;
return dbx_entity_escape($x);
sub dbx_para {
my $x = &dbx_para_raw;
return '' if $x =~ /^\s*$/s;
my $prepara = $para_started ? '' : '<para>';
return "$prepara$x</para>";
sub dbx_format {
return &dbx_para_raw;
### NONL formatting
sub nonl_format {
my $x = join ' ', @_;
return "\n" unless length $x;
local ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9);
if ($fn_style) {
#$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%<<footnote: $1>>%gse;
} else {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<feedbackopts:.*?>>%%gs;
# 1 1 2 2 3 3
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbacktop:(\w+):([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gse;
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbackbot:(\w+):([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gse;
# 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
$x =~ s%<<infobox:(\w+):([^:]*):([^:]*):\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gse;
$x =~ s%<<label:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<link:(.*?)(:\s+(.*?))?\s*>>%defined($3)?$3:$1%gsex;
$x =~ s/\(\*\*\*(.*?)\)//gs;
# 1 2 34 5 6 7 8
#$x =~ s%<<(\S*?(\.((gif)|(jpe?g)|(svg)|(png)|(e?ps))))>>%^^^^img href="$1"/~~~~%gsx;
$x =~ s%<<tt:\s*(.*?)>>%$1%gsex;
$x =~ s%<<italic:\s*(.*?)>>%$1%gs;
$x =~ s%<<bold:\s*(.*?)>>%$1%gs;
#$x =~ s%<<seeix:\s*(\S[^:>]*):\s*(\S[^>]*)>>%^^^^a href="#$1"~~~~$2^^^^/a~~~~%gs; # Combined index and ref
# Fredrik Jonsson: Store reference as <see:ref> in html document for future resolving
#$x =~ s%<<see:\s*(\S[^>]*?)(?::\s+(\S[^>]*))?>>%"^^^^see:?:". fold_label($1) . "=$2~~~~"%gse;
$x =~ s%<<ix:\s*([^>]+)>>%$1%gs; # index entry
$x =~ s%<<ixx:\s*([^>]+)>>%%gs; # hidden index entry
$x =~ s%<<ref:\s*([^:]+): (.*?)>>%$2%gs;
$x =~ s|\\\\|\n|g;
$x =~ s|\*(\S.*?\S)\*|$1|gs; # bold
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()\+([a-z].*?[\w.])\+}{$1$2}gsi; # italic
$x =~ s|(?<!~)~([/\#\$\w-].*?[\w\)\}:])~(?!~)|$1|gsex; # computer output
$x =~ s|<<RAWTEX: (.*?)>>||gse;
$x =~ s|<<RAWDBX: (.*?)>>||gse;
$x =~ s|<<RAWRTF: (.*?)>>||gse;
$x =~ s|<<RAWHTML: (.*?)>>||gse;
#$x =~ s|~(\w.*?\w)~|<literal>$1</literal>|gs;
#$x =~ s|\+(\w.*?\w)\+|<command>$1</command>|gs;
#$x =~ s|!(\w.*?\w)!|<replaceable>$1</replaceable>|gs;
#$x =~ s|\[(\w.*?\w)\]|[<link linkend="$1">$1</link>]|gs; # biblio refs
#$x =~ s|\[(\w.*?[\w.])\]|$1|gsex; # biblio refs
#$x =~ s|||gs;
# convert LaTeX leftovers to something reasonable
$x =~ s|\\mu|µ|gs;
$x =~ s|\\acute\{a\}|á|gs;
$x =~ s|\\times| x |gs;
$x =~ s|\\:| |gs;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)\^\{([^\{\}]+)\}|$1|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)\^(\w)|$1|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)_\{([^\{\}]+)\}|$1|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)_(\w)|$1|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s/!\\/\\/g; # Backslash escape
$x =~ s|\$||gs;
$x =~ s|<dollari>|\$|gs;
$x =~ s|<ampersandi>|&|gs;
$x =~ s|\\pm |±|gs;
$x =~ s|\\isotope\{(\d+)\}\{(\w+)\}|$1 $2|gs;
$x =~ s/\\[a-z]+(\[[^]]+\])*(\{[^}]+\})*//gsi; # most LaTeX macros
$x =~ s/\\{/{/gs;
$x =~ s/\\}/}/gs;
$x =~ s%====%_%g;
return $x;
sub nonl_para {
my $x = &nonl_format;
$x =~ s/\r?\n\r?\n/<<PAR>>/g;
$x =~ s/\s*\r?\n/ /g;
$x =~ s/<<PAR>>/\n\n/g;
return $x;
sub pdseal_para {
my $x = join ' ', @_;
$x =~ s|\\\\||g;
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<see:\s*(\S[^>]*?)(?::\s+(\S[^>]*))?>>%%gse;
$x = &nonl_format($x);
$x =~ s/\r?\n\r?\n/<<PAR>>/g;
$x =~ s/\s*\r?\n/ /g;
$x =~ s/<<PAR>>/\n\n/g;
return $x;
### RTF formatting
sub rtf_format_infobox {
my ($id,$link,$tableargs,$content) = @_;
return $content;
sub rtf_para_raw {
my $x = join ' ', @_;
return "\n" unless length $x;
local ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9);
if ($fn_style == 3) {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%$fn_num++,qq({\\*\\footnote $1})%gse;
} elsif ($fn_style == 1) {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%$fn_num++,qq(\\chftn{\\*\\footnote {\\up6\\chftn } $1})%gse;
#$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%$fn_num++,qq([*** fn$fn_num: $1 ***])%gse;
} else {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<feedbackopts:.*?>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbacktop:.*?>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbackbot:.*?>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<infobox:(\w+):([^:]*):([^:]*):\s*(.*?)\s*>>%rtf_format_infobox($1,$2,$3,$4)%gse;
$x =~ s/\(\*\*\*(.*?)\)//gs;
# 1 2 34 5 6 7 8
$x =~ s%<<(\S*?(\.((gif)|(jpe?g)|(svg)|(png)|(e?ps))))>>%
$inline_open^^^^imagedata fileref="$1"/~~~~$inline_close%gsx;
$x =~ s%<<tt:\s*(.*?)>>%{\\f2 $1}%gs;
$x =~ s%<<bold:\s*(.*?)>>%{\\b $1}%gs;
$x =~ s%<<italic:\s*(.*?)>>%{\\i $1}%gs;
$x =~ s%<<see:\s*(\S[^>]*?)(?::\s+(\S[^>]*))?>>%qq(^^^^xref linkend=") . fold_label($1) . qq("/~~~~)%gse;
$x =~ s%<<ix:\s*([^>]+)>>%{\\xe $1}%gs; # index entry
$x =~ s%<<ref:\s*([^:]+): (.*?)>>%<xref linkend="$2"/>%gs; # *** should do proper ref
$x =~ s|<(/?\w.*?/?)>|^^^^$tag_tag~~~~<$1>^^^^/$tag_tag~~~~|gs;
# *** add URL, email, and file path detection
$x =~ s|\\\\|\\ql\\line |g;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWTEX: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWDBX: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWRTF: (.*?)~~~~~~~~|unhexit($1)|gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWHTML: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^|<|g;
$x =~ s|~~~~|>|g;
$x =~ s<\*(\S.*?\S)\*><{\\b $1}>gs; # bold
$x =~ s<(\A|\s|\()\+([a-z].*?[\w.])\+><$1\{\\i $2\}>gsi; # italic
#$x =~ s|([\s\(])\+([a-z].*?\w)\+|$1{\\i $2}|gsi; # Italic ***
$x =~ s|~(\S.*?\S)~|{\\f2 $1 }|gs;
$x =~ s|~([/\#\$\w-].*?[\w\)])~|{\\f2 $1 }|gs;
#$x =~ s|~(\S.*?\S)~|<literal>$1</literal>|gs;
#$x =~ s|\+(\S.*?\S)\+|<command>$1</command>|gs;
#$x =~ s|!(\S.*?\S)!|<replaceable>$1</replaceable>|gs;
#$x =~ s|\[(\S.*?\S)\]|[<link linkend="$1">$1</link>]|gs; # biblio refs
$x =~ s|\[(\w.*?[\w.])\]|<xref linkend="$1"/>|gs; # biblio refs
# convert LaTeX leftovers to something reasonable
$x =~ s|\\mu|µ|gs;
$x =~ s|\\acute\{a\}|á|gs;
$x =~ s|\\times| x |gs;
$x =~ s|\\:| |gs;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)\^\{([^\{\}]+)\}|{\\up $1}|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)\^(\w)|{\\up $1}|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)_\{([^\{\}]+)\}|{\\dn $1}|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)_(\w)|{\\dn $1}|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s/!\\/\\/g; # Backslash escape
$x =~ s|\$||gs;
$x =~ s|<dollari>|\$|gs;
$x =~ s|<ampersandi>|&|gs;
$x =~ s|\\pm |±|gs;
$x =~ s|\\isotope\{(\d+)\}\{(\w+)\}|<sup>$1</sup>$2|gs;
#$x =~ s/\\[a-z]+(\[[^]]+\])*(\{[^}]+\})*//gsi; # most LaTeX macros
$x =~ s/\\{/{/gs;
$x =~ s/\\}/}/gs;
$x =~ s%====%_%g;
return $x;
sub rtf_para {
my $x = &rtf_para_raw;
return '' if $x =~ /^\s*$/s;
#my $prepara = $para_started ? '' : '\\par ';
#return "$prepara$x";
#return "{\\pard $rtf_styles{'s10'} \\s10 $x\\par}\n";
# We want the paragraphs to inherit style from containg unit, e.g. to preserve
# list indentation.
return "{$x\\par}\\fi0\n";
sub rtf_format {
return &rtf_para_raw;
### HTML formatting
sub tag {
my ($tag, $cont) = @_;
if ($cont) {
my ($thetag) = split /\s+/, $tag, 2;
return qq(^^^^$tag~~~~$cont^^^^/$thetag~~~~);
} else {
return qq(^^^^$tag~~~~);
sub html_format_func {
my ($ret, $func, $args) = @_;
my $proto = "$ret$func($args)";
#warn "CANDIDATE html func($func)\n";
return $proto if $not_a_path{$proto};
#return "$ret$func($args)" if !$pdflag{'autoformat'};
$proto =~ s%_%====%g;
#warn "html func($func)\n";
return tag('i', $proto);
sub html_format_email {
my ($uid, $dom) = @_;
my $addr = "$uid\@$dom";
return $addr if $not_a_path{$addr} || $not_a_url{$addr};
#warn "email uid($uid) dom($dom)\n";
#return "$uid\@$dom" if !$pdflag{'autoformat'};
$addr =~ s%_%====%g;
$addr =~ s|\.|''''|g;
return tag(qq(a href="mailto:$addr"), "$addr");
sub html_format_url {
my ($url, $what) = @_;
return $url if $not_a_path{$url} || $not_a_url{$url};
#warn "url($url) $what\n";
#return $url if !$pdflag{'autoformat'};
$url =~ s%_%====%g;
$url =~ s|\.|''''|g;
$url =~ s|/|""""|g;
my $link = $url;
$link = 'http://'.$link if $link !~ m{:""""""""};
return tag(qq(a href="$link"), $url);
sub html_format_country_url {
my ($url, $cc, $what) = @_;
return $url if $not_a_country{$cc};
return $url if $not_a_path{$url} || $not_a_url{$url};
#warn "url($url) cc($cc) $what";
return html_format_url($url);
sub html_format_path {
my ($path,$what) = @_;
return $path if $not_a_path{$path};
return $path if $path=~m|^[0-9/.,-]+$|s; # Avoid pure numbers like 12/34 or 1.2
#warn "path($path) $what";
$path =~ s%_%====%g;
$path =~ s|\.|''''|g;
$path =~ s|/|""""|g;
return tag('tt', $path);
sub html_format_ip {
my ($path,$what) = @_;
return $path if $not_a_path{$path};
return $path if $path=~m|^\d+\.\d+\.?$|s; # Avoid pure numbers like 1.2
return $path if $path=~m|^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.?$|s; # Avoid pure numbers like 1.2.3
#warn "path($path) $what";
$path =~ s%_%====%g;
$path =~ s|\.|''''|g;
$path =~ s|/|""""|g;
return tag('tt', $path);
sub html_format_ref {
my ($ref) = @_;
return qq([$ref]);
sub html_format_tt {
my ($tt) = @_;
$tt =~ s/\$/^^^^dollari~~~~/gs;
return tag('tt', $tt);
sub html_format_fn {
my ($note) = @_;
$note =~ s/\"/^^^^ampersandi~~~~quot;/gs; # Quote friendly
$note =~ s%</?\w+.*?>%%gs; # Zap tags such as <i> or <tt>
#warn "FN($note)";
$note = " (($note))"; # Renders much more naturally
return tag(qq(img src="fn.png" title="$note" alt="$note"));
sub html_format_infobox {
my ($id,$link,$tableargs,$content) = @_;
#$note =~ s/\"/^^^^ampersandi~~~~quot;/gs; # Quote friendly
#$note =~ s%</?\w+.*?>%%gs; # Zap tags such as <i> or <tt>
#warn "infobox($note)";
$content =~ s/</^^^^/gs;
$content =~ s/>/~~~~/gs;
if (length($link)) {
return tag(qq(a href="#" onClick="vis('$id',$id=!$id);")).$link.tag('/a')
.tag(qq(table id=$id $tableargs)).tag('tr').tag('td').$content
} else {
return tag(qq(table id=$id $tableargs)).tag('tr').tag('td').$content
sub html_format_addfeedback {
my ($vis,$link,$title) = @_;
return '' if !$vis;
my $templ = readall('pdblogcom.html');
$templ =~ s/!!LINK/$link/gs;
$templ =~ s/!!TIT/$title/gs;
$templ =~ s/!!BASE/$base/gs;
$templ =~ s/</^^^^/gs;
$templ =~ s/>/~~~~/gs;
return $templ;
sub html_biblio {
my ($bibref) = @_;
return '['.$biblio.']' if $not_a_path{$biblio};
return qq([<a href="#$bibref"/>$1</a>]);
sub html_format {
my $x = join ' ', @_;
return "\n" unless length $x;
local ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9);
if ($fn_style) {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%html_format_fn($1)%gse;
} else {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<feedbackopts:.*?>>%%gs;
# 1 1 2 2 3 3
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbacktop:(\w+):([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*>>%html_format_addfeedback($1,$2,$3)%gse;
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbackbot:(\w+):([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*>>%html_format_addfeedback($1,$2,$3)%gse;
# 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4
$x =~ s%<<infobox:(\w+):([^:]*):([^:]*):\s*(.*?)\s*>>%html_format_infobox($1,$2,$3,$4)%gse;
$x =~ s%<<label:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%^^^^a id="$1"~~~~^^^^/a~~~~%gs;
$x =~ s%<<link:(.*?)(:\s+(.*?))?\s*>>%qq(^^^^a href="$1"~~~~).(defined($3)?$3:$1).'^^^^/a~~~~'%gsex;
$x =~ s/\(\*\*\*(.*?)\)//gs;
if ($pdflag{'autoformat'} == 1) {
# function and email detection
# 1 12 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9_:]+=)?([a-z0-9_.:-]+)\(([a-z0-9_:, -]*)\)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_func($2,$3,$4).$5}gisex;
# 1 12 2 3 34 4
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\(|\<)([a-z0-9_.-]+)\@([a-z0-9_.-]+?)([,.!?\)\>]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_email($2,$3).$4}gisex;
# URL and domain name detection
# 1 12 23 3
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z]+://[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%\#-]+)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_url($2,"proto2://$3/").$3}gisex;
# 1 12 23 3
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(www\.[a-z0-9_-]+\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_url($2,'www').$3}gisex;
# 1 12 23 3
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(ftp\.[a-z0-9_-]+\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_url($2,'ftp').$3}gisex;
# 1 12 3 3 24 4
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+[a-z0-9]\.com(/[a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)?)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_url($2,'com').$4}gisex;
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+[a-z0-9]\.net(/[a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)?)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_url($2,'net').$4}gisex;
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+[a-z0-9]\.org(/[a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)?)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_url($2,'org').$4}gisex;
# 1 12 3 34 4 25 5
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+[a-z0-9]\.([a-z][a-z])(/[a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)?)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_country_url($2,$3,"cc_url($5)").$5}gisex;
#warn "==[$x]==";
# file path detection
# 1 12 23 3
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(~?[a-z0-9_./-]*\.[a-z][a-z0-9_]*?)([,.!?\)]{0,2})(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_path($2,"path1($3)").$3}gisex;
# 1 12 23 3
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(~?[a-z0-9_.-]*/[a-z0-9_./-]*?)([,.!?\)]{0,2})(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_path($2,"path2($3)").$3}gisex;
# 1 12 23 34 term 4 URN detect
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(urn:[a-z0-9_./:-]*?)([,.!?\)]{0,2})(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_path($2,"urn($3)").$3}gisex;
# 1 12 23 3
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(\d+\.[\d./*]+)([,.!?\)]{0,2})(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.html_format_ip($2,"ip($3)").$3}gisex;
# 1 2 34 5 6 7 8
$x =~ s%<<(\S*?(\.((gif)|(jpe?g)|(svg)|(png)|(e?ps))))>>%^^^^img href="$1"/~~~~%gsx;
$x =~ s%<<tt:\s*(.*?)>>%html_format_tt($1)%gsex;
$x =~ s%<<italic:\s*(.*?)>>%^^^^i~~~~$1^^^^/i~~~~%gs;
$x =~ s%<<bold:\s*(.*?)>>%^^^^b~~~~$1^^^^/b~~~~%gs;
$x =~ s%<<br:\s*>>%^^^^br~~~~%gs;
$x =~ s%<<seeix:\s*(\S[^:>]*):\s*(\S[^>]*)>>%^^^^a href="#$1"~~~~$2^^^^/a~~~~%gs; # Combined index and ref
# Fredrik Jonsson: Store reference as <see:ref> in html document for future resolving
$x =~ s%<<see:\s*(\S[^>]*?)(?::\s+(\S[^>]*))?>>%"^^^^see:?:". fold_label($1) . "=$2~~~~"%gse;
$x =~ s%<<ix:\s*([^>]+)>>%$1%gs; # index entry
$x =~ s%<<ixx:\s*([^>]+)>>%%gs; # hidden index entry
$x =~ s%<<ref:\s*([^:]+): (.*?)>>%$2%gs; # *** should do proper ref
$x =~ s|<(/?\w.*?/?)>|^^^^$tag_tag~~~~<$1>^^^^/$tag_tag~~~~|gs;
$x =~ s%((?<!\S)\@[a-z0-9-]+)%html_format_tt($1)%gsexi; # XML or HTML @attribute
$x =~ s|&|&|g;
$x =~ s|<|<|g;
$x =~ s|>|>|g;
$x =~ s|\\\\|^^^^br~~~~|g;
$x =~ s|''''|.|g;
$x =~ s|""""|/|g;
$x =~ s|\*(\S.*?\S)\*|^^^^b~~~~$1^^^^/b~~~~|gs; # bold
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()\+([a-z].*?[\w.])\+}{$1^^^^i~~~~$2^^^^/i~~~~}gsi; # italic
$x =~ s|(?<!~)~([/\#\$\w-].*?[\w\)\}:])~(?!~)|html_format_tt($1)|gsex; # computer output
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWTEX: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWDBX: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWRTF: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWHTML: (.*?)~~~~~~~~|unhexit($1)|gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^|<|g;
$x =~ s|~~~~|>|g;
#$x =~ s|~(\w.*?\w)~|<literal>$1</literal>|gs;
#$x =~ s|\+(\w.*?\w)\+|<command>$1</command>|gs;
#$x =~ s|!(\w.*?\w)!|<replaceable>$1</replaceable>|gs;
#$x =~ s|\[(\w.*?\w)\]|[<link linkend="$1">$1</link>]|gs; # biblio refs
$x =~ s|\[(\w.*?[\w.])\]|html_biblio($1)|gsex; # biblio refs
#$x =~ s|||gs;
# convert LaTeX leftovers to something reasonable
$x =~ s|\\mu|µ|gs;
$x =~ s|\\acute\{a\}|á|gs;
$x =~ s|\\times| x |gs;
$x =~ s|\\:| |gs;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)\^\{([^\{\}]+)\}|<sup>$1</sup>|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)\^(\w)|<sup>$1</sup>|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)_\{([^\{\}]+)\}|<sub>$1</sub>|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s|(?<!\\)_(\w)|<sub>$1</sub>|gs if $x =~ /\$/;
$x =~ s/!\\/\\/g; # Backslash escape
$x =~ s|\$||gs;
$x =~ s|<dollari>|\$|gs;
$x =~ s|<ampersandi>|&|gs;
$x =~ s|\\pm |±|gs;
$x =~ s|\\isotope\{(\d+)\}\{(\w+)\}|<sup>$1</sup>$2|gs;
$x =~ s/\\[a-z]+(\[[^]]+\])*(\{[^}]+\})*//gsi; # most LaTeX macros
$x =~ s/\\{/{/gs;
$x =~ s/\\}/}/gs;
$x =~ s%====%_%g;
return $x;
sub html_para {
my $x = &html_format;
return '' if $x =~ /^\s*$/s;
my $prepara = $para_started ? '' : '<p>';
return "$prepara$x</p>";
### TeX Special Character Escaping
sub tex_esc_verbatim {
my ($x) = @_;
local ($1,$2);
#$x =~ s/(\r?\n)+//s; # *** only zap first CRNL?
return $x;
$x =~ s/([\&])/\\$1/g; # fjon wants to abolish this
#$x =~ s/\\/\$\\backslash\$/g; More useful to permit customization
$x =~ s/([\#\$\%\&\_\{\}])/\\$1/g;
$x =~ s/([~^])/\\$1\{\}/g;
$x =~ s/!\\/\$\\backslash\$/g;
return $x;
sub tex_esc {
my ($x) = @_;
local ($1,$2);
$x =~ s/([\#\%\&\_\{\}])/\\$1/g; # \$ is needed for math
$x =~ s/([~^])/\\$1\{\}/g;
$x =~ s/!\\/\$\\backslash\$/g;
return $x;
sub tex_esc_tag {
return "\\".$_[0].'^^^^'.tex_esc($_[1]).'````';
sub tex_esc_tt {
my ($x) = @_;
local ($1,$2);
#warn "escaping [$x]";
$x =~ s/([_\$\{\}\#])/\\$1/g; # \&\%
$x =~ s/\[/~~~~/g;
$x =~ s/\]/\$\$\$\$/g;
$x =~ s/</::::/g;
$x =~ s/>/;;;;/g;
#$x =~ s/([~^])/\\$1\{\}/g;
#$x =~ s/!\\/\$\\backslash\$/g;
#warn "escaped [$x]";
return $x;
sub tex_esc_tt_tag {
return "\\".$_[0].'^^^^'.tex_esc_tt($_[1]).'````';
sub tex_format_func {
my ($ret, $func, $args) = @_;
my $proto = "$ret$func($args)";
return $proto if $not_a_path{$proto};
warn "func($func)\n";
$ret = tex_esc_tt($ret);
$func = tex_esc_tt($func);
$args = tex_esc_tt($args);
return '\\emph^^^^' . $ret . $func . '(' . $args . ")````\\index^^^^$func\@\\emph{$func()}````";
sub tex_format_email {
my ($uid, $dom) = @_;
my $addr = "$uid\@$dom";
return $addr if $not_a_path{$addr} || $not_a_url{$addr};
warn "email uid($uid) dom($dom)\n";
$uid = tex_esc_tt($uid);
$dom = tex_esc_tt($dom);
$uid =~ s|\.|''''|g;
$dom =~ s|\.|''''|g;
return "\\texttt^^^^$uid\@$dom````\\index^^^^$uid\"\@$dom````";
sub tex_format_url {
my ($url, $what) = @_;
return $url if $not_a_path{$url} || $not_a_url{$url};
warn "url($url) $what\n";
$url = tex_esc_tt($url);
$url =~ s|\.|''''|g;
$url =~ s|/|""""|g;
return '\\texttt^^^^' . $url . '````';
sub tex_format_country_url {
my ($url, $cc, $what) = @_;
#warn "url($url) cc($cc) $what";
return $url if $not_a_country{$cc};
return $url if $not_a_path{$url} || $not_a_url{$url};
warn "url($url) cc($cc) $what\n";
return tex_format_url($url);
sub tex_format_path {
my ($path,$what) = @_;
return $path if $not_a_path{$path};
return $path if $path=~m|^[0-9/.,-]+$|s; # Avoid pure numbers like 12/34 or 1.2
warn "path($path) $what\n";
$path = tex_esc_tt($path);
$path =~ s|\.|''''|g;
$path =~ s|/|""""|g;
return '\\texttt^^^^' . $path . '````';
sub tex_format_ip {
my ($path,$what) = @_;
return $path if $not_a_path{$path};
return $path if $path=~m|^\d+\.\d+\.?$|s; # Avoid pure numbers like 1.2
return $path if $path=~m|^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.?$|s; # Avoid pure numbers like 1.2.3
warn "ip($path) $what\n";
$path = tex_esc_tt($path);
$path =~ s|\.|''''|g;
$path =~ s|/|""""|g;
return '\\texttt^^^^' . $path . '````';
sub tex_format_ref {
my ($ref) = @_;
#$ref =~ s/^[+*~]//; $ref =~ s/[+*~]$//;
$ref =~ s/^\\[a-z]+\^\^\^\^(.*?)````/$1/gsi;
return "\\index^^^^$ref````";
sub tex_format_infobox {
my ($id,$link,$tableargs,$content) = @_;
return $content;
sub tex_esc_all {
my ($x) = @_;
$x = tex_esc_tt($x);
$x =~ s|\.|''''|g;
$x =~ s|/|""""|g;
return $x;
sub tex_esc_underscore {
my ($x) = @_;
$x =~ s|_|!underscore|g;
return $x;
sub tex_biblio {
my ($bibref) = @_;
return '['.$bibref.']' if $not_a_path{$bibref};
return '\\cite^^^^'.$bibref.'````\\index^^^^'.$bibref.'````';
sub tex_format {
my $x = join ' ', @_;
return "\n" unless length $x;
local ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9);
$x =~ s%<<e:\s*(.*?)>>%tex_esc_all($1)%gsex;
$x =~ s/\(\*\*\*(.*?)\)/push(@todo, $1),''/ges;
#warn "--[$x]--";
if ($pdflag{'autoformat'} == 1) {
# function and email detection
# 1 12 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9_:]+=)?([a-z0-9_.:-]+)\(([a-z0-9_:, -]*)\)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_func($2,$3,$4).$5}gisex;
# 1 12 2 3 34 4
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\(|\<)([a-z0-9_.-]+)\@([a-z0-9_.-]+?)([,.!?\)\>]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_email($2,$3).$4}gisex;
# URL and domain name detection
# 1 12 23 3
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z]+://[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%\#-]+)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_url($2,"proto2://$3/").$3}gisex;
# 1 12 23 3
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(www\.[a-z0-9_-]+\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_url($2,'www').$3}gisex;
# 1 12 23 3
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(ftp\.[a-z0-9_-]+\.[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_url($2,'ftp').$3}gisex;
# 1 12 3 3 24 4
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+[a-z0-9]\.com(/[a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)?)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_url($2,'com').$4}gisex;
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+[a-z0-9]\.net(/[a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)?)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_url($2,'net').$4}gisex;
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+[a-z0-9]\.org(/[a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)?)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_url($2,'org').$4}gisex;
# 1 12 3 34 4 25 5
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()([a-z0-9][a-z0-9_.-]+[a-z0-9]\.([a-z][a-z])(/[a-z0-9_.:/?&=+%-]+)?)([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_country_url($2,$3,"cc_url($5)").$5}gisex;
#warn "==[$x]==" if $x =~ m%/var/wr/PQ%;
# file path detection
# 1 pre 12 path.ext 23 post 34 term 4
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(~?[a-z0-9_./-]*\.[a-z][a-z0-9_]*?)([,.!?\)]{0,2})(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_path($2,"path1($3)").$3}gisex;
# 1 pre 12 a/b or /a/b 23 post 34 term 4
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(~?[a-z0-9_.-]*/[a-z0-9_./-]*?)([,.!?\)]{0,2})(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_path($2,"path2($3)").$3}gisex;
# 1 12 23 34 term 4 URN detect
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(urn:[a-z0-9_./:-]*?)([,.!?\)]{0,2})(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_path($2,"urn($3)").$3}gisex;
# 1 12 23 34 term 4
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()(\d+\.[\d./*]+)([,.!?\)]{0,2})(?=\s|\Z)}{$1.tex_format_ip($2,"ip($3)").$3}gisex;
#warn "..[$x]..";
$x =~ s|\*(\S.*?\S)\*|\\textbf^^^^$1````|gs; # bold
$x =~ s{(\A|\s|\()\+([a-z].*?[\w.])\+}{$1\\emph^^^^$2````}gsi; # italic
$x =~ s|~([/\#\$\w-].*?[\w\)\}:])~|tex_esc_tt_tag('texttt', $1)|gsex; # computer output
#$x =~ s|\+(\w.*?\w)\+|\\textsf^^^^$1````|gs; # command
#$x =~ s|!(\w.*?\w)!|\\textsf^^^^\\emph^^^^$1````````|gs; # replaceable
$x =~ s%<<tt:\s*(.*?)>>%tex_esc_tt_tag('texttt', $1)%gsex;
$x =~ s%<<italic:\s*(.*?)>>%tex_esc_tag('emph', $1)%gsex;
$x =~ s%<<bold:\s*(.*?)>>%tex_esc_tag('textbf', $1)%gsex;
$x =~ s%<<br:\s*>>%\\\\%gs;
$x =~ s%<<seeix:\s*(\S[^:>]*):\s*(\S[^>]*)>>%"\\ref^^^^$1```` $2".tex_format_ref($2)%gsex; # Combined index and ref
# Fredrik Jonsson: Don't do anything with references yet, resolve later
$x =~ s%<<see:\s*(\S[^>]*?)(?::\s+(\S[^>]*))?>>%'::::see:?:' . fold_label($1) . "=$2;;;;"%gse;
$x =~ s%<<ix:\s*(\S[^>]*)>>%$1.tex_format_ref($1)%gsex; # index entry
$x =~ s%<<ixx:\s*(\S[^>]*)>>%tex_format_ref($1)%gsex; # hidden index entry
$x =~ s%<<ref:\s*([^:]+): (.*?)>>%$2%gs; # *** should do proper ref
$x =~ s%([a-z])-se(?![a-z0-9])%$1\\hifen se%gi; # Portuguese ortography "faz-se"
$x =~ s|\[(\w.*?[\w.])\]|tex_biblio($1)|gsex; # biblio refs
#warn "BEFORE($x)" if $x =~ /sensor/;
#$x =~ s|(\\[a-z]+)\{(.*?)\}|$1^^^^$2````|g;
# Escape "TeXish" programming language hash and array constructs
# foo{bar}, --> foo\{bar\}
# 1 12 2 3 3 4 4
$x =~ s%(\A|\s|\()(\w+)\{([^\}]*?)\}([:,.!?\)]*)(?=\s|\Z)%$1$2\\\{$3\\\}$4%gs;
$x =~ s%(\A|\s|\()(\w+)\[([^\]]*?)\]([:,.!?\)]*)(?=\s|\Z)%$1$2\\\[$3\\\]$4%gs;
if ($fn_style) {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%\\footnote{$1}%gs;
} else {
$x =~ s%<<footnote:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<feedbackopts:.*?>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbacktop:.*?>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<addfeedbackbot:.*?>>%%gs;
$x =~ s%<<infobox:(\w+):([^:]*):([^:]*):\s*(.*?)\s*>>%tex_format_infobox($1,$2,$3,$4)%gse;
$x =~ s%<<label:\s*(.*?)\s*>>%\\label{$1}%gs;
$x =~ s%<<link:(.*?)(:\s+(.*?))?\s*>>%defined($3)?$3:$1%gsex;
$x =~ s%<<(\S*?)(\.((gif)|(jpe?g)|(svg)|(png)|(e?ps)))>>%
$x =~ s%(</?[a-z][^>]*?/?>)%tex_esc_tt_tag('texttt', $1)%gsexi; # XML or HTML <tag> or element
$x =~ s%((?<!\S)\@[a-z0-9-]+)%tex_esc_tt_tag('texttt', $1)%gsexi; # XML or HTML @attribute
# \\ means line break but just by passing it thru LaTeX will do the right thing
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWTEX: (.*?)~~~~~~~~|unhexit($1)|gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWDBX: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWRTF: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^RAWHTML: (.*?)~~~~~~~~||gse;
$x =~ s|([¹²³¼½¾©®±÷×°])|\$$1\$|g; # Render Latin1 special chars in math mode
# Late undo escaping on some special characters
$x =~ s|\^\^\^\^|{|g;
$x =~ s|````|}|g;
$x =~ s|::::|<|g;
$x =~ s|;;;;|>|g;
$x =~ s|~~~~|[|g;
$x =~ s|\$\$\$\$|]|g;
$x =~ s|''''|.|g;
$x =~ s|""""|/|g;
# vvvvvvv------ negative lookbehind for backslash
$x =~ s/(?<!\\)([\#\%\&])/\\$1/g; # \$ \{ \} \_ are needed for math. Be sure not to double esc.
$x =~ s/(?<!\\)_/\\_/g if $x !~ /\$/;
$x =~ s/(?<!\\)\^/\\^\{\}/g if $x !~ /\$/;
$x =~ s/!\\/\$\\backslash\$/g; # special escape for backslash itself: !\
$x =~ s/!underscore/_/g; # special escape to support preservation of _ in <<see: la_bel>>
$x =~ s/!star/*/g; # special escape to support preservation of *
# Index designated words (this gets pretty inefficient when there are hundreds of words)
#warn "Start indexing";
my $w;
for $w (@ix) {
#warn " Index [$w]";
# Regexs gets recompiled every single time. Tough.
if (1) {
$x =~ s/\\((emph)|(texttt)|(textbf))\{$w\}/\\$1\{$w\}\\index\{$ix{$w}\}/g;
$x =~ s/(\A|\s|\()$w([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)/$1$w\\index\{$ix{$w}\}$2/g;
} else {
$x =~ s/\\((emph)|(texttt)|(textbf))\{$w\}/"\\$1\{$w\}".debug_ix($w)/ge;
$x =~ s/(\A|\s|\()$w([,.!?\)]?)(?=\s|\Z)/$1.$w.debug_ix($w).$2/ge;
#warn "End indexing";
return $x;
sub debug_ix {
my ($w) = @_;
my $r = "\\index\{$ix{$w}\}";
warn "word($w) ix($r)";
return $r;
sub tex_para {
return &tex_format . "\n\n";
sub para {
print DBX &dbx_para . "\n";
print NONL &nonl_para . "\n\n";
print PDSEAL &pdseal_para . "\n\n";
print RTF &rtf_para . "\n\n";
print HTML &html_para . "\n\n";
print HTML2 &html_para . "\n\n";
print TEX &tex_para;
$para_started = 0;
return ();
# sub format {
# if (!$para_started) {
# print DBX "<para>";
# print HTML "<p>";
# print HTML2 "<p>";
# }
# $para_started = 1;
# print DBX &dbx_format . "\n\n";
# print HTML &html_format . "\n\n";
# print HTML2 &html_format . "\n\n";
# print TEX &tex_format;
# }
### Image handling
sub filenewer {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
my $a_m = (stat $a)[9] + 0;
my $b_m = (stat $b)[9] + 0;
#warn "filenewer a($a)=$a_m b($b)=$b_m";
return $a_m > $b_m;
sub fix_dia_eps_export {
my ($path) = @_;
my $x = readall("$path.eps");
# Add to this table any other translations you need (open *-utf-8.eps file w/emacs)
$x =~ s/Ã/í/g; # iacute
$x =~ s/ó/ó/g; # oacute
$x =~ s/ú/ú/g; # uacute
$x =~ s/ç/ç/g; # ccedil
$x =~ s/ã/ã/g; # atilde
#$x =~ s%/Courier-BoldOblique-latin1\n\s+/Courier-BoldOblique findfont\n.*?\ndefinefont pop\n%%gs;
writeall("$path.eps", $x);
sub extract_dia_layers {
my ($path,$layers) = @_;
my $epspath = $path.'-'.$layers;
if (!-r "$path.dia") {
warn "x-x-x-DIA file($path.dia) missing. No conversion possible for($epspath)\n";
return $epspath;
if ((($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$path.dia", "tex/$epspath.eps") && filenewer("$path.dia", "tex/$epspath.pdf"))) {
warn "-----Automatic conversion of DIA $path.dia to EPS $epspath.eps\n";
unless ($dryrun) {
system('dia', '-t', 'eps-builtin', '-e', "tex/$epspath.eps", '-L', $layers, "$path.dia");
return $epspath;
sub system_cmd {
if (1 || $trace) {
my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller;
my $cmd = join ' ', @_;
print STDERR "$file:$line: SYSTEM($cmd)\n";
return system @_ unless $dryrun;
$gs_antialias = '-DDOINTERPOLATE -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4';
sub epstopng {
my ($eps, $png) = @_;
my $f = readall($eps);
my ($x, $y, $m, $n) = $f =~ m{%%BoundingBox:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)};
$m -= $x;
$n -= $y;
# -r144x144
# Effect correct page size and translation. Especially latter is tricky: the -c flag
# causes some PostScript code to be evaluated before the eps file so origin is shifted.
$cmd = "gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png256 $gs_antialias -g${m}x${n} -sOutputFile=$png -c $x neg $y neg translate -- $eps >/dev/null 2>&1";
sub gen_img {
my ($path, $hint) = @_;
#warn "GEN($path) pwd(" . `pwd` . ") imggen($imggen)";
if (-r "$path.pdf"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$path.pdf", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
writeall("tex/$path.pdf", readall("$path.pdf"));
#warn "wrote(tex/$path.pdf)";
return if !$imggen; # -nogen
if ($imggen eq 'safe') {
return if -r "$path.pdf";
if (-r "$"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$", "tex/$path.eps") && filenewer("$", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
# apt-get install graphviz
warn "-----Automatic conversion of DOT $ to PS\n";
system_cmd('dot', '-Tps2', "$", '-o', "tex/$path.eps");
} elsif (-r "$"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$", "tex/$path.eps") && filenewer("$", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
warn "-----Automatic conversion of GNUPLOT $ to EPS\n";
# N.B. gnuplot file itself must be set up to produce EPS output
system_cmd("cd tex && gnuplot ../$");
} elsif (-r "$path.gnuplot"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$path.gnuplot", "tex/$path.eps") && filenewer("$path.gnuplot", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
warn "-----Automatic conversion of GNUPLOT $path.gnuplot to EPS\n";
# N.B. gnuplot file itself must be set up to produce EPS output
system_cmd("cd tex && gnuplot ../$path.gnuplot");
} elsif (-r "$path.dia"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$path.dia", "tex/$path.eps") && filenewer("$path.dia", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
warn "-----Automatic conversion of DIA $path.dia to EPS\n";
unless ($dryrun) {
system_cmd('dia', '-t', 'eps-builtin', '-e', "tex/$path.eps", "$path.dia");
} elsif (-r "$path.png"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$path.png", "tex/$path.eps") && filenewer("$path.png", "tex/$path.pdf") && filenewer("$path.png", "tex/$path.ppm"))) {
warn "-----Automatic conversion of IMAGE $path.png to PPM\n";
#system("cp $path.png tex/$path.png"); # fjon wants direct copy!
system_cmd("pngtopnm $path.png >tex/$path.ppm");
system_cmd("cp $path.png ${htmldir}i-$path.png");
} elsif (-r "$path.jpg"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$path.jpg", "tex/$path.eps")
&& filenewer("$path.jpg", "tex/$path.pdf")
&& filenewer("$path.jpg", "tex/$path.ppm"))) {
warn "-----Automatic conversion of IMAGE $path.jpg to EPS\n";
#system("cp $path.jpg tex/$path.jpg"); # fjon wants direct copy!
#system("cp $path.jpg ${htmldir}i-$path.jpg"); # fjon wants direct copy!
system_cmd("djpeg -pnm $path.jpg >tex/$path.ppm");
} elsif (-r "$path.gif"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$path.gif", "tex/$path.eps") && filenewer("$path.gif", "tex/$path.pdf") && filenewer("$path.gif", "tex/$path.ppm"))) {
warn "-----Automatic conversion of IMAGE $path.gif to EPS\n";
#system("giftopnm -pnm $path.gif >$path.ppm") unless $dryrun;
system_cmd("gif2ps $path.gif >tex/$");
if (-r "$path.ppm"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$path.ppm", "tex/$path.eps") && filenewer("$path.ppm", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
warn "-----Automatic conversion of IMAGE $path.ppm to EPS\n";
system_cmd("pnmtops -noturn $path.ppm >tex/$path.eps"); # output $path.eps
if (-r "tex/$path.ppm"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("tex/$path.ppm", "tex/$path.eps")
&& filenewer("tex/$path.ppm", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
warn "-----Automatic conversion of IMAGE $path.ppm to EPS\n";
system_cmd("pnmtops -noturn tex/$path.ppm >tex/$path.eps"); # output $path.eps
if (-r "$path.eps"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$path.eps", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
warn "+++++Automatic conversion of EPS $path.eps to PDF\n";
my $x = readall("$path.eps");
if ($x !~ /^%%BoundingBox: /m && !$dryrun) {
warn "++++++++Missing BoundingBox in EPS $path.eps. Running gs to determine it.\n";
system_cmd "gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=bbox $path.eps >/dev/null 2>bbox";
my $bbox = readall('bbox');
if ($bbox =~ /^%%BoundingBox: /m) {
rename "$path.eps" => "$path-nobbox.eps";
$x =~ s/^(%%EndComments)/$bbox$1/m;
writeall("$path.eps", $x);
} else {
warn "Determination of BoundingBox failed: $bbox";
# apt-get install texlive-font-utils
system_cmd("cd tex && epstopdf ../$path.eps");
#if(!$dryrun){ # fjon
# system("epstopdf $path.eps");
# system("mv $path.pdf tex/");
warn "-----Automatic conversion of EPS $path.eps to PNG\n";
# *** FJ 070613 - Image should always be copied if mod'd, no need to check if image exist
#system("convert -density 100x100 $path.eps ${htmldir}i-$path.png") unless $dryrun;
if (-r "${htmldir}i-$path.png") {
warn "++ Image already copied ++\n";
} else {
#system("convert -density 70x70 $path.eps ${htmldir}i-$path.png") unless $dryrun; # fjon
epstopng("$path.eps", "${htmldir}i-$path.png") unless $dryrun;
} elsif (-r "$"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("$", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
warn "+++++Automatic conversion of PS $ to PDF\n";
#system('ps2pdf', "$", "tex/i-$path.pdf") unless $dryrun; # fjon
system_cmd('ps2pdf', "$", "tex/$path.pdf");
warn "-----Automatic conversion of PS $ to PNG\n";
if (-r "${htmldir}i-$path.png") {
warn "++ Image already copied ++\n";
} else {
epstopng("$", "${htmldir}i-$path.png") unless $dryrun;
if (-r "tex/$path.eps"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("tex/$path.eps", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
warn "+++++Automatic conversion of EPS tex/$path.eps to PDF\n";
my $x = readall("tex/$path.eps");
if ($x !~ /^%%BoundingBox: /m && !$dryrun) {
warn "++++++++Missing BoundingBox in EPS $path.eps. Running gs to determine it.\n";
system_cmd "gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=bbox $path.eps >/dev/null 2>bbox";
my $bbox = readall('bbox');
if ($bbox =~ /^%%BoundingBox: /m) {
rename "$path.eps" => "$path-nobbox.eps";
$x =~ s/^(%%EndComments)/$bbox$1/m;
writeall("tex/$path.eps", $x);
} else {
warn "Determination of BoundingBox failed: $bbox";
system_cmd("cd tex && epstopdf $path.eps");
warn "-----Automatic conversion of EPS tex/$path.eps to PNG\n";
if (-r "${htmldir}i-$path.png") {
warn "++ Image already copied ++\n";
} else {
epstopng("tex/$path.eps", "${htmldir}i-$path.png") unless $dryrun;
# Old way (has problem in that it rotates landscape graphics)
#system("cd tex && pstopnm -ppm $path.eps") unless $dryrun; # invokes gs
#system("pnmtopng tex/$path.eps001.ppm >${htmldir}i-$path.png") unless $dryrun;
#unlink "tex/$path.eps001.ppm"; # these are huge so it behooves to rm them quickly
} elsif (-r "tex/$"
&& (($imggen eq 'force')
|| filenewer("tex/$", "tex/$path.pdf"))) {
warn "+++++Automatic conversion of PS tex/$ to PDF\n";
system_cmd('ps2pdf', "tex/$", "tex/$path.pdf");
warn "-----Automatic conversion of PS $ to PNG\n";
if (-r "${htmldir}i-$path.png") {
warn "++ Image already copied ++\n";
} else {
epstopng("tex/$", "${htmldir}i-$path.png") unless $dryrun;
warn "*****Missing image `tex/$path.pdf' or conversion to pdf failed ($hint) pd[$i]: $pd[$i]"
unless -r "tex/$path.pdf";
sub massage_image {
my ($path, $layers, $hint) = @_;
if ($layers) {
$path = extract_dia_layers($path, $layers);
gen_img($path, $hint);
if ((!-r "tex/$path.pdf")
&& (!-r "tex/$path.jpg") && (!-r "tex/$path.png") # fjon
) {
warn "*****Missing image tex/$path.pdf";
$path = "MISSING GRAPHIC ($path)";
return $path;
%tex_img_sizes = (
n => 'keepaspectratio,', # "natural"
'dbx90' => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
'dbx80' => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
'dbx70' => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
'dbx60' => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
'dbx50' => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
'dbx40' => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
'dbx30' => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
'dbx20' => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
'dbx10' => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
1 => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
15 => 'width=0.67\\textwidth,height=0.67\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
2 => 'width=0.5\\textwidth,height=0.5\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
3 => 'width=0.33\\textwidth,height=0.33\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
4 => 'width=0.25\\textwidth,height=0.25\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
8 => 'width=0.125\\textwidth,height=0.125\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
10 => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=0.1\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
20 => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=0.2\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
30 => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=0.3\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
40 => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=0.4\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
50 => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=0.5\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
60 => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=0.6\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
70 => 'width=1.0\\textwidth,height=0.7\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
75 => 'width=0.75\\textwidth,height=0.75\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
80 => 'width=0.8\\textwidth,height=0.8\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
85 => 'width=0.85\\textwidth,height=0.85\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
90 => 'width=0.90\\textwidth,height=0.9\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
95 => 'width=0.95\\textwidth,height=0.95\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
120 => 'width=1.2\\textwidth,height=1.0\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
130 => 'width=1.3\\textwidth,height=1.1\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
140 => 'width=1.4\\textwidth,height=1.2\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
150 => 'width=1.5\\textwidth,height=1.3\\textheight,keepaspectratio,',
%dbx_img_sizes = (
n => '', # "natural"
'dbx90' => 'scale="90"', # scalefit="1"
'dbx80' => 'scale="80"',
'dbx70' => 'scale="70"',
'dbx60' => 'scale="60"',
'dbx50' => 'scale="50"',
'dbx40' => 'scale="40"',
'dbx30' => 'scale="30"',
'dbx20' => 'scale="20"',
'dbx10' => 'scale="10"',
1 => 'scale="100"',
15 => 'scale="67"',
2 => 'scale="50"',
3 => 'scale="33"',
4 => 'scale="25"',
8 => 'scale="12.5"',
10 => 'scale="10"',
20 => 'scale="20"',
30 => 'scale="30"',
40 => 'scale="40"',
50 => 'scale="50"',
60 => 'scale="60"',
70 => 'scale="70"',
75 => 'scale="75"',
80 => 'scale="80"',
85 => 'scale="85"',
90 => 'scale="90"',
95 => 'scale="95"',
%tex_units = (
tw => '\\textwidth',
th => '\\textheight',
sub tex_graphics {
my ($siz, $path) = @_;
return $path if $path =~ /^MISS/;
return qq(\\includegraphics[$siz]{$path});
sub tex_caption {
my ($caption) = @_;
return '' if !$caption;
my $tex_caption = tex_format($caption);
return "\\caption{\\small $tex_caption}";
sub image {
my ($path, $caption, $pos, $siz, $trim, $layers) = @_;
$path = massage_image($path, $layers, 'image');
my $star = '';
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#warn "POS HAS A STAR pos($pos)";
$star = '*';
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warn "SIZ($siz)";
# 1width.d 2Unit X3height.d4Unit 5stretch
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$siz .= 'keepaspectratio,' unless $stretch;
chop $siz;
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warn "Bad size spec `$siz' in `<<img: $path\[...\]: $caption>>'" unless $siz;
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#warn "TRIM TRIM TRIM [$trim]";
my ($trim_left, $trim_bot, $trim_right, $trim_top) =
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$filename = "i-$path.png";
print TEX "\\message{===FIG $label}";
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my $dbx_caption = dbx_format($caption);
$refname = "fig:$label";
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$refhtmlpage{$refname} = $html2;
print NONL "Figure $img_no: $caption\n";
print PDSEAL "Figure $img_no: $caption\n";
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<figure id="$label" label="$img_no">
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="$path.eps" $dbx_siz/></imageobject>
my $html_caption = html_format($caption);
print HTML qq(<p><a id="$label"><img src="$filename"></a><br>Fig-$img_no: $html_caption</p>);
print HTML2 qq(<p><a id="$label"><img src="$filename"></a><br>Fig-$img_no: $html_caption</p>);
$tex_caption = tex_caption($caption);
if ($pos =~ /^W(\d+)/) {
print TEX qq(\\begin{floatingfigure}{${1}cm}$tex_graphics$tex_caption\\vspace{3mm}\\label{fig:$label}\\end{floatingfigure});
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print TEX qq(\\begin{figure$star}[$pos]\\centering$tex_graphics$tex_caption\\label{fig:$label}\\end{figure$star});
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print DBX qq(<mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="$path.eps" $dbx_siz/></imageobject></mediaobject>);
print HTML qq(<p><a id="$label"><img src="$filename"></a></p>);
print HTML2 qq(<p><a id="$label"><img src="$filename"></a></p>);
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$doubleimage_half_siz = 'width=0.5\textwidth,height=0.5\textheight,keepaspectratio';
# <<doubleimg: ref-tag,posspec: Text for legend
# image-file1: Sublegend for image 1 (will be labelled a)
# image-file2: Sublegend for image 2 (will be labelled b)
# >>
sub doubleimage {
my ($label, $caption, $pos, # ref-tag,posspec: Text for legend
$path1, $layers1, $legend1, # image-file1: Sublegend for image 1
$path2, $layers2, $legend2) = @_; # image-file2: Sublegend for image 2
#warn "pos1($pos)";
$path1 = massage_image($path1, $layers1, 'doubleimage 1');
$path2 = massage_image($path2, $layers2, 'doubleimage 2');
my ($w, $w_unit, $h, $h_unit, $k, $tex_graphics, $tex_caption);
$pos ||= $tex_flt_place;
$label = fold_label($label);
my $tex_graphics1 = tex_graphics($doubleimage_half_siz, $path1);
my $tex_graphics2 = tex_graphics($doubleimage_half_siz, $path2);
my $dbx_caption = dbx_format($caption);
$refname = "fig:$label";
$reflist{$refname} = $img_no;
$refhtmlpage{$refname} = $html2;
print TEX "\\message{===DBLFIG $label}";
print DBX <<DBX;
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<imageobject><imagedata fileref="i-$path2.png"/></imageobject>
my $html_caption = html_format($caption);
my $html_dual_fig = <<HTML;
<table border=0>
<tr><td><img src="i-$path1.png"><br>(a) $legend1</td>
<td><img src="i-$path2.png"><br>(b) $legend2</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2><a id="$label">Fig-$img_no</a>: $html_caption</td></tr>
print HTML $html_dual_fig;
print HTML2 $html_dual_fig;
$tex_caption = tex_caption($caption);
my $tex_dbl_subfig = qq(\\mbox{\\subfigure[\\small $legend1]{$tex_graphics1}\\quad\\subfigure[\\small $legend2]{$tex_graphics2}});
if ($pos =~ /^W(\d+)/) {
print TEX qq(\\begin{floatingfigure}{${1}cm}$tex_dbl_subfig$tex_caption\\vspace{3mm}\\label{fig:$label}\\end{floatingfigure});
} else {
print TEX qq(\\begin{figure}[$pos]\\centering$tex_dbl_subfig$tex_caption\\label{fig:$label}\\end{figure});
### Preamble and Output phase
$cvsid =~ s/\$//g;
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next if $x =~ /^\s*$/;
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$x = $history[$j+2];
$dbx_auth = dbx_entity_escape($x); # Lib simplified DocBook forbids markup
$dbx_history .= <<HISTORY;
$dbx_history =~ s%<para>\s*</para>%%g;
$dbx_history .= '</revhistory>';
} else {
$dbx_history = '';
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for $a (@dbx_authors) {
$dbx_author .= '<editor><surname>' . dbx_format($a) . "</surname></editor>\n";
$author_squash = $author;
$author_squash =~ s/ä/a/g;
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<!-- WARNING: Do not edit! This file was generated on $curdate from original
PlainDoc (.pd) source using pd2tex of Sampo Kellomaki (sampo\
All edits to this file will be lost when it is generated next time. -->
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<!-- Original id: $cvsid -->
<!-- Author: $author_squash -->
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### See
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{\s20\sbasedon0\snext20\noline\dbch\af5 Index;}
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{\s22\sbasedon16\snext17\qc\sb240\sa120\keepn\i\hich\af3\dbch\af4\afs28\ai\loch\f2\fs28 Subtitle;}
' if 0;
# Summary, like title
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print PDSEAL "$doctitle\n\n";
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print PDSEAL "$author\n\n" if $author && $author ne 'N.N.';
if ($nonl_abstract) {
$nonl_abstract =~ s/\r?\n\r?\n/<<PAR>>/g;
$nonl_abstract =~ s/\s*\r?\n/ /g;
$nonl_abstract =~ s/<<PAR>>/\n\n/g;
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print PDSEAL "$nonl_abstract\n\n";
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$html_author = html_format($author);
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print HTML2 "<i>$html_author</i>\n";
if ($abstract) {
print HTML "<blockquote>$html_abstract</blockquote>\n";
print HTML2 "<blockquote>$html_abstract</blockquote>\n";
# See also: \overlay{image} for background image, or \background{color}, or \emblema{logoimg}
# in pdfscreen section (sec 4.8, p. 80 of lshort.pdf).
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# N.B. Add \\hbadness=10000 to disable 90% of the warnings
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% Generated on $curdate using pd2tex of Sampo Kellomaki (sampo\
% Do not edit this file: your changes will be lost next time this is regenerated.
# If the $moremoretexpreamble wants to use the enumitem package, then
# the enumerate must get used after that (must be done in $moremoretexpreamble).
# Thus we need to prevent premature use of enumerate here.
$usepackage_enumerate = '\\usepackage{enumerate}'
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<a href="index1.html" target="_top">Multi page</a>
<H3>Table of Contents (monolithic)</H3>
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#html_toc_title; ++$i) {
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<a href="index.html" target="_top">Single page</a>
<H3>Table of Contents</H3>
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#html_toc_title; ++$i) {
print HTML2 qq(<a href="$html2_toc_link[$i]" target=c>$html_toc_title[$i]</a><br>\n);
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### Create HTML index and framesets as expected
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warn "Writing ${htmldir}index1.html";
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open(HTML,">${htmldir}index.html") or die "Can't open(${htmldir}index.html) for write:$!";
warn "Writing ${htmldir}index.html";
print HTML "<title>$doctitle</title>\n".
"<frameset cols=\"300,*\">\n".
"<frame name=toc src=\"$base-toc1.html\">\n".
"<frame name=c src=\"$base.html\">".
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if ($pipemode) {
warn "Waiting for pdflatex process (pid $texpid) to complete.\n";
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warn "### pdflatex error. Exit value=".($? >> 8).", sig=".($? & 0x7f).".\n";
} else {
warn "--- pdflatex completed with success.\n";
warn "Total figures: $n_images\nFigures in last chapter: $cap_n_images\n";
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### Post processing to generate the pdf document
# *** need to check and process picture dependencies here!
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##system ("mv $base.pdf .."); # fjon
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#system('dvipdf', "$base.dvi", "../$base.pdf"); # fjon
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# Fix spurious whitespace in formatted index entries generated from table
$idx = readall("$base.idx");
$idx =~ s/\@\\((emph)|(texttt)|(textbf))\s+\{/\@\\$1\{/g;
writeall("$base.idx", $idx);
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chdir '..'; # so further post processing will work! (fjon)
### Post process: Resolve references in html files
unless ($nohtml || $noref) {
warn "\nResolving html references\n-------------------------\n";
resolve_file_html("$htmldir$base.html", 0);
for (<${htmldir}*.html>) {
resolve_file_html($_, 1);
### Functions to resolve references (from fjon)
sub resolve_ref {
my ($ref, $see_caption, $quiet) = @_;
my($caption, $found, $page, $key, $value);
$ref = fold_label($ref);
$page = "";
if ($reflist{$ref}) {
$caption = $reflist{$ref};
$page = $refhtmlpage{$ref};
} else {
$found = 0;
while (($key, $value) = each(%reflist)) {
if($key =~ "$ref"){
if ($found == 1){
warn "Note: Not exact reference. '$ref' match '$key'" if !$quiet;
$ref = $key;
$caption = $value;
$page = $refhtmlpage{$ref};
} else {
warn "Error: Ambigous reference. '$ref' also match '$key'" if !$quiet;
if (!$found) {
warn "Error: Missing reference:$ref" if !$quiet;
$caption = "?$ref?";
return ($ref, $see_caption || $caption, $page);
sub format_ref_html {
my ($guess, $caption, $quiet) = @_;
my ($ref, $caption, $page) = resolve_ref($guess, $caption, $quiet);
if ($quiet) {
return "<a href=\"$page#$ref\">$caption</a>";
} else {
return "<a href=\"#$ref\">$caption</a>";
sub resolve_file_html {
my($filename, $quiet) = @_;
open F, $filename or die "Can not read($filename)";
my($x) = <F>;
close F;
#Resolve links
$x =~ s/<see:\?:\s*([^>]+?)(?:=([^>]*))?>/format_ref_html($1, $2, $quiet)/gse;
#Print errors
if ($quiet) {
$x =~ s/<error:\s*([^>]+)>//gse;
} else {
$x =~ s/<error:\s*([^>]+)>/print "Error: $1\n"/gse;
writeall($filename, $x);
# Reference resolution pass. Read in almost ready file and fix references, then write it out!
sub format_ref_tex {
my ($see, $see_caption) = @_;
my ($ref, $caption) = resolve_ref($see, $caption, 1);
warn "see($see:$ref:$caption)";
return "$see_caption\\ref{$ref}";
sub resolve_file_tex {
my($filename) = @_;
my $x = readall($filename);
$x =~ s/<see:\?:([^>]+?)(?:=([^>]*))?>/format_ref_tex($1,$2)/gse;
writeall($filename, $x);